After this incident, Lin Yuan lost interest and planned to leave.

As soon as he turned around, he met an acquaintance.

It was Jiang Long who he had just seen.

Jiang Long was also surprised to see Lin Yuan.

""Lin Yuan, why are you here?"

After hearing Jiang Long's voice, a burly man beside him asked,

"Did you meet someone you know?"

The man was Jiang Long's father, Jiang Wenyuan.

He took time out today to bring Jiang Long to the Mage Association.

The purpose was to choose a hidden profession suitable for his son.

After many comparisons, Jiang Wenyuan felt that the profession of Flame Walker was more suitable for his son.

This profession is not the best.

The instant burst damage is good, but it lacks endurance and life-saving.

Jiang Wenyuan had considered this a long time ago.

He equipped Jiang Long's team with a mystic and a powerful shield warrior.

With the assistance of the mystic, Jiang Long will transform into a turret mage, solving the problem of insufficient endurance.

The powerful shield warrior can ensure Jiang Long's safety.

For the sake of his son.

Jiang Wenyuan can be said to be worried to death.

When he heard Jiang Long talking just now, he thought he met a classmate and asked casually.

After hearing this, Jiang Long nodded and said"um".

Then he deliberately said:"Dad, where is the abyss of the Flame Walker you mentioned? Let's go quickly. I want to complete the job transfer as soon as possible."

After saying that, Jiang Long glanced at Lin Yuan.

It seemed as if he was saying, look.

You and I are not from the same world.

I will soon be transferred to a hidden profession, and you can only watch the fun here.

Jiang Long had no idea why Lin Yuan came here.

He thought Lin Yuan was here to watch the fun.

When walking towards the abyss, Jiang Long was still thinking, don't think that you can change your current situation by clearing a few hell levels.

A mud leg is a mud leg, and it is impossible to turn over in your life.

With an inexplicable sense of superiority, Jiang Long entered the abyss. Although

Lin Yuan did not have the ability to read minds, Lin Yuan could guess what Jiang

Long was thinking from the expression on his face.

This made Lin Yuan laugh.

How childish.

It affected his mood to watch the fun.

No longer planning to watch the fun, Lin Yuan decided to find a quiet place to wait for Chen Yuan.

As he walked, Lin Yuan came to an empty corner.

This corner was the Abyss of the Star Realm Mage.

Compared to other places with a lot of people, this deserted abyss seemed a little special.

But there is a saying, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop.

While Lin Yuan was waiting for Chen Yuan, he heard a scolding voice.

"What are you doing? Is this a place you can come to?"

Turning around, he found a fat man who looked like a hippopotamus staring at him.

The words just now came from this man's mouth.

Lin Yuan did not indulge the other party and directly retorted

"What are you shouting for? This is your home. There is a rule that says you can't come in."

The fat man was furious when he heard that Lin Yuan was not frightened by him but contradicted him.

"Didn't your parents teach you to be polite when you go out, you uneducated fellow."

Lin Yuan got angry when he heard this.

"Please don't talk to me with your excretory organs, it's very rude."

"I thought you just looked like a toilet, but I didn't expect that even the things inside are so similar."

The fat man didn't expect that he would be scolded for just saying one sentence. The veins on his head almost popped out.

"What, you still want to fight? This is the Mage Association. Try to move and see if the defensive runes here can blast you into pieces."

Seeing that the other party had rolled up his sleeves, Lin Yuan said disdainfully. You are looking for the wrong person to confront me.

The angry fat man heard Lin Yuan's words and it was like being poured with a bucket of cold water.

He was out of his mind and dared to fight in the Mage Association.

Even his master would not dare.

Fortunately, he did not act on impulse, otherwise he would have been blasted into pieces. He was blasted into pieces in the Mage Association.

His master could not avenge him. No matter how he thought about it, he was at a loss.

After the fat man figured it out, he immediately put away his attacking posture.

But the heaving chest also proved that he was still full of resentment towards Lin Yuan.

"Boy, do you know that this is the abyss of the Star Realm Mage's job transfer?"

After the fat man recovered, he said to Lin Yuan:

"The only hidden profession is the Star Realm Mage. For many years, no one has been able to successfully change professions. Today, my young master changed professions to break this record."

"Go wherever you want, don't affect our young master's mood."

These words made Lin Yuan laugh, and he wondered what happened today.

Didn't you check the almanac before going out?

Why is there always a dog barking in your ear? It

's really annoying.

If it were outside, Lin Yuan would have paid a lot of money.

You've been spoiled.

Any cat or dog dares to appear in front of me.

Do you know the gluttonous demon?

I killed him.

I dare to kill even the demon, and you still dare to mess with me!

After the fat man finished speaking, he saw that Lin Yuan still didn't move.

The young man called the young master spoke,

"Get out of the way."

But Lin Yuan just scratched his ears and treated it as a dog farting.

Seeing this, the young man narrowed his eyes and said coldly:

"Which city are you from? Don't bring trouble to your family and relatives."

The young man's name is Yan Rui. His father is a level 62 flame mage.

He has been pampered since he was a child.

He speaks and acts very aggressively.

Yan Rui's tone is condescending, and he looks at Lin Yuan as if he is looking at an ant.

As soon as Yan Rui opened his mouth, Lin Yuan rolled his eyes.

"What else can you do to me? You want to threaten me, right? Believe it or not, I will kill you here."

Lin Yuan was a little angry.

It would be fine if the young man talked nicely, and

Lin Yuan would not care, but he actually threatened himself with his family and relatives.

Is he tired of living?

Lin Yuan's words were not just casual.

He stretched out his hand and was about to cast a spell.

Just as Lin Yuan was about to cast a spell, he felt a sharp pain in his head.

This was obviously the defense mechanism of the Mage Association.

In an instant, countless spells locked onto Lin Yuan.

But Lin Yuan was not panicked at all. He looked at Yan Rui and grinned:"Who do you say will die first, you or me!" The extreme cold shock in his hand exuded a cold breath, like the scythe of the god of death, ready to reap lives.

The arrogant expression on Yan Rui's face finally disappeared.

Instead, he was panicked, because he felt death.

As long as Lin Yuan's skills are fired, he will definitely die!

Although Lin Yuan will be killed by the defense mechanism of the Mage Association after firing his skills, so what.

He will not be resurrected.

So, Yan Rui decisively backed down.

""I'm sorry!" Yan Rui gritted his teeth and apologized.

Between survival and dignity, Yan Rui finally chose to abandon his dignity.

Hearing Yan Rui's surrender, Lin Yuan put away his skills.

Then, the defense mechanism of the Mage Association disappeared.

But he still gave Lin Yuan a mental piercing.

This was a small warning.

However, this mental piercing was directly blocked by the energy shield cast by Lin Yuan.

It didn't work.

After Yan Rui apologized, he felt a little embarrassed.

He snorted and walked quickly into the abyss portal.

Thinking in his heart,

Vice President Chen Yuan promised that I could become his apprentice after I successfully changed my job.

You wait.

When I become the apprentice of Vice President Chen Yuan, I will see how I deal with you.

From childhood to adulthood, I have never dared to do this to myself.

Yan Rui hated Lin Yuan in his heart.

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