I'm A Real Villain

Chapter 216 Di Tian's Mother Comes, And The 100Buddhas Temple Is Afraid!

"Haha, it's ridiculous, you still haven't seen it through now, isn't it because if I don't have the Heavenly Demon bone, do you all think that I have no deterrent power, and talk about fear, but you still haven't put me to put in one's eyes."

"I can't find the Heavenly Demon bone, but if these people who have high hopes for you are all dead in my hands, then I can still Wudi in the world, don't you think?"

After hearing the Demon Lord's words, everyone's expressions changed.

I have to say that many people think that Di Tian is dealing with the Demon Race, and they don't need to care too much, after all, they can't get involved.

If it is really like what the devil said, then it is really dangerous. After all, the devils are ghosts and ghosts, and their traces often disappear.

"I have to say, what you said makes sense. If that's the case, you should die."

The eyes in the sky looked at the Demon Lord and said.


At this moment, the Demon Lord suddenly said.

After the voice fell, a whirlpool appeared.

The traces of the Demon Lord disappeared again.

"Di Tian, ​​I will find you, and I will get my things back sooner or later."

The Demon Lord looked at Di Tian, ​​and the killing intent in his eyes was astonishing. After all, Qin Wusheng believed that his own Heavenly Demon bone was still in Di Tian's hands.


At this moment, anger appeared in the eyes in the sky, the wind and thunder gathered in the sky, and the world-destroying thunderbolts fell from the sky.

Ruins are formed on the ground.

Looking at the angry eyes in the sky, many people were afraid to speak.

"Emperor Patriarch, why not unite and deal with the Demon Lord?"

The eyes in the sky looked at Di Tian and said something, after all, the luck of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is constantly declining.

The owner of the eyes now just wants to kill the Demon Lord.

"You should be curious, I have something that the demons care about in my hands."

Di Tian looked at the eyes in the sky and said.

"Patriarch Emperor, haven't you been looking for the trace of the Demon Lord, we can help you."

The old monk looked at Di Tian and said, after all, Di Tian has something of the Demon Lord in his hands, and only by working with Di Tian can the Demon Lord be brought out.

"Master, what do you think you are relying on to cooperate with me? Besides, the devil also said that he will come to me himself, and you have no luck. Next, you don't know what happened to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple."

"By the way, there is one thing I forgot to tell you, that is, my mother will come over. After all, her disciple and family were destroyed by you, and I can't be the master of my mother."

"What's the meaning?"

The old monk looked at Di Tian and asked.

"Don't ask any more, you know what I mean."

Just when Di Tian's voice fell.


One after another thunder blasted in the sky, and a vortex appeared and continued to expand.

Then, a golden light spot appeared in the sky. After seeing this change, everyone was shocked, especially the people from Wanfo Temple, there was a trace of panic in their eyes. After all, Wanfo Temple is still feuding with the Tiangu battlefield. Here comes another one that is even worse.

Who is Di Tian's mother, let's not say anything else, the previous goddess of the Shangguan family founded Genting Tiangong herself.

Do you think it is so easy to create a force because he is the goddess of the Shangguan family?

But think about it, she is the daughter-in-law of Emperor Ba, who is Emperor Ba?

Suppressing the existence of I, can my daughter-in-law be simple?

Secondly, the family is now a member of the Di family, even if it is an ordinary person, no one dares to provoke it.

Besides, look at the current Di Tian, ​​who would dare to provoke him, even if he was the patriarch of the Emperor Family at such a young age, his methods were even more astonishing.

But they didn't know Di Tian's strength all the time, and Di Tian didn't show it anymore.

At this time, the scene in the sky was still changing.

At this time, Di Tian was attracted by the system prompt sound in his mind. After all, it seemed that Qin Wusheng killed the Emperor Burial, but it was actually the Demon Seed that Di Tian planted on the Emperor Burial to kill the Emperor Burial.

After all, Di Tian didn't want any accident to happen at one time, the Emperor Buried was different from others.

After Emperor Tibetan died, there was another Chen Wudao. Now Di Tian didn't have so much time, after all, he still had a lot of plans.

[Ding, the master kills the son of luck to bury the emperor, the master's luck value increases by 500, and the villain value increases by 50,000. 】

After hearing the sound of the system, Di Tian was very happy, after all, this was the first time that he had increased so much luck value.

It seems that beheading the son of luck is much better than son of luck, but it is also much more dangerous.

What Di Tian is looking forward to more is how much luck Chen Wudao can bring to him.

"System, look at my personal information."

Host: Di Tian

Status: Head of the Divine Realm Emperor Family, Young Emperor of the Nine-clawed Golden Dragon Family

Constitution: Space Dao Bone (41/206) Heavenly Demon Dao Body, Heavenly Demon True Eye, Heavenly Demon Bone (18/206) Big Villain Halo Ancestral Dragon Body

Realm: Samsara late stage

Cultivation Technique: Heavenly Demon Dao Sutra, Heavenly Demon Sutra, Taihuang Demon Sutra, Emperor Immortal Sutra, True Immortal Sutra, Idol Suppressing Prison, Dao heart Seed Demon, Immortal Sword Artifact, Heavenly Emperor Seal, Human King Seal, good fortune sky palm...

Air Luck: 1500

villain value: 100000

Backpack: 2 Golems, Bronze Fragments (2)

Subduing son of luck: 6

Beheading son of luck: 5 (Chu Fan, Xiao Feng, Lin Chen, Long Aotian, Burial Emperor)

Demons: Blood Demon, Hearts Demon

After Di Tian saw his own information, he was quite satisfied. After all, his own strength could break through again, but now is not a good time to make breakthroughs.

After Di Tian looked at the scene in the sky, he was also excited. After all, he had not seen his own mother for a long time, and it was impossible not to miss it.

After all, how good my parents have been to me in this life, I have always kept it in my heart.

The golden light spots in the sky continue to expand.

In the blink of an eye, the sky has turned into a golden kingdom.

Then, a Magical Item appeared in the sky. The Magical Item was also a pavilion, but this pavilion was a semi-Immortal.

Seeing that Di Tian's mother hadn't come out yet, the momentum was already so huge, and the old monk's expression became even more embarrassing.

"Genting Heavenly Palace"

The four big characters exude the aura of suppressing the heavens, and one after another terrifying aura is continuously released, and many people dare not lift their heads.

Di Tian was also taken aback by the scene where his mother appeared. After all, in his own impression, his own mother was a very low-key person. This time, he was so flamboyant. This style is really not like his own mother.

Did something happen again?

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