Although the monster was killed, the spoils on the ground had not been cleaned up yet.

Zhang Fan turned into a cleaner and started working.

Not to mention, Zhang Fan actually found some good equipment.

【Necklace] Heart of the Gargoyle (Gold)

Wearing requirements: Level 15, Warrior

Attributes: HP +800, Strength +40, Stamina +40.

Blessing of the Gargoyle: When HP drops below 50%, physical damage will be reduced by 80% for 3 seconds

【[Ring] Plague Ring (Gold)

Wearing requirements: Level 15, Warrior

Attributes: HP +500, Attack +100, Strength +30, Stamina +30

Plague Infection: After you successfully parry or block, apply the plague effect to the target, reducing the damage caused by the target by 20%

【[Headwear] Encouragement Headdress (Gold)

Wearing requirements: Level 15, Priest

Attributes: Health +500, Intelligence +50, Stamina +30.

Encouragement: In the next 15 seconds, your treatment will apply an encouragement effect to the target, increasing the target's damage by 10%.

3 gold equipment, and some other silver and bronze equipment.

After the statistics, Lin Yuan was silent.

Ten pieces of equipment, but none of them can be used by himself.

Could it be that I really have the black hand attribute!

No way!

Looking at the happy Zhang Fan who changed the necklace and ring, Lin Yuan doubted his life.

After the monster was destroyed, Liz, as the mayor, breathed a sigh of relief,"Thank you warrior, you saved the whole town!"

"You're welcome, this is our duty."Lin Yuan replied, and was suddenly startled.

Because the boss suddenly appeared nearby.

【[Moore] (Hero) lv35

HP: 2400000

Attack Power: 15000

Holy Light Strike: Apply holy light to the weapon, causing the next attack to cause 500% damage.

Consecration: Release the holy flame, causing enemies within 8 meters to receive 15,000 fire damage per second, lasting for 5 seconds.

Holy Shield: Summon holy light, immunizing yourself from all attacks, reducing damage caused by 90% during the holy shield period, lasting for 8 seconds.

Fire Protection: Reduce fire damage by 80%

"Too strong, this BOSS."

Everyone opened their mouths wide when they saw the tall figure.

At the same time, they were worried.

Can Lin Yuan really defeat such a powerful BOSS?

When everyone was worried, Mayor Liz suddenly ran to the BOSS with an excited expression.

"Father, you are still alive!"

As soon as Liz said this, everyone's expression changed.

"There must be a story behind this."

Although the boss didn't make a move, Lin Yuan was always on guard.

His two hands were already prepared for the extreme cold shock. As long as the boss made a move, he would face Lin Yuan's magic machine gun.

""Father, why have you become like this!"

Liz shed tears as she looked at Moore in armor."Father, have you forgotten your faith?"

When the expressionless boss heard the word"faith", his eyes suddenly lit up.

He stretched out his big hand to touch Liz's face, and when he stretched it halfway, he struggled, and then the light disappeared. Instead, he was replaced by a cold expression.

"Liz, be careful."

Lin Yuan saw clearly that the boss had regained some consciousness just now, but it was only a moment, and the boss returned to its previous state.

Lin Yuan guessed that the boss should be controlled.

So he warned him.

His hands were not slow, and he hit the boss with two consecutive extreme cold shocks, freezing the boss in place. As soon as Lin Yuan took action, it meant that the battle had begun.

"All of you retreat."

The attack power of the BOSS was ridiculously high. Among the people present, except Lin Yuan, anyone who touched it would die.

After being reminded by Lin Yuan, the others all moved their feet and retreated.

Only Liz stood stubbornly on the side and was unwilling to leave.

Lin Yuan took a look and said nothing, continuing to release extreme cold shocks uninterruptedly.

After a while, the health of the BOSS dropped below half.

At this time, Lin Yuan seemed to hear an angry voice in his ears,

"It's you again!"

The frozen BOSS suddenly used the Holy Shield.



Lin Yuan's spell showed the word immune on it.

Seeing this, Lin Yuan flashed away from the BOSS.

He was worried that the BOSS would rush over to attack him while invincible.

As a result, Lin Yuan miscalculated. After the BOSS activated the Holy Shield, it turned around and ran away, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight.

""Fuck, the boss knows how to run!"

Lin Yuan cursed inwardly and did not chase after him. He did not make any rash moves until he figured out whether there were other dangers in the forest.

Of course, Lin Yuan also wanted to know why the boss became like this.

After repelling the boss, Lin Yuan looked at the mayor Liz,"Ms. Liz, I heard you call that person father just now? I wonder if you can explain it."

Hearing Lin Yuan's slightly questioning words, Liz raised her head, with a look of reminiscence on her face, and slowly said:

"My father, Moor, was once a great and noble knight who fought to defend the innocent, the poor, and the suffering. For many years, he traveled to almost all the remote areas of the kingdom, bringing comfort to the suffering people and punishing those who did evil.

In the summer when my father was eighteen years old, he married a young girl named Lis. They loved each other and later had a son and a girl.

That girl is me."

Liz admitted that she was Moore's daughter.

From Liz's story, Lin Yuan learned that this was a story of an old soldier.

When Morgan was 32 years old, the war broke out.

He was called up to the army to fight against the undead. Because of the war, he left his wife and children, and his peaceful home.

He had been gone for many years, and the war was still not over. Morgan witnessed many terrible things with his own eyes. He witnessed the dissolution of the Knights Templar, the death of the great knight Arthur, and the spread of the plague. There was only one thing that could keep him away from the brink of madness and collapse, and that was his belief that he would be reunited with his wife and family one day.

After many years of wandering, Morgan finally returned to his hometown, but it was no longer the scene he was familiar with.

The once verdant woods became withered and exuded a breath of decadence. , with destroyed houses and farms everywhere.

The cemetery near the mass grave occupied a large area of land.

At that time, Moore returned home with difficulty in shock and confusion, only to find that it was in ruins.

Moore didn't know what kind of disaster his home had encountered, so he rushed to the village to find answers and news about his wife and children.

Moore asked many people, but didn't find any clues.

In a place called Twilight Town, a pastor told him that he should go to the cemetery of the mass grave to search for the tombstones of his wife and children.

Moore didn't want to believe that his family would die, so he walked through every farm and every house in the Dusk Forest, but still found nothing.

At this point, Lin Yuan roughly understood the past of the BOSS.

Seeing that Liz was going to continue talking, Lin Yuan interrupted her.

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