I'm A Real Villain

Chapter 382 Di Tian Big Brother, It's Nice To See You!

Hearing Jiang Li's words, Jiang Xuan's eyes were moved behind him, and when he was about to step forward, Jiang Li spat out a mouthful of blood and his face was pale.

"I have seen the Lord of the Temple of Heaven."

"To shut up."

After hearing this voice, everyone's expressions changed, and even Ye Liuli sighed.

Di Tian glanced at it and said something when the lord of the Temple of Heaven in the sky.

"Shadowless Poison."

Looking at Little Brother in his arms, Jiang Xuan's eyes were gentle.

Di Tian hugged Ye Liuli and said something.

"Kill it, especially this guy, I don't want to see him."

"Liu Li Big sis, you go first, leave us alone, we can't leave anymore."

"Don't worry, Little Brother, Big Brother won't let you die."


A figure at this time appeared in Di Tian's eyes.

He knew how difficult it was for own Little Brother to be in the eastern world. Before that, he thought about bringing Jiang Li back, but own Little Brother actually came back by himself.

But what this person said was greeted by Ye Liuli's roar.

A phantom appeared in the void.

No wonder, Jiang Li didn't recognize himself as Big Brother before. I'm afraid, he also knew that he was poisoned by this kind of poison.

'Who? ’

At this time, the void trembled, and strong fluctuations spread out.

When looking at the unconscious Jiang Li, Jiang Xuan let out a worried cry.

This ignores these people, as if it should be like this.

"Silly girl, you've worked hard."

The Lord of the Temple of Heaven looked into the void and asked.

Holding the sword in his hand tightly.

This was also taken aback.

Even Ye Liuli was surprised. Now that everyone is hiding from her family, it's too late to help her?

Originally, he still had some doubts, but when he saw Jiang Li now, the doubts had disappeared.

"Even if you die, I'll take you out too."

"Di Tian Big Brother, it's nice to see you."

'Father, mother, maybe, the baby will come to you soon, and then I won't be so tired, father, mother, I miss the days of acting like a spoiled child by your side!

After observing for a while, Ye Liuli felt her heart twitch as she watched her own relatives fall one by one in front of her.

A figure appeared in the sky, looking at Ye Liuli, there was indifference in his eyes, even the supreme phantom behind him did not bring him any surprise.

When the last drop of blood was wiped clean, Jiang Li couldn't bear it any longer and passed out in a coma.

Netherworld. "

White clothes and black hair, his face with clear water chestnuts is as cold as a sculpture, and a pair of extremely deep black eyes shone with an unpredictable light. He is extremely handsome but reveals a mysterious charm.

The Lord of the Temple of Heaven looked at Ye Liuli, clenched his fingers, and there were fluctuations in the void.

Jiang Li's poison had already destroyed his internal organs.

At the same time, a figure appeared behind him, looking down at the heavens.

When thinking of the domineering of the Shadowless Poison, even Jiang Xuan was embarrassed.

"Jiang Li."

A figure appeared, wearing black clothes and a mask with two words on it.

The figure moved and came to Jiang Li's side.

Thinking about the loneliness in Jiang Li's eyes, and then thinking that Jiang Li's wife and son also died.

When Ye Liuli finished saying these words, she was unconscious.

After saying these words, a strong light appeared on Ye Liuli's chest.

The Nether King did not speak, and lowered his head.

At this time, Mo's figure also appeared.

When looking at Ye Liuli's revealed scene, a voice rang out.

He gently hugged own Little Brother in his arms, and his expression changed after he checked his breath.

When seeing Di Tian, ​​Ye Liuli rushed towards Di Tian and hugged Di Tian tightly.

"do you have any opinion?"

"Supreme Bone, I didn't expect that such a terrifying person would appear in the control of the East. Kill it, or it will be a scourge if it grows up."

When Jiang Li said these words, he wiped the blood that he spat out, and his eyes were tired. ’

But when he thought of something, he restrained his own killing intent, and when he looked at Jiang Li, there was distress in his eyes.

Before, he didn't know why his own Little Brother had his own family, but the helplessness in Jiang Li's eyes, but he couldn't make a fake.

When looking at these people in the sky, there is killing intent in their eyes.

You must use the blood of your relatives, or someone close to the blood, and then you must have the supreme Realm to do it.

When thinking of this, Jiang Xuan at this time was also decisive, thinking of Jiang Li's surprise when he saw his own, and every word he said to himself.

"The Heaven Court warrior, the Nether King."

There was surprise in Di Tian's eyes. After all, the people he met before were all clones, and then they all betrayed him, but Ye Liuli didn't seem to be fake. Seeing him, it was indeed a revealing of emotion.

Gently rubbed Jiang Li's forehead, as if to smooth Jiang Li's forehead.

But just after asking this sentence, the Temple Master of the God of Heaven suddenly remembered that the vision that appeared in the Chaos Heaven Realm before was revealed.

Wearing a light veil, with determination in her eyes, the following people are still struggling to hold on, and most importantly, there are figures slumped in front of her beside her.

Looking at this person who appeared in the void, everyone bowed to this person.

"Who is it, if you let me know, you will die."

A strong killing intent radiated out.

At this time, Di Tian brought Bai, and Mo had come to a place. When looking at the scene in front of him, Di Tian did not speak.

When looking at this person who appeared, Ye Liuli's eyes widened and suddenly became wet.

A wave of fluctuations spread out, and everyone's eyes showed surprise.

"Who are you?"

"I didn't expect that you have cultivated your physique to such an extent that I can't let you go this time."

'It's ridiculous, has the Eastern Law Enforcer Family expanded to this level? I don't think anyone has taught you. ’

Di Tian glanced at the people present.

After all, Jiang Li at this time seemed to be liberated.

Jiang Li smiled bitterly.

"God Big Brother."

When he saw this person, the Lord of the Temple of God, with curiosity in his eyes, actually couldn't see through this person himself, and he had never seen this guy before.

'Shadowless poison, without a trace, is the first to destroy Meridians who are one person, internal organs, inside out, layer after layer. ’

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