I'm A Real Villain

Chapter 208 After Wandering Around The World, She Saw Him

She returned to the God of Heaven who gave birth to her and raised her, but she was faced with all kinds of persecution!

She came out, from being a captive canary to a mighty Phoenix!


"I wonder what's wrong with Little Princess?"

On that day, she mustered up her courage and looked up at everyone. At this time, she thought of the man who was fighting like a lone wolf again in her mind!

"Di Tian, ​​I didn't expect that you actually came out. It really took no time to find a place to break through the iron shoes. I didn't expect that the dignified Di Tian would actually be tempted by a silly little girl!"

"Little Princess, I beg you, please tell me, a demon, can't ruin the foundation of our God Dynasty!"

"It's ridiculous, high-sounding, it's not what you are persecuting, the demon body, the demon heart, and the demon energy have existed since ancient times, but they didn't end well in the end. They are afraid of the emperor's family, and they unite with the forces of the gods and other realms to destroy the emperor's family. It's not because of fear of the emperor's family, the demon body is just an excuse!"

She thought that the strength of her Half Step Emperor could help him, but she found that she couldn't find any trace of him!

"Yeah, removing the harm, all the forces suppressed by the Emperor Family have recovered, and there have been various bloody storms in the Divine Realm and other realms, which are even more chaotic than before, and I haven't seen you take action to suppress it!"

At the same time, the strength of Ascension makes people desperate, especially in the first battle six months ago, one person, one shot, against ten great emperors, three deaths, three wastes, and four escapes!

A half step emperor who is less than forty years old is really amazing!

At this moment, she looked at him with obsession in her eyes!

Because she saw him!

"Yeah, Qingtian Divine Dynasty can't be destroyed because of such an unrelated person!"

Heavenly Dao people look at this simple Little Princess!

"He just has a demon body, not a real demon, why can't you tolerate him?"

Her strength came to the Half Step Emperor's Realm, which shocked everyone in the Chaotian Dynasty!

"Since the demon body was exposed, you have united, and continued to suppress him and the family behind him. His relatives died, his family was gone, and he was left alone. Facing all of you, did he endanger God's Domain?"

As time passed, and in the blink of an eye, a decade passed again!

In that battle, his strength reached the Great Emperor Realm, and then, out of control, he set off a bloody storm in the realm of the gods!

But he didn't look at her, as if two parallel lines that would never intersect!

Hearing that he survived all kinds of disasters again and again, she was full of distress, but at the same time with joy!

In this battle, it was still fought, he appeared, and Qingtian Shenchao escaped the crisis!

She went back to that cave, a cave with fond memories!

"I didn't expect that Little Princess of the God of Heaven was actually a eloquent person. Even if he has a slight relationship with the devil, he would rather kill the wrong person than let it go!"

"I want to ask a question!"

She is looking forward to his news!

Everyone bowed their heads!

Half step emperor, across the void, can swim in this world!

Over the years, she has not given up and worked hard to cultivate. She is eager to see him again and be able to help him. She does not want to be a canary in captivity!

She thought she could help him. The first thing she did when she came out was not to be the empress of the God of Heaven, or to visit everything in this world. She just wanted to see him, that figure like a lone wolf!

"Yeah, the devil, no matter what time it is, it is our enemy, so you should understand that as long as you tell the trace of Di Tian, ​​we will let you go to the gods, otherwise, the only thing that welcomes you is the gods. destruction!"

She hates, hates the injustice of the heavens!

After hearing Huangfu Feiyan's words, the people of Qingtian Divine Dynasty were all taken aback. They didn't expect that Little Princess, who was Qingtian Divine Dynasty, actually spoke for Di Tian!

At this moment, a voice broke through the air, the person who Heavenly Dao Sect spoke, didn't react yet, his body was nailed to the ground by the spear, and he died!

Huangfu Feiyan's words were like a pair of scissors, cutting off everyone's fig leaf!

"Isn't it because of him that God's Domain is so chaotic now? If he dies, he will live in peace!"

He has become a monster that is truly hated by the world!

In that battle, she didn't know what happened. He was surrounded by the God of Heaven, like a canary!

"If you don't hand over the traces of Di Tian again, today, you will die! The God of Heaven will surely be destroyed. When that time comes, let's see if the Demon Race you are defending will save you!"

Looking at him, she shook her head, her eyes beckoning him to leave!

Seeing him, she felt that the lone wolf had come again. At this moment, Huangfu Feiyan was full of resentment towards these people, and resented the injustice of God in her heart!

I thought of it again, the one who just learned to show a gentle smile!

At that moment, she suddenly felt that God had played a big joke on her!

One day, two days, one year, two years!

She was looking for everything about him, inquiring about the cruelty he encountered!

"Oh, man, once you have a weakness, it's really easy to deal with!"

She began to miss the embrace that she had been lying in for many days!

I thought of it again, the one who was full of scars and leaned on the corner of the dark corner!

Everyone's eyes looked at him at the same time, and she also turned around and looked at him!

After a year in the world, she never heard of him again, she was a little panicked!

After hearing the words of these people, there was not a trace of fluctuation in his eyes. He stood in front of everyone with a long spear in his hand, and looked around!

"Presumptuous, what do you know about a little girl? We are here to remove the harm for God's Domain!"

She finally heard his news again, his strength was even stronger, and he survived the powerful pursuit again and again!

"Little Princess of the God of Heaven, you must have just been born, and many things are still unclear. Don't be deceived, devil, but you are cruel!"

After ten years, she finally got a piece of news that he was still alive!

At this time, she is unwilling for him!

At this time, her heart is full of desire for power, and she wants to help him!

"Speak out the trace of Di Tian, ​​otherwise, you will be wiped out today!"

"Also, you and Di Tian, ​​the cruel devil, have just met. There is no need to give up the God of Heaven who gave birth to you and raised you for such a person!"

Words of persecution blasted in her ears!

Time flies like a white horse!

Looking at him, she wanted to help him, but she couldn't do anything about it. She was just a powerless Little Princess, a canary in the palm of her hand!

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