It didn't matter that Ina fell down.

The tiger behind her suddenly showed an excited look.

""Roar! (Die!)"

Ina, who fell to the ground, had a look of despair in her eyes.


A gorgeous woman was about to fall into the mouth of a beast.

But the next second, a swift and violent gust of wind came.



These jungle tigers all had over 3 million damage on their heads.

All the tigers were killed instantly.

Ina, who had escaped death, was stunned for a moment, then showed an ecstatic look.

"I'm saved!"

Turning her head, she was stunned.

Why was it him? The person who appeared in front of Ina was Lin Yuan who had returned.

At this time, Lin Yuan looked a little dissatisfied.

"Damn it, I have been looking for you guys for a long time, and now you come here and waste my time."

Lin Yuan went deep into the jungle just now, trying to find more jungle tigers.

As a result, he only found 43 of them, and he couldn't find the remaining 7 after searching for a long time.

Then Lin Yuan suddenly remembered the 16 jungle tigers he had met before.

He went back to the place just now.

As a result, he found that the tigers were gone, which made Lin Yuan very angry.

He regretted why he didn't use a skill to kill them instantly.


Lin Yuan randomly chose a direction to continue searching, and this direction happened to be the direction where Ina escaped. The first time he saw the tigers,

Lin Yuan used a war gale to kill the group of jungle tigers instantly.

As for Ina,

Lin Yuan killed After the tiger, he found a person sitting on the ground.

A closer look revealed that she was a foreign girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. She looked pretty good.

After Ina stood up, she looked left and right, but didn't find anyone else.

She looked at Lin Yuan with great shock in her heart.

Although the mage is powerful, how could a level 23 mage deal more than a million damage? This is totally unreasonable.

Oh my god, did he really save me? The famous detective said that if all impossible factors are eliminated, the remaining ones, no matter how unreasonable, must be the truth of the matter...

Ina raised her hand to push the hair that was blocking her eyes to her ears, revealing her fair face, and nodded at Lin Yuan,

"That... Thank you for saving my life, my name is Ina, and I am a professional from the Sun Never Sets Country."A professional from the Sun Never Sets Country

? It's quite a coincidence that

I can meet a professional from Blue Star in the mission abyss.

After hearing what Ina said, Lin Yuan slowly landed on the ground, looking quite chic, which made Ina's eyes light up.

She thought: What kind of skill is this, so cool!

At the same time, Ina compared Lin Yuan with Els, the strongest of the younger generation of the Sun Never Sets Country.

Who of them is more powerful? Then, Ina shook her head and thought to herself: Ina, Ina, why do you have such a naive idea? Els is a level 57 magician, famous in the plane battlefield.

The one in front of him is just a mage who has just turned 1.

His damage is a bit higher, but he still can't compare with Els.

At this moment Ina In her heart, she thought of Lin Yuan as the descendant or disciple of some great man.

This could explain why Lin Yuan could cause such high damage.

He must have used disposable consumables such as skill scrolls.

However, the professional from the Dragon Country saved her after all.

As a noble of the Kingdom of the Sun Never Sets, she should express some gratitude.

Ina suddenly remembered that when she killed a vampire leader before, she had dropped a wizard's skill book.

This skill was quite special.

Ina originally planned to go to the exchange to exchange for a skill that she could use after completing the hunter trial.

Now it seems more appropriate to give this skill book to the other party.

This way, the other party's life-saving grace can be offset.

"You saved my life, this is a small token of my appreciation, please accept it."

Yina took out the skill book and placed it in front of Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan took a look and thought,"

Hey, this skill is pretty good!"

【[Shadow Mysticism] (B-level) lv1

Casting time: instantaneous

Cost: 1200 mana

Description: Make the body enter the shadow rift, immune to physical damage, lasting for 1 second.

This skill is a life-saving skill.

When assassins and warriors rush in, they suddenly find that Lin Yuan is immune to physical attacks.

What the hell is this.

And this skill is far more than that, because Lin Yuan, the cheater, can upgrade this skill to S-level.

At that time, the effect of the skill will be even more powerful.

Lin Yuan looked up at Ina and found that there was persistence in her eyes.

Lin Yuan understood the meaning of it and reached out to take the skill book.

"You're welcome, I just did it for fun."

Seeing Lin Yuan take the skill book,

Ina breathed a sigh of relief. She was still worried that Lin Yuan would not accept it.

If Lin Yuan did not accept this skill, then today's life-saving grace would always exist.

If Ina's level is higher in the future,

Lin Yuan makes some excessive requests, even asking Ina... If she agrees, she will feel very uncomfortable. If she does not agree, it will go against the way of the wilderness hunter. Ina's profession is the wilderness hunter. This profession has a unique passive skill, which is very alternative.

【[Repaying a favor] (Passive) Not Upgradable

Description: When someone helps you but has not repaid you, the damage you cause is reduced by 50%.

When fighting with an enemy, the damage caused is increased by 50%, and rewards are obtained after killing an enemy.

How can I describe this skill ? It's very hard to say.

Let's say he is a rip-off, it's quite useful when chasing enemies.

But once you owe a favor, you must repay it immediately, otherwise Ina's damage will be reduced by half.

It's no different from an ordinary profession.

Since changing to a wilderness hunter, Ina has never shown this skill to others, and the image she has established outside has always been clear about favors and grudges, and she must repay favors and revenges.

Ina's special character has gained a large number of supporters.

Although Lin Yuan did not rescue Ina on purpose, this is also a help.

At this moment, Ina's attribute column has shown the negative status of unpaid.

Therefore, Ina must let Lin Yuan accept this skill book.

Only in this way can the negative status disappear.

It was not until Lin Yuan accepted the skill book that the negative status on Ina's attribute column disappeared.

Instead, another state

【[Avenger]: The damage you cause to Hunter and others is increased by 50%, and you will receive a reward after killing them.

The reason why Ina brought Hunter and others to the Beast Forest before was because Ina was accidentally helped by Hunter.

In desperation,

Ina took out the trial mission scroll and brought them to the Beast Forest.

After arriving here,

Ina has repaid the favor of help. She was going to go alone, but she couldn't stand Hunter's pestering.

When Ina was not paying attention, he chose the advanced trial in the name of the team.

Ina had no choice but to act with them. Before departure, it was agreed that all actions would be under Ina's command. Hunter and others performed well in the past few days and did not cause any trouble. As a result, when they encountered danger today, Hunter revealed his true nature and left Ina and ran away. This act of betrayal directly triggered the passive skill of distinguishing between gratitude and grudges. List Hunter and others as enemies


After escaping to a safe place, Hunt sneezed and rubbed his nose.

"Damn it, it's all the fault of that Zhongzhou mage. If he hadn't suddenly appeared, our mission would have been completed."

The remaining three people heard this and agreed very much.

"That’s right, we finally caught Ina to work for us for free, but in the end, the mission was still not completed."

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