The reason for everyone's worry is that the BOSS has a buff effect of immunity to fire and frost damage.

Everyone agrees that Lin Yuan's skill damage is very strong.

But the BOSS is obviously on guard against this move of yours.

He made himself immune to frost and fire.

Now you are helpless.

The angry demon on the other side of the portal was obviously very proud, and the red light on it was flashing.

Lin Yuan was amused to see that there was something wrong with the portal,"You really don't have a long memory!"

Is the angry demon brainless? He thinks that I can do nothing if he gets a buff of immunity to fire and frost?

How naive.

Lin Yuan did two things at once. He first cast a mana shield on himself, and then silently released a storm tornado.

This time Lin Yuan did not hold back, and directly invested all 300,000 mana points to increase the damage.


After releasing the skill, Lin Yuan threw it directly on the BOSS's head.

The BOSS didn't know what was going on, and was instantly sucked into the eye of the storm and entangled.

Then, Lin Yuan controlled the tornado to move towards the portal.

10,000 points of intelligence attribute plus 300,000 points of mana investment.

The damage of the storm tornado exceeded one million per second, and the Purgatory portal was blown up in less than two seconds.

The portal was blown up, and Lin Yuan faintly heard the voice of cursing

【The angry demon Samael's favorability towards you is -20, and the favorability is -40, and you and Samael become enemies! 】

It is you, the bullied demon!

Lin Yuan received the prompt from the system as expected.

The portal was broken, and the BOSS used the Holy Shield in an attempt to escape from the tornado.

But this is doomed to be in vain.

Lin Yuan continued to control the movement of the tornado and kept the BOSS firmly controlled in the eye of the wind.

After the BOSS was enhanced, its magic resistance increased a lot, and the damage to him was reduced by more than half.


10 seconds later, the body of the BOSS still fell to the ground and was killed by Lin Yuan.

【You killed Moore (hero), and your experience points increased by 80,000. 】

As soon as the BOSS died, Lin Yuan canceled the tornado, and the surroundings fell into peace again.


There was a deathly silence.

Everyone's mouths were wide open, big enough to fit an apple.

"Too cool!"Zhang Fan was the first to wake up and gave a thumbs up.

Then he did not forget his duty.

When he came to the BOSS to pick up the equipment,

Zhang Fan smiled happily.

The reason was naturally that he had picked up good equipment.

【Ring] Ring of Glory (dark gold, can grow)

Wearing requirements: get Moore's approval

Attributes: HP +10000, Intelligence +100, Stamina +100, Strength +200, Agility +100

Holy Light Glory: add a holy light barrier to yourself, immune to lethal damage, lasts for 10 seconds

【Helmet] Conqueror's Helmet (Platinum)

Wearing requirements: Warrior, Level 20

Attributes: Life +8000, Stamina +150, Strength +150

Frontal combat: When you face the enemy head-on, increase the damage by 10 and reduce the damage received by 20%

【[Weapon] Moore's Sabre (Special)

Description: This sword symbolizes a man's longing for his family.

The ring and the saber were given to Lin Yuan, and no one in the team had any objections.

This was what Lin Yuan deserved.

Zhang Fan was also going to give Lin Yuan the helmet, but

Lin Yuan threw it back.

"You take it."

Everyone was naturally envious.

Except for Zhang Fan, the remaining three people also figured it out at this moment. They were lucky that

Lin Yuan was willing to take them to the Abyss.

They had killed many elite monsters before, and Lin Yuan also distributed some silver and bronze equipment to them. They were already very grateful.

In fact, even if they didn't share the equipment, they would have no objection.

Because the biggest gain from this Abyss is the massive experience points.

Wang Xue, the lowest level in the team, is already level 15.

You know, they just awakened to become professionals yesterday.

When other professionals are still hovering at level 5 and 6, they are already more than 10 levels ahead of others.

Of course, they have not forgotten who made the contribution.

Wang Xue has made up her mind and will definitely bring out some good tea when she returns.

Lin Yuan naturally didn't know what the other people in the team thought. He took the other people with him just because he liked them, and also to pave the way for Zhang Fan in the future.

Holding the Honor Ring in his hand, Lin Yuan was curious about what the"approval from Moore" on it meant.

After trying to equip the ring, Lin Yuan got a prompt that the wearing requirements were not met.

I killed the boss, how can I get your approval?

While they were wondering, something strange happened to the boss's body.

Moore in his soul form appeared in front of everyone.

"Thank you for helping me to rescue myself from the control of the demon god."

At this moment, Moore looked ashamed and said to everyone,"It's all my fault that I was confused for a moment. My mind was influenced by the demons of Purgatory and I committed an unforgivable sin." When

Lin Yuan saw Moore's soul appear, his heart moved, knowing that the opportunity to get Moore's recognition had come,"No one is perfect, you may still have room for redemption."

Hearing this, Moore seemed very excited,"Warrior, you are right. Although you destroyed the Purgatory portal just now, there is still a crack left here. The demons of Purgatory will come back. In order to prevent the invasion of Purgatory, I will use my soul to fill this crack."

Lin Yuan was anxious when he heard that Moore was going to sacrifice himself,"What will happen to your daughter if you die!"

The most important thing is that I haven't got your recognition yet. This dark gold equipment that can grow is not blind.

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Moore turned to look at Liz.

Moore smiled at Liz and said,"I'm sorry, Liz, I'm not a good father"

"I didn't expect you to be so grown up now. I wonder if you have forgotten what I told you when you were a child, to forgive your father, okay?"

When Liz heard this, she couldn't hold back her tears any longer, and she knelt on the ground and cried loudly,"I haven't forgotten, you told me that when the world needs us, we should stand up without hesitation."

Liz's words made Moore smile with relief. If he hadn't been in a soul state, he would have burst into tears.

"Warrior, can you give my sword to my daughter?"Moore made a request to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan naturally agreed to this request.

It was just a piece of equipment without attributes, and he didn't need it.

Besides, Lin Yuan had already guessed that this sword was a quest item.

So Lin Yuan took out Moore's sword and handed it to Liz.

Moore saw Liz holding his sword in her hand and said loudly:

"Liz, do you want to become a true knight and fulfill your responsibilities loyally, bravely, and honestly?"

Liz, holding her father's sword, wiped away her tears and replied solemnly:

"I will use all my strength to protect the innocent and resist the forces of evil. I will always abide by respect, discipline and moral standards, and honor throughout!"

After Liz finished speaking, it seemed that she had completed some kind of ritual, and the whole person was wrapped in holy light.

After 3 minutes, when the holy light dissipated, a girl with a holy aura appeared in front of everyone.

From the original elite template swordsman to the heroic template paladin, the level was also raised to level 30.

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