I'm A Real Villain

Chapter 170 The Immemorial Divine Mountain Holy Maiden Appears, Kill Yourself!

Seeing the sudden change, everyone was shocked, and then they saw the void in front of Chen Wudao shattering like a mirror!

The supreme powerhouse of Taikoo Jue also sucked in a breath of cold air, looking at the frost, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

"Holy Maiden is really majestic, for an outsider, to dare to hurt our ancient giant crocodile clan, this is not to put in one's eyes of our ancient giant e clan, do you think that relying on your clan? If you are the God of the Ancient Divine Mountain, you don't have to face us to put in one's eyes."

"Wu Dao Big Brother, I finally found you!"

"By bullying the small, you can kill yourself and give you a decent way to die."

"It's ridiculous, do you think it's great that you are Holy Maiden? Don't forget, you still have competitors. In addition, if you dare to be arrogant again, do you believe that our ancient Jue clan will break away from the ancient sacred mountain."

"Are you provoking the majesty of my Holy Maiden?"

Especially after hearing what this person said, his face was even more ugly.

At this moment, I saw the Supreme Being of the ancient giant crocodile sneer.

After seeing this figure appear, the expressions of Hanshuang and the old man behind him changed.

"After a while, I'm telling Wudao Big Brother to solve this person who hurt Wudao Big Brother first!"

At this time, the eyes of many people are looking at these figures behind the sky!

"This beauty, I think about this matter and let it go. After all, it's because of me that I made it like this. Anyway, I haven't been hurt yet. I'm talking about thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi. Don't bully the poor boy."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Chen Wudao's face!

"Yeah, I didn't expect that this guy actually has this background."

"No Dao Big Brother, don't worry, he will die today, and he dares to hurt you."

Immediately afterwards, a supreme aura also emanated, stronger than the aura of the Supreme Ancient Jue Supreme.

The woman in the purple dress for the lead ignored the supreme being of the ancient giant crocodile!

"Do you know what a supreme powerhouse means to our Taikoo Divine Mountain?"

"Why is Holy Maiden here?"

Who is he, the supreme powerhouse, even if he was placed in the Primordial Divine Mountain, he is also an ancestor powerhouse, and now he is pointed at his own nose by a junior and makes himself commit suicide.

Watching the scene fall into an embarrassing situation. Chen Wudao felt that he had to say something, after all, this matter was because of himself.

"To be presumptuous, to slander Holy Maiden, do you want to die?"

Even Chen Wudao's eyes flashed a trace of depression. At first, he thought that this Supreme would also commit suicide?

"Does Holy Maiden think too highly of himself? Do you think the ancient sacred mountain is still what it used to be? The reason why the ancient sacred mountain is like this is because people like Holy Maiden, who eat inside and outside, actually bully me the ancient giant for an outsider. The E family."

The supreme of the ancient giant crocodile, saw the person who suddenly appeared, his expression changed, and then, with a sigh, the figure shrank back to the size of a normal person!

Frost looked at Chen Wudao and said softly, then turned to look at the Supreme Being of the Taigu Jue, with an icy look in his eyes, and the surrounding temperature dropped.

The supreme of the ancient giant crocodile family did not speak!

Frost looked at the supreme powerhouse of the ancient giant and said.

Several old men looked at Chen Wudao and said something!

"Holy Maiden, hehe!"

Chen Wudao heard the voices of these people talking and did not speak. At this moment, he really did not know that this beautiful girl was a girl.

Under the astonishment of everyone, a whirlpool appeared in the sky, and then, a man in battle armor came out.

However, the feeling of being rescued by a beautiful woman is really cool, Chen Wudao can't help but take a deep breath, a good smell of women's fragrance, Chen Wudao can't help but indulge!

Hearing what this person said, everyone took a deep breath. They didn't expect that the Primordial Divine Mountain had such a history!

"The Taikoo Divine Mountain is an alliance with many forces united, and the Taikoo giant crocodile family is one of its members!"

Then, several figures appeared in front of Chen Wudao!

Hearing Chen Wudao's words, these people's eyes were full of surprise. They didn't expect that this young man could actually say such a thing.

The woman at the head, dressed in purple with a veil on her face, looked at the supreme being of the ancient giant crocodile clan with killing intent!

Instead, he turned around and looked at Chen Wudao, with a trace of fluctuation in his eyes!

There is a hint of respect in the tone of the ancient giant crocodile!

Looking at this sudden change, everyone is looking at me, I look at you, this ancient sacred mountain is still in strife, what happened?

After hearing Frost's words, everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that the Holy Maiden of the Primordial Divine Mountain could be so powerful, and it was really surprising to say that a supreme powerhouse would commit suicide.

Frost looked at the Supreme and said.

After hearing what the Supreme said, Frost and the strong man behind him hesitated directly, and their faces were ugly. They did not expect that this Supreme was so strong.

Frost has a bad feeling in her heart.

"Since that's the case, let others judge and judge?"

Then, opening his eyes and looking at the strange eyes of the old men next to him, Chen Wudao rubbed his nose and his face turned red!

"do we know each other?"

It was Chen Wudao, and there was a flash of shock in his eyes. He didn't expect that this woman who knew his own would be so powerful, that he would let others commit suicide, and still leave a face for others.

Chen Wudao nodded, most of his own memory has been lost, so it's better to talk less!


"The Wudao Big Brother may not remember me, but, do I remember the Wudao Big Brother?"

They felt that Frost, the Holy Maiden, was not particularly good at speaking!

At this moment, an old man behind Frost stood up. speak up.

"It seems that the origin of this person is not simple. I have known him a long time ago!"

"Hey, who is this person, the Supreme Being of the ancient giant crocodile family dare not refute her words?"

Chen Wudao looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes!

"The Primordial Divine Mountain is also a powerful force. When the Tiangu battlefield did not appear, it could not be hidden, but now it has come out!"

The Supreme looked at Frost and said.

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it. What kind of noble Tianjiao has appeared recently!"

"It seems that this woman should be the Holy Maiden of the Taigu Shenshan. I didn't expect that this Tianjiao would actually know such a person!"

Chen Wudao looked at the woman in front of him and said suspiciously!

They felt that they were really looking forward to a game in vain. They thought they could see a supreme powerhouse commit suicide. To be honest, they had never seen it before.

"You don't have to guess, they are people from the Taikoo Divine Mountain!"

"The ancient giant crocodile family, the more they live, the more they go back. A dignified supreme powerhouse actually shot at a Junior and said it out without fear of being laughed at by others?"

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