The next morning, Lin Yuan got up early and cooked for himself.

There was no other way. In this life, Lin Yuan was an orphan, and even the house he lived in was not his own.

If Lin Yuan had not awakened successfully, I am afraid that this house would have been taken back.

After breakfast, Lin Yuan came to school.

When he walked to the playground, many classmates were already forming teams.

"The team is missing a healer, 4 vs 1, led by a C-level warrior"

"4 Warriors and 1 Healer Cleaver Team, missing two warriors."

The shouts one after another made Lin Yuan feel as if he was in an online game in his previous life.

A hundred years ago, when the Holy Tower descended, all those who awakened to become professionals would have their attributes digitized.

It was very similar to the online games in his previous life.

The Abyss was equivalent to a copy in the game, waiting to be conquered by the players.

No one knew why this happened, as if it was a matter of course.

After a moment of stunned silence, Lin Yuan's best friend, the fat boy Zhang Fan, came over and patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder.

"A Yuan, have you formed a team? Why don't you join my team?"

The profession of the little fat man Zhang Fan is a shield warrior. He is more durable than ordinary warriors. In addition, his B-level talent toughness can reduce 15% of the damage, which makes Zhang Fan a hot commodity.

Many teams want Zhang Fan to join their teams.

You know, if a team has a durable front row, it can greatly guarantee the safety of teammates.

Zhang Fan's team happened to be short of an output, and seeing Lin Yuan in a daze not far away, Zhang Fan came over to invite him.

Zhang Fan had good intentions. He was worried that Lin Yuan would not have anyone to team up with, so he wanted to take him with him.

But his decision made the other three teammates unhappy.

One of the teammates, named Wang Qiang, said unhappily,

"Zhang Fan, why did you invite such a burden when you could invite someone else? Are you afraid that we won't die fast enough?"

Wang Qiang is a healer. Although his words were unpleasant to the ear, the other two professionals in the team did not object.

"Yes, Zhang Fan, any DPS you can find is better than him. You know his talent. He can reduce 90% of the damage and cannot defeat the monsters in the abyss. We have to distract ourselves to protect him."The other DPS was their classmate. He knew the relationship between Zhang Fan and Lin Yuan. He did not talk to Zhang Fan, but spoke to Lin Yuan tactfully.

"Lin Yuan, I know you and Zhang Fan are good brothers. If you really regard Zhang Fan as a good brother, you shouldn't drag him down today. Zhang Fan has awakened a B-level talent and will have better development in the future. When he grows up, he can protect more people. You can't be so selfish as to ask Zhang Fan to take you with him."

The teammates said one by one, and before Lin Yuan could reply, Zhang Fan was furious.

"I didn't see you say such things when Lin Yuan became a mage yesterday. Now you despise his talent. Why don't you awaken a mage and give it a try! I'm telling you, if you want to be on the same team with me, you must bring Lin Yuan with you."

Originally, several teammates hoped that Zhang Fan would face reality and give up the idea of inviting Lin Yuan, but Zhang Fan was a stubborn person, so they simply kicked Zhang Fan out of the team.

"If you want to bring a burden, you can do it yourself. We won't serve you."

After Wang Qiang kicked Zhang Fan out of the team, he left with these words.

He really thought that he was great just because he awakened into a shield warrior. Three-legged frogs are hard to find, and two-legged warriors are everywhere in the playground.

After Wang Qiang and the other two left, Zhang Fan looked at Lin Yuan with a slightly apologetic look.

"Sorry, I didn't expect them to say that."

"It doesn't matter, they are right. Anyone who sees my talent will react in this way. I didn't plan to form a team for today's Abyss Trial."

Lin Yuan patted Zhang Fan's arm, indicating that Zhang Fan didn't need to take it to heart.

"But it's not easy to find strong teammates for you. Although the three people just now said something unpleasant, their strength is not bad."

Lin Yuan knew that the three teammates before Zhang Fan had the lowest C-level talent.

As the captain, Wang Qiang was wearing two priest equipment, which showed that Wang Qiang's family was also very wealthy, otherwise he would not spend a lot of money to buy novice equipment.

Hearing what Lin Yuan said, Zhang Fan curled his lips.

"With their cowardly behavior, I think they can barely pass the Abyss Trial."

Although he said so, Zhang Fan obviously agreed with Lin Yuan. While the two were chatting, it was already half past eight, and Principal Li also came to the playground.

"Students, the Abyss Trial is about to begin. Those who haven't formed a team yet should hurry up. This year's Abyss Trial is the Goblin Forest, which is very friendly to novices. You must remember……"

In the next ten minutes, Principal Li talked about the precautions of the Goblin Forest.

When Lin Yuan in the corner heard that this year's abyss was the Goblin Forest, he showed a relieved expression on his face.

"Fortunately, it is the Goblin Forest. If it was the Howling Caverns or the Bloody Cemetery, it would be terrible."

Lin Yuan murmured with a little relief.

As for the reason, it is obvious.

The monsters in the Goblin Forest are all goblins, and most of the monsters in it are melee, which are easier to deal with.

But the Howling Caverns and the Bloody Cemetery are different. The former has a narrow terrain and is easy to be surrounded, while the latter is full of undead monsters, and there are also difficult ghosts.

The Bloody Cemetery is often called the graveyard of newcomers.

Fortunately, this year's trial abyss is not the Bloody Cemetery.

After explaining the precautions, Principal Li stopped talking nonsense and opened the portal to the abyss.

"Remember, you must ensure your own safety after entering the abyss, and you must use the escape scroll if your life is in danger."

This is what many students remember.

Once a professional fails to pass the abyss trial, his profession will be deprived and he will become an ordinary person.

Being deprived of a profession is a very painful thing, and it is also accompanied by some sequelae, such as reduced physical fitness, susceptibility to illness, etc.

But after all, you can survive.

In the trial copies of previous years, many rookies were killed by monsters before they had time to use the escape scroll.

After the portal was opened, many teams couldn't wait and walked towards the portal and entered the trial abyss.

When Zhang Fan's former teammates passed by the two of them, they looked at Zhang Fan with a provocative look, then snorted disdainfully and walked into the portal.

""What are you so proud of? Pah!"

Zhang Fan said, pooh-poohing the backs of the people.

Chen Bin, who had always been unhappy with Zhang Fan, saw this scene.

So Chen Bin walked up to the two of them and said arrogantly,

"Zhang Fan, our team is still short of a tank. I invited you because we are classmates. We have a mage in our team. He is not the loser next to you. He is a real mage."

"Jiang Shao, do you know that not only has he awakened a C-level talent, but he has also learned three C-level skills. He will definitely be able to enter the list in the Abyss Trial. Don't miss this opportunity."

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