Chen Bin attributed all this to Lin Yuan.

Why don't you, Lin Yuan, just be a waste and be stepped on by me?

Why did you pass the Hell-level Abyss!


The anger and unwillingness in his heart made Chen Bin almost crazy.

Chen Bin also heard the city-wide report just now.

He passed the Hell-level Dusk Town.

Lin Yuan's level was at least level 15.

No matter how unwilling he was, it was useless.

He could only hide this resentment in his heart.

After Lin Yuan disappeared from Chen Bin's sight, Chen Bin gritted his teeth and walked into a dark alley.

After turning seven or eight times, Chen Bin opened a sewer manhole cover and jumped in.

Chen Bin walked to the end of the sewer, and a low voice came from the front,"Have you thought it through?"?"

"I've made up my mind." Chen Bin had a determined look on his face, and he had obviously made his choice.

"Well, from now on, I will arrange for you to upgrade quickly, and you will be the first group of people to change jobs."

The owner of the voice appeared from the darkness.

He was a middle-aged man in a black robe.

The man raised his head, and there were four flame runes on his forehead.

"Lin Yuan will definitely participate in this job transfer trial. Your mission is to sabotage Lin Yuan's job transfer mission and prevent him from completing the job transfer. Do you understand?"

Chen Bin hated Lin Yuan so much that when he heard that the mission was to sabotage Lin Yuan's job transfer trial, he was overjoyed and said,"I will definitely complete the mission."

The man in black robe saw Chen Bin's appearance and knew that what he said was not a lie. He waved his hand and asked him to leave.

"When you leave later, someone will naturally take you to the Abyss."

Chen Bin bowed carefully to the black-robed man and turned to leave.

Lin Yuan naturally didn't know that someone in the dark place of Tianfeng City was plotting against him.

After a pleasant sleep, Lin Yuan had a simple meal and rushed to the Holy Tower.

When he arrived at the place agreed yesterday, Lin Yuan saw that several teammates were ready to go.

"Something is wrong."

When Lin Yuan saw several teammates, he felt something was wrong.

The momentum and appearance of these people have changed a lot, and they exude a murderous aura.

This is natural.

These people have been fighting in the abyss since they separated from Lin Yuan yesterday.

They fought until midnight, and then they went back to rest.

Look, after a few hours of rest, these people agreed to come to the abyss early again.

When Lin Yuan arrived here, they had already cleared the abyss twice. After forming a team, Zhang Fan gave the captain to Lin Yuan, and Lin Yuan understood where the changes in the few people occurred.

When they separated yesterday, Wang Xue was still level 15, and today she is level 16 like Zong Junru and Xu Shan. The highest level Zhang Fan is on par with Lin Yuan, reaching level 17.

"You 've worked really hard!"

I can't fall behind!

I can't get complacent just because I've awakened the cheat. If I don't work hard, I'll be overtaken sooner or later.

So, Lin Yuan planned to upgrade to level 20 today and strive to change his job as soon as possible.

"Are there any hell-difficulty abysses in Tianfeng City?"

The hell-difficulty abysses give more experience and rich rewards, so they are naturally Lin Yuan's first choice.

Hearing Lin Yuan's question, Zhang Fan thought for a while,"There are no more below level 20, but there are some in other cities, and there is one in Tianshui City."

When Lin Yuan heard about Tianshui City, he immediately became excited,"Then let's go there."

Then several people came to the teleportation hall and teleported to Tianshui City.

As soon as they walked out of the teleportation array, they saw Li Liang's team.

Looking at Lin Yuan and others coming towards him, Li Liang was stunned at first, and then angrily said:"What are you doing in Tianshui City!"

Those who don't know would think that Tianshui City is Li Liang's home.

Zhang Fan is not a person who spoils children, and he directly said:"Our coming to Tianshui City has nothing to do with you."

This made Li Liang very angry, and he pointed at Zhang Fan and said:"Why don't you people from Tianfeng City stay in your city and come to our Tianshui City? Are you trying to do something wrong?"

This Li Liang is also despicable. He wanted to put a hat on Zhang Fan as soon as he opened his mouth.

Hearing Li Liang's words, Lin Yuan frowned and thought to himself that this man is sick. What are you doing here in Tianshui City?

"Both Tianshui City and Tianfeng City belong to the Alliance. As a member of the Alliance, we are not violating the Alliance's laws by coming to Tianshui City."

Throwing down this sentence, Lin Yuan led the team directly to the abyss.

Li Liang, who was behind him, saw that Lin Yuan's destination was the abyss, rolled his eyes, and followed him.

After arriving at the place, Zhang Fan pointed to an abyss portal and said,"Among the abysses below level 20 in Tianshui City, only the hell difficulty of this bloody monastery has not been conquered."

Li Liang, who was following behind, heard that these people actually wanted to challenge the bloody monastery of hell difficulty, and immediately showed a disdainful expression,

"You guys are the only ones who want to challenge the Hell Difficulty Blood Monastery. You really don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is."Everyone in Tianshui City who is below level 20 knows that it is impossible to pass the Hell Difficulty Blood Monastery.

The mayor of Tianshui City even issued a policy for this abyss, which is to prohibit Tianshui City professionals from challenging the Hell Difficulty Blood Monastery.

The reason is that last year, 5 S-level seeds of Tianshui City did not listen to the advice and chose to challenge the Hell Difficulty, but they were all annihilated.

At that time, this incident made the mayor of Tianshui City very angry, and he immediately issued an order to prohibit the challenge.

"I advise you to save your energy. If you all die here, your city lord will cry to death."

Li Liang pretended to be kind, but in fact he hoped that they would challenge him and die in the city.

"Of course, if you are afraid, you can also challenge other abysses."

Hearing Li Liang's chattering, Lin Yuan was a little annoyed and glanced at Li Liang.

For some reason, when Li Liang saw Lin Yuan's eyes, he couldn't make any sound. It was not until Lin Yuan turned his head that Li Liang felt better.

Without the noisy sound in his ears, Lin Yuan walked to the front of the portal, directly chose the hell difficulty, and walked into the portal with the rest of the team.

Seeing that Lin Yuan and the others really chose the hell difficulty, Li Liang was stunned, and then sneered,

""You are a fool. You posted the news of them entering the Bloody Monastery on the professional forum."

With the efforts of Li Liang and his colleagues, it didn't take long for half of the professionals in Tianshui City to know about the S-level team from Tianfeng City challenging the Hell-level Bloody Monastery.

After the incident, most people thought that Lin Yuan and his colleagues would be wiped out.

Of course, there were a few people who knew about Lin Yuan's record and spoke for him, but they were all overshadowed by the posts posted by the professionals in Tianshui City.

One person was horrified when he learned about this, and that was Sun Xian.

Because Sun Xian knew who was hiding in the Hell-level Bloody Monastery.

If he disturbed this person, he would be in big trouble.

At this moment, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, not knowing what to do.

After a while, Sun Xian suddenly showed a half-smile on his face.

"If Lin Yuan really kills that guy, can I be the one who takes advantage of him?"

Thinking of this situation, Sun Xian's heart was burning.

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