
Lin Yuan saw Li Dongming take out a green stone from the package.

【Heart of Nature】(Colorful)

Effect: Improve the target's affinity with nature. If the target is an ancient tree, it will make the target mature earlier, and there is a very small chance that the target will transform into a higher-level species. What

Li Dongming took out was a piece of colorful material.

Seeing this piece of Heart of Nature,

Leah was excited.

"It turned out to be the Heart of Nature!"

No wonder Leia was so excited.

The Heart of Nature is extremely rare, and the one in front of Leia is of the top seven-color level.

With this Heart of Nature, the mother tree can not only enter the maturity period ahead of time, but there is even a chance that the Son of Nature will be born in the future.

That is a hopeful existence that can break through to the level of a demigod.

After Li Dongming took out the Heart of Nature, he placed it on the trunk of the Tree of Life, and then used the S-level skill Great Purification.

The rich sacred power removed all the polluting power from the Tree of Life.

After the skill ended,

Li Dongming still felt unsafe, and even���He released skills such as Dispel Evil and Holy Light.

After ensuring that the pollution on the Tree of Life was completely purified,

Li Dongming released a series of buff spells such as Blessing, Luck, Holy Prayer, and Holy Light Affinity on the Tree of Life.

After everything was ready,

Li Dongming activated the Heart of Nature.

In an instant, a green light rose from the ground and soared into the sky.

All the creatures and professionals on the 20th floor could see this strange phenomenon.

"What is that? Is there a treasure coming into the world?"

"Such a rich natural atmosphere, just getting close to it makes me feel happy."

Many professionals and natural creatures saw the green light column and all came towards this strange phenomenon.

When they approached the light column, they were reminded that the front was a private territory, which surprised these creatures and professionals.

"What? How could this be a private territory? Could it be that someone has obtained the contract of the Dark Night Forest?"

"Never mind, there must be treasure in here, let's go in quickly"

"What private domain? It's all a gift from nature. Why should he monopolize it all by himself?"

The people who were talking were all professionals.

Because natural creatures are peace-loving.

After knowing that this is a private territory, these natural creatures all wandered outside the territory and had no intention of entering.

Only those fearless professionals wanted to snatch the opportunity.

But their plans were doomed to fail.

When they were close to the 10-mile range, Chen Yuang had already discovered them.

He waved his hand lightly, transformed into an elemental clone, and sent out an elemental clone to stop them.

Most of those who were on the 20th floor were hunters or druids.

The former wanted to find a powerful partner, and the latter came here to master natural spells.

The levels of these people were generally not high.

The highest level among them was only level 53, a tamer.

As soon as Chen Yuang's elemental clone appeared, they were all scared away.

"Force field suppression! It's a third-level expert."

These people found that the surroundings were filled with elemental power and knew that they had hit a wall.

The leading beast trainer immediately became timid.

"We saw the light rising into the sky and thought someone was in trouble. Since you are here, we will not disturb you and will leave now."

The elemental clone did not reply after hearing this.

He raised his hand and released two spells, a gust of wind spell and a shock wave.

These people were beaten to a pulp.

This is to teach them a lesson. It will prevent them from coming again in the future.

In order to hide the existence of the Tree of Life here.

Chen Yuang was thoughtful.

Oh no, it can't be called the Tree of Life now.

I don't know if it was favored by the goddess of luck, but the Tree of Life encountered a situation with a very small probability of transforming into a higher-level species.

The Tree of Life transformed and evolved into the World Tree.

When the green light column rising into the sky dissipated,

Lin Yuan opened his mouth in shock.

"This is the tree of life from before!"

Not only Lin Yuan was shocked, but

Chen Yuang and Li Dongming were also shocked.

"Damn, Lao Li, am I seeing things? It has evolved into a world tree!"

Chen Yuang wiped his eyes, unbelievable.

As a level 78 elemental mage, he rarely encounters things that can shock him, and today he really encountered one.

Li Dongming was also shocked in his heart, shouting wildly,

"Hurry, hurry, it's a big loss."

But his face was calm, as if he had expected it.

"Isn't it just a world tree? What's the big deal?"

As a friend of many years, Chen Yuang knew that Li Dongming was pretending to be cool, so he gave him a middle finger.

While they were chatting,

Lia excitedly ran to the world tree.

After transforming into a world tree, its size increased tenfold, reaching a height of 100 meters, with lush branches and leaves. When the leaves swayed, there were also spots of light.

This is a manifestation of natural energy being concentrated to a certain degree.

【[World Tree·Legend] (Mature) lv52

HP: 50000000

Attack Power: 3000000

Skills: Pregnancy, World Blessing, Heart of Nature, Nature Affinity, War Form... Omitted.

The World Tree has become a legendary template, with dozens of skills.

Lin Yuan was dazzled.

Lin Yuan carefully sensed that the connection between him and the World Tree had not disappeared.

In other words, such an awesome World Tree belongs to Lin Yuan.

This is too cool.

Lin Yuan smiled in his heart.



Lin Yuan heard Leah's painful cry, which made Lin Yuan's heart tighten.

What happened? Where is Leah?

Chen Yuan patted Lin Yuan's shoulder and pointed to the top of the World Tree.

Looking in the direction of Chen Yuan's finger,

Leah was shrouded in a ball of green light.

After 5 minutes, the light dissipated and

Leah slowly fell to the ground.

Lin Yuan wiped his eyes and found that Leah's attributes had also changed greatly.

【[Son of Nature·Leah] (Epic) lv32

HP: 8000000

Mana: 300000

Attack Power: 450000

Skills: Nature's Wrath, Nature's Protection, Nature's Arrows, Shining Stars, Summoning Ancient War Trees...

The World Tree blessed Leah, allowing Leah to transform into a child of nature.

She became an epic creature, and her level reached 32.

Because after being blessed by the World Tree, both physical resistance and magic resistance have been greatly improved.

The damage received will be greatly weakened, and Leah also has healing abilities.

In Leah's current state, even Lin Yuan may not be sure of defeating her.

Of course,

Lin Yuan does not need to fight.

After Leah opened her eyes, she immediately ran towards Lin Yuan and hugged Lin Yuan with open arms.

"Master, the mother tree transformed into the world tree, and I was also blessed and became the son of nature."

Leah's actions made the two people next to her feel sour, especially Li Dongming.

It was obviously me who made the Tree of Life upgrade, why didn't you come and hug me?

"You have successfully changed your job and truly become a professional. With your strength, it won't be long before you can reach the second job. But before the second job, I have a piece of advice.

You must think about your future path!"

Seeing that everything was resolved, Chen Yuang didn't want to watch Lin Yuan pretending to be cool, so he gave him some advice from a veteran.

"My path is to become an element. I am the element and the element is me. This path is difficult, but I still persist."

"I hope you can find a path that suits you, too."

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