The two platinum equipment made Xu Shan and Wang Xue breathe heavily.

But the bosses were killed by Lin Yuan, and they were too embarrassed to ask for them.

After a while, Xu Shan took the initiative to mention that he wanted to buy them.

Lin Yuan thought about it and agreed.

Originally, Lin Yuan was going to give them to them.

But later he felt that this was not a good idea.

There is a saying that a little bit of kindness is a big bit of hatred. Giving blindly may not be a good thing. Only appropriate demands can last long.

So Xu Tian proposed to buy them, and Lin Yuan agreed immediately.

Of course, Lin Yuan was not doing it for money, but just sold it to Xu Shan at the market price.

This made Xu Shan very grateful.

Similarly, Wang Xue also bought the holy robe at the market price.

After getting the equipment, the two couldn't wait to put it on.

The Guardian Hammer is very visually impactful.

The full attack power also adds 200 strength, which can be called a melee weapon at this stage.

But if you want to talk about attraction, the holy robe on Wang Xue is more attractive.

Wearing the holy robe, Wang Xue's already magnificent figure is even more explosive.

The combination of charm and holiness makes people unable to take their eyes off.

Lin Yuan is lucky, he has seen all kinds of coquettish young ladies, and he is very self-control.

Zhang Fan doesn't have that ability.

He looks like a pig brother, and he is almost drooling.

But this look makes Wang Xue happy.

Which woman doesn't want her boyfriend to be devoted to her.

Seeing Zhang Fan like this, Wang Xue stretched out her slender jade hand and poked him gently,"What are you looking at!"

Zhang Fan came back to his senses at once, wiped the corner of his mouth, and said righteously:"This robe is tailor-made for you, it suits you so well."

Wang Xue was overjoyed when she heard this.

Let's get back to the topic.

After killing the BOSS, there was no prompt to pass the level. Lin Yuan guessed that there should be a hidden BOSS that has not been discovered.

So he began to look around.

But after searching for a long time, he still didn't find any clues.

""Have you found any clues?" Lin Yuan asked after they had gathered together.

The others shook their heads, saying that they had already searched the house thoroughly and had not found any other entrances.

After getting the answer, Lin Yuan looked around, trying to find some clues.

He walked along the surrounding walls again, knocking continuously.

Finally, when Lin Yuan walked to a wall, he found an echo coming from inside.

""This wall is hollow, there should be a secret room inside."

Lin Yuan shouted and began to look for the mechanism.

After a while, when Lin Yuan moved a candlestick, the wall finally opened.

The secret room inside was revealed.

Once inside, Lin Yuan found that this secret room led to the underground.

Lin Yuan entered first, and when he walked halfway, the effect of the plague on his body doubled.

From reducing 35 health points per second to reducing 70 health points per second.

Lin Yuan was startled and immediately shouted:"Don't come down, just wait for me up there."

This negative state is nothing to Lin Yuan, but it is very fatal to the other members of the team.

Moreover, Lin Yuan has only been down for a short time, and I don't know if the effect of this plague will continue to increase.

If it continues to double, Wang Xue alone can't heal it.

The others stopped their actions when they heard Lin Yuan's shout and went back up.

Lin Yuan continued to walk down, and after crossing the stairs, the plague effect doubled again, reducing 150 health points per second.

In other words, Lin Yuan has a strong shield. If it were an ordinary mage, he would have panicked long ago.

After coming to the underground, Lin Yuan was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Lin Yuan didn't know how to describe the scene in front of him. It was simply a huge underground world.

In the middle was a huge castle.

There were many demons patrolling around.

That's right, demons.

This underground world is composed entirely of demon races.

In front of Lin Yuan were inferior demons, satyrs, and demon guards.

The levels of these demons were around level 20.

"Damn, there won't be any demon projections in here."Lin Yuan was shocked and had a bad guess.

No wonder the scene in front of him was familiar. This environment was similar to the Hell Goblin Forest.

Knowing that there might be danger, Lin Yuan quickly strengthened his skills.

First, SS-level supreme energy, Lin Yuan planned to upgrade to full

【[Supreme Energy] (SS level) lvmax effect 1: Increase intelligence attribute by 50,000 points.

Effect 2: Increase mana by 500,000 points.

Effect 3: Restore 50% of maximum mana per second.

Effect 4: Provide a shield of 70% of maximum mana, with a 15-second cooldown after the shield is broken.

Effect 5: When releasing skills, additional mana consumption can be increased, and each additional mana point increases skill damage by 10 points


After the skills were fully upgraded, Lin Yuan had a feeling of loneliness and invincibility.

His mana value exceeded one million.

The damage caused by the meteor shower has reached 5 million.

What a concept.

No one can survive 1 second under Lin Yuan's skills.

After the skills were fully upgraded, Lin Yuan's confidence increased greatly.

No matter whether you are a projection of the devil or the real devil, I will blow your dog head.

Lin Yuan was floating, he felt that he was invincible.

He was ready to drive the train again, intending to clear the monsters in one wave.

In fact, he did so.

After gathering hundreds of demon monsters, Lin Yuan launched a meteor shower.



Six million damage appeared on these demon soldiers, melting the monsters instantly

【You killed a lesser demon, and your experience points increased by 600】X76

【You killed Satyr, experience points increased by 700】X42

【You killed the demon guards, and your experience points increased by 800.]X58

Killing these demons, Lin Yuan's experience points increased by one third.

After there were no monsters around, Lin Yuan walked into the castle.

【You have entered the Plague Realm, gaining the effects of Disease】

【Sickness: You cannot recover health.

"Fortunately, Zhang Fan and the others were not allowed to come down!"

Seeing the explanation of the disease, Lin Yuan was somewhat relieved.

If these people came down, they would probably die here.

But Lin Yuan didn't care.

Looking at the shield value of more than 600,000, Lin Yuan continued to move forward.

Passing through the corridor, Lin Yuan came to the hall of the castle.

Seeing the figure in the hall, Lin Yuan's pupils shrank and he was extremely shocked.

Because the one who appeared in front of him was not the projection of the demon god that Lin Yuan had guessed before.

It was a real demon god.

【[Beelzebub] (Legend) lv25

HP: 70000000

Attack Power: 500000

Gluttony Domain: Attacks and skills have 100% blood sucking effect.

Plague Spread: Inflict plague effect on enemies within 10 km. The closer the distance, the more damage. An additional layer of plague effect is added every 10 seconds.

Divine Armor (Fake): Automatically generate divine armor outside the body to resist damage. Barrier armor is 5 million, magic resistance is 5 million, and HP is 50 million.

Note: Beelzebub is currently in a dormant state with his origin damaged.

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