The BOSS just teleported over and laughed a few times,"Which ignorant human comes to challenge House again? I will let your soul fall into endless torture."

After saying this, the BOSS seemed very proud, but he was immediately stunned,"Where is the person!" Why is there no one in front of him? Where did the challenger go?

After searching for a long time, he finally found Lin Yuan's figure in the corner at the edge.

"A coward who wants to play hide-and-seek with House!" The BOSS sneered and raised his staff to cast a mana shield on himself.

Lin Yuan was nearly 200 meters away from the BOSS. The casting distance of the BOSS's fear spell was 80 meters. The BOSS had to walk at least 120 meters to release the spell. The

BOSS moved at a speed of 20 meters per second, and it was getting closer and closer to Lin Yuan.

But after four seconds, Lin Yuan showed a winner's smile,"Done."

As Lin Yuan stopped, a huge tornado of more than 50 meters was formed instantly, blocking the BOSS.

Before getting close to the BOSS, dense damage numbers appeared on the BOSS.

Although the numbers were not high, only a few thousand, the frequency was high.

On average, it would cause about 150,000 points of damage to the BOSS per second.

In just 5 seconds, the BOSS's mana was almost at the bottom.

The BOSS obviously also discovered this and quickly moved towards Lin Yuan, trying to rush out of the tornado's attack range.

This was obviously a wrong decision.

When the BOSS walked to a distance of 10 meters from the eye of the storm, the whole person flew up uncontrollably, approached the eye at a high speed, and fell into an entangled state.

In the entangled state, the BOSS's skills could not be used.

The BOSS, who was tightly controlled in the eye of the storm, was extremely frustrated and could only pray that this skill would not last long.

Unfortunately, the BOSS was destined not to wait until that time, and Lin Yuan's meteor shower was ready.

In an instant, tens of millions of meteors fell to the ground.

The boss not only had to endure the damage of the storm tornado, but was also hit by meteorites from time to time. At the 15th second, the boss had turned into a corpse.

【Congratulations to the challenger ??? Successfully passed the 20th level challenge (elite) in 20 seconds, refreshed the historical record, reputation +1】

【Congratulations to the challenger? ? ? Successfully passed the 20th level challenge (elite) in 20 seconds, refreshed the historical record, and gained +1 reputation. 】

The moment Lin Yuan killed the BOSS, the Holy Tower sent another prompt. This time, even many bigwigs were alarmed by the prompt.

Tu Gang, who was sitting at the entrance of the Trial Tower, heard this prompt and suddenly opened his closed eyes,"Interesting little guy, maybe you will be the next one!"

After muttering to himself, Tu Gang suddenly frowned and said impatiently,"Get out of here!"

The voice reached the ears of many people, instantly scaring away many people with ulterior motives.

These people came with various purposes and wanted to know who exactly had passed the 20th level elite trial.

Originally, passing the 20th level elite trial was nothing, but it was different for a professional who had just awakened on the second day.

The last person who had just awakened and passed the 20th level elite trial was called Tu Yang.

Hearing this person's name, you can tell how much of a sensation Lin Yuan caused.

Fortunately, the host this time was Tu Gang.

As a level 82 Titan Guardian, Tu Gang shocked a group of professionals with evil intentions.

Titan Guardian is a fourth-class profession of the Shield Warrior.

In the Abyss Battle half a year ago, Purgatory dispatched two demons and more than a dozen demon lords.

Due to the appearance of traitors on the human side, the human race in the Abyss was isolated and helpless. Tu Gang single-handedly resisted the Purgatory army for 30 minutes and finally waited for support.

Through this battle, Tu Gang made a name for himself as the Sky-Resisting Wall. He is known as the strongest shield warrior of the human race.

The absolute strength brings super deterrent power, which makes most people stay away.

"Damn, why is it this evil star?!"

"Another monster has appeared on the human side. Report this to the Demon Lord!"

"Same record as Tuyang? I wonder what this little guy's job is."

With a rebuke from Tu Gang, 99% of the people were cleared out, and the remaining part was completely well-intentioned.

A handsome middle-aged man in flashy clothes came to Tu Gang and asked indirectly:"Old Tu, do you know what the little guy's job is?"

Tu Gang glanced at the man and replied impatiently,"How should I know?"

"You are the host, if you don't know, who would know? Are you bullying me because I've never hosted a trial?" The man rolled up his sleeves, a little dissatisfied,"You are still pretending to be with me, I'm not a bad guy, if I knew who this kid is earlier, the Alliance could give him more resources."

Hearing this, Tu Gang sneered,"Treat him like you treat Tu Yang!"

This sentence made the showy man silent.

After a while, the showy man whispered:"This matter can't be blamed entirely on the Alliance."

"Yeah, I don't blame you. Who knew Tuyang would grow to be so strong now, right?" Tu Gang waved his hand to interrupt the showy man,"I will never tell you his information. Doesn't your alliance have the ability? Go and check it yourself. Anyway, there are only 1,800 people coming to the trial today."

Tu Gang didn't give the showy man any face at all.

The showy man smiled bitterly,"Well, the alliance doesn't have to know his identity. Gold will always shine."

After that, the showy man disappeared.

After this man left, some other team leaders said uncertainly:"Is this man Chen Yuang, the vice president of the Mage Association?"

"Yes, it's him. He killed a demon lord in Purgatory two days ago. He is now level 78."

"Hiss, the demon lords are all above level 70, and they have countless minions, and he slaughtered them all by himself?"

While the people outside the trial tower were discussing, Lin Yuan inside the tower sighed.

"Damn it, at least give me a piece of equipment!"

This BOSS didn't drop any equipment, but it dropped a skill book.

【[Mana Shield] (B-level) lv1

Description: Cast a mana shield on yourself, 1 mana value absorbs 10 damage, up to 5000 damage, cooldown time 30 seconds.

Seeing the attributes of the skill, Lin Yuan's injured heart was comforted,"It's not bad to get a life-saving skill."

Looking at the attributes of the mana shield, Lin Yuan's heart moved.

After this skill is upgraded to S-level, I wonder if it can be integrated with my magic heart?

If it can, I will get a second SS-level skill.

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