The few people didn't have to wait long before Secretary Sun distributed the rewards to them.

"There is a set of bronze equipment suitable for each of your professions, as well as some skill books. You can go back and get familiar with them today, and gather here at 8 o'clock tomorrow."

After receiving the reward, Lin Yuan mentioned the little goblin to Secretary Sun again. Lin Yuan hoped to place the little goblin with the mayor.

Secretary Sun would naturally not refuse this request, saying that Lin Yuan could rest assured that the mayor would not let the little goblin suffer any harm.

After separating from everyone, Lin Yuan returned home alone.

In front of Lin Yuan was a set of bronze equipment.

【Apprentice Robe] (Bronze)

Wearing requirement: Level 10

Attributes: HP +200, Intelligence +18, Constitution +18

【Apprentice Boots] (Bronze)

Wearing requirements: Level 10

Attributes: HP +200, Intelligence +15, Constitution +15

Lin Yuan took a look and lost interest. He had more than one piece of gold equipment and a platinum necklace. Naturally, he looked down on bronze equipment. Lin Yuan looked down on the equipment, but the skill book was pretty good.

【Flash] (B-level) lv1 consumption: 500 mana effect: flash instantly to a distance of 15 meters ahead, and remove the slowing effect of oneself at the same time, with a cooling time of 30 seconds.

Although there is only one skill book, Lin Yuan is also very satisfied.

Who would complain about too many life-saving skills?

Today, he has brushed the abyss three times. Except for the first time, Lin Yuan was highly concentrated in the other two times. He was a little tired and fell asleep within two minutes of lying on the bed.

The next day, after Lin Yuan woke up, he set off for the City Hall.

Lin Yuan was the last to arrive. Before him, everyone else had been here for a while.

From a distance, Lin Yuan's mouth was twitching wildly,

"Fatty, don't you feel sick of eating such greasy food so early in the morning?"

It's no wonder Lin Yuan said that, because Zhang Fan was sitting on a small stool and fanning himself. In front of him was a grill with various skewers on it.

Zhang Fan, who was grilling, looked up when he heard this and saw that it was Lin Yuan. He picked up two skewers of barbecue and handed them to him,"I'm worried that you didn't have breakfast, so I grilled them for you."

Lin Yuan took the skewers handed over by Zhang Fan and tasted them.

"It's really good, not greasy, I feel refreshed after eating it, how did you grill it?"

I thought the skewers would be greasy, but they weren't, instead they had the fragrance of flowers and plants.

"Hahaha, you don't know this, right? This is the blessing effect that the Fairy Queen specially gave me yesterday."Hearing Lin Yuan praising his skewers, Zhang Fan laughed and said

【Skill: Fairy Spice (Special)

Effect: The food you make has a herbal aroma and has a refreshing effect

"This skill!"

Everyone saw the skill shared by Zhang Fan and didn't know what to say.

Curious, Xu Shan came over and took a skewer. He wanted to understand the refreshing effect in the skill description.

After eating the skewer, Xu Shan's eyes lit up,"It's really good. I feel that my thinking reaction speed has improved by two levels compared to usual." After saying that, he picked up another skewer, and this time the information appeared on the skewer

【[Food] Refreshing skewers

Effect: After eating, you will feel energetic for 30 minutes.

Energetic: Increases physical strength recovery speed by 20%

"Zhang Fan, how much is a skewer of meat? I want to buy a few more." Xu Shan was envious when he saw the effect of the skewers and planned to buy more.

Today they are going to participate in the Saint Challenge, where they cannot use potions but can eat food.

The skewers made by Zhang Fan can increase the speed of physical recovery, so it is better to buy more.

Hearing that Xu Shan was going to buy, Zhang Fan directly took a dozen skewers and put them in his hand,"Hey, what are you buying? These are all for you. It's still early before the time agreed with Secretary Sun, so I'll grill some more for everyone."

Zhang Fan was overjoyed when he didn't expect that the skewers he grilled would have properties,"I didn't expect it to have this effect. I have the talent to be a spiritual chef!"

Lin Yuan was also happy to see Zhang Fan's happy look.

Although he and Zhang Fan were good brothers, they were destined not to stay together forever, and Lin Yuan would leave the team sooner or later.

He was also worried that Zhang Fan would not have a good time after the two separated.

But looking at it today, Lin Yuan seemed to be worrying too much.

Zhang Fan had already begun to plan to form his own team, consciously or unconsciously.

The distribution of the skewers just now was Zhang Fan's advance preparation.

Through observation, Zhang Fan and Wang Xue's eyes would meet from time to time. When the two looked at each other, Wang Xue would always be like a frightened little rabbit, while Zhang Fan would be like a successful big bad wolf.

This made Lin Yuan mutter in his heart,"When did these two people hook up!"

Although he complained in his heart, Lin Yuan still admitted that Zhang Fan had a way.

Among the S-level seeds, Xu Shan's personality is very honest. I believe that it won't take long for Zhang Fan to get along well with Xu Shan.

As for Zong Junru and Wang Xue, didn't you see that Wang Xue was about to be eaten up by Zhang Fan, the big bad wolf? Wang Xue followed Zhang Fan, so where else could Zong Junru, as a good girlfriend, go.

Even if Lin Yuan flies solo in the future, Zhang Fan's team should not be underestimated.

They only need to find another magic output to replace Lin Yuan's vacancy.

20 minutes later, Secretary Sun, who was dressed in formal attire, came over."You all came early. How was your rest?"

Lin Yuan smiled and nodded and replied,"I had a good rest."

Secretary Sun nodded, and just as he was about to say something, his nose moved slightly.

"What a smell, so fragrant."

Secretary Sun turned his eyes and saw Zhang Fan who was grilling meat,"Did you grill it?"

Zhang Fan nodded.

Secretary Sun picked up a skewer and put it in his mouth. After chewing it twice, his eyes immediately lit up.

"Yes, this is the taste. I haven't tasted it for many years."

Secretary Sun grabbed Zhang Fan's shoulders and asked

"What ingredients did you put in?"

"I didn't give any information away. This is a skill given to me by the Fairy Queen."

Seeing the extremely excited Secretary Sun, Zhang Fan posted his own skills.

After understanding the effect of the skill, Secretary Sun suddenly realized,"I see, that's it."

Then, Secretary Sun took out a box and put all the skewers in front of him into the box.

While putting them in, Secretary Sun saw that Zhang Fan was hesitant to speak, and said with a smile:"Don't worry, I won't take your things for nothing. I don't eat these skewers myself, but to give them to an important person. When the time comes, if the important person is happy, you will definitely benefit from it."

As soon as Secretary Sun explained, Zhang Fan's expression changed, and he said generously:"Secretary Sun, what are you talking about? I just wanted to ask you if the skewers are enough. If not, I will grill some more for you."

The shameless look amused Secretary Sun, and he looked Zhang Fan up and down,"Don't say, you really have some of the shadow of that important person."

"Do you have the potential to become a strong person?" Zhang Fan asked quickly.

Secretary Sun shook his head,"You two are shameless enough."

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