【The garden goblins' favorability towards you has reached the maximum value, and you can command the garden goblin clan to fight for you. 】

Seeing the system prompt, and then looking at the pocket-sized and cute goblins.

Lin Yuan shook his head and gave up the idea.

The goblins are weak and their combat effectiveness is not very strong, so there is no need to fight.

However, Lin Yuan can let the goblins open a shop in the garden holy land.

After the reputation value is full, Lin Yuan unlocked the technology tree of the garden goblin clan.

By observing the technology tree, Lin Yuan found that the goblins are good at making all kinds of delicious snacks and nectar.

These snacks and nectar all have special effects, which are especially suitable for professionals.

If you open a shop, it should be very popular.

So Lin Yuan tried to mention the opening of a shop to them, and the goblin queen agreed after considering it.

Since you have chosen to join the human camp, you will inevitably have to contact humans in the future.

Now that you live in the holy tower without any safety hazards, the goblin queen naturally has to consider the development of her own tribe.

Although the goblins only need the essence of plants to survive, they still need to eat something occasionally.

Lin Yuan had done a lot for them, and the Fairy Queen didn't want Lin Yuan to worry about their daily expenses.

Now that they could be self-sufficient, the Fairy Queen naturally agreed to Lin Yuan's proposal.

After instructing them on some things, Lin Yuan left.

Before leaving, he asked Zong Bo for one thing.

"Mayor Zong, these little fairies are so innocent, I'm worried they will be deceived, can you help me?"

Zong Bai readily agreed to Lin Yuan's request.

"Don't worry, I have asked Secretary Sun to arrange 20 people to come here. These people are my confidants and there will be no problem."

Hearing that Zong Bo had already considered this, Lin Yuan's favorability towards Zong Bo increased greatly.

Zong Bo did all this obviously for his daughter, hoping that Lin Yuan could help him a little.

Zong Bo guessed in his heart that Lin Yuan was a very special professional.

As long as he was related to such a person, his future achievements would definitely not be bad, so Zong Bo did his best for Lin Yuan's affairs.

Lin Yuan obviously also felt it, and accepted this favor, and told Zong Bo that he would team up with Zong Junru and others to brush the abyss before the first transformation.

The implication was that I could lead before the first transformation, and the matter after the first transformation would be discussed later.

Zong Bo expressed his understanding.

So, the two ended the conversation happily.

Returning to the entrance of the Holy Tower in Tianfeng City again,

Lin Yuan found that the other friends had already arrived.

Just when everyone was together, Zong Bo distributed the rewards for others together.

The rewards for several people were similar, all of which were platinum equipment suitable for their professions.

After getting the equipment, several people naturally smiled and thanked Zong Bo repeatedly.

"Thank you Mayor Zong!"

"Mayor Zong took great pains"

"Mayor Zong, do you want to eat fresh roasted kidneys?"


Zong Bai asked with a smile, until he saw the properties of the roasted kidneys, his heart suddenly became a little hot.

【[Food] Charcoal Grilled Kidney (Special)

Effect: Increase waist strength by 100%, greatly increase endurance.

Zong Bai calmly put away the string of kidneys and said in a friendly manner:"This is the reward you deserve."

"Don't be complacent. As S-level seeds, you represent the reputation of Tianfeng City. I hope you can grow up quickly."After encouraging a few people, Zong Bai returned home.

Coming to an empty corner, Zong Bai took out the charcoal grilled kidney and ate it.

Feeling the warmth under his lower abdomen, Zong Bai's face lit up and he hurried upstairs.

After going upstairs, he saw his wife in the bedroom and immediately rushed over to her.

"Oh, what's wrong with your mouth?"

After a complaint, it was followed by an hour-long waist exercise.

"This kidney is really strong!"

Lin Yuan said this after eating the roasted kidney.

Don't say it, after eating this kidney, I feel full of strength.

I want to rush into the abyss and kill him seven times.

When several people came to the abyss area, Lin Yuan heard many professionals talking nearby

"Hey, have you heard that a professional broke Tuyang's record?"

"I know about this. My aunt's eldest cousin's third aunt's child happened to be an S-level seed of Tianshui City. He heard this with his own ears."

"The professional who broke this record must be very strong!"

"Isn't this nonsense? If you are not strong, how can you break Tuyang's record? You know, Tuyang is known as the strongest paladin."

Many professionals talked about it, and the focus of their discussion was walking towards the entrance of an abyss.

On the way, Zhang Fan patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder,"Ayuan, you are so awesome, you broke the record just by saying it?"

Zong Junru and Wang Xue agreed after hearing this.

Only Xu Shan was confused,"What record?"

"Of course it's Tuyang's record. I don't believe anyone else can do it except Lin Yuan."Zhang Fan said as a matter of course.

Xu Shan understood, but he still had a skeptical look on his face, as if he was asking.

Just him, a fragile mage, could break Lord Tuyang's record.

Zhang Fan obviously understood what Xu Shan meant, but he didn't explain.

You will know after entering the abyss. No matter how many explanations there are, they will seem pale and powerless in the face of facts.

Lin Yuan didn't care about what others said. At this moment, he had already arrived at the entrance of the abyss.

As the captain of the team, Lin Yuan directly chose the hell difficulty. Before leaving, Lin Yuan stopped for a while, turned his head and said to Xu Shan:"It's agreed in advance that we are going to challenge the hell difficulty. If you don't want to, you can leave on your own."

After saying that, Lin Yuan walked straight into the portal.

Although he promised Zong Bo that he would team up with them before the 1st transformation, whether they can seize the opportunity depends on the courage of these people.

If they don't even dare to enter the abyss of hell difficulty, it can't be blamed on themselves.

Zhang Fan saw Lin Yuan enter the abyss, and without even hesitation, he followed in.

The same was true for Zong Junru and Wang Xue.

Only Xu Shan was left standing at the door in a daze.

After a while, Xu Shan whispered,"Isn't it just the difficulty of hell? Who's afraid of who!"

As he said that, he walked into the portal without stopping.

【You have entered Dusk Town (Hell Difficulty). Please eliminate the enemies invading Dusk Town within the specified time. 】

After entering the abyss, Lin Yuan looked around.

He found that the place where several people were located was in the center of the town.

The town is called Dusk Town, and there are many high and low buildings around it. In front of Lin Yuan is the tallest building in Dusk Town.

This is where the mayor works, and now it is also the combat command center of Dusk Town.

Several people walked in according to the prompts.

As soon as they entered the room, a slightly tired voice came to Lin Yuan's ears,"Are you guys the rescue team sent by Stormwind?"

Turning around, he saw a woman in her thirties sitting at the desk.

There were a lot of materials piled on the table, and there was a one-handed sword.

Liz seemed to have not rested for a long time. She supported the table with both hands and staggered to her feet.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Liz, and I am the mayor of Twilight Town. The undead will attack again in half an hour, and we don't have much time left."

"This attack is very unusual. The undead's attack has lasted for three days. Most of the professionals in the town have been injured. This time it depends on you."

After Liz finished speaking, Lin Yuan and the others heard a task reminder.

【Mission objective: Defend Twilight Town from being conquered by the undead, the reward is unknown.

After receiving the mission, the few people did not stay in the house, but quickly rushed to the defense position outside the town.

Liz saw the few people leave, breathed a sigh of relief, and sat back on the stool.

There was a deep look of fatigue in her eyes,"My father, have you really betrayed your faith?"

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