After maxing out the magic surge, Lin Yuan was overjoyed, he knew that he would definitely take off.

Others were given 5 skill points for each level up, and if they wanted to get extra skill points, they could only clear the abyss or challenge the holy tower.

Therefore, skill points are very precious for professionals.

But Lin Yuan can squander such precious skill points at will.

This means that no matter what skills he acquires in the future, they will be at the maximum level.

After adding points to the skills, Lin Yuan's heart moved.

Skills can be upgraded by adding points, I wonder if talents can be upgraded.

He clicked on the talent column.

It was expected that talents could not be upgraded with skill points, and Lin Yuan did not show too much disappointment.

At the moment before closing the panel, Lin Yuan clicked on the magic surge again for some unknown reason.

"Ding, I found that the C-level skill Magic Surge has reached the promotion standard. Do you want to spend 100 skill points to upgrade it to the B-level skill Magic Fountain?"

When Lin Yuan heard the prompt, his eyes lit up,"Upgrade, upgrade for me." Lin Yuan quickly agreed to the upgrade request.

It's just 100 skill points, it's a piece of cake.

After the upgrade, the C-level skill Magic Surge became the B-level skill Magic Fountain

【[Skill]: Fountain of Mana (B-level) LV1

Effect 1: Increase MP by 2000 points.

Effect 2: Increase mana recovery speed by 50%.

Seeing the effect of the Fountain of Mana, Lin Tianle was overjoyed,"This is a magical skill of the mage!"

What the turret mage lacks most is, of course, mana.

Imagine if a mage has a lot of mana and can release skills at will, then he will definitely become the enemy's nightmare.

Then, without any hesitation, Lin Yuan added points continuously and upgraded the Fountain of Mana to the maximum level.

【[Skill]: Magic Fountain (B-level) LVmax

Effect 1: Increase MP by 5000 points.

Effect 2: Increase mana recovery speed by 100%.

Seeing the skill effect, Lin Yuan didn't know what to say.

B-level skills are simply crushing C-level skills.

Not only does it increase mana by 3500 points, but it also has a BUFF that increases mana recovery speed by 100%.

But Lin Yuan is still not satisfied.

Since the skill can be advanced, let me see where your limit is!

Lin Yuan clicked on the + sign behind the full-level Magic Fountain again.

"Ding, it is detected that the B-level skill Magic Spring has met the promotion conditions. Do you want to spend 500 skill points to upgrade to the A-level skill Magic Body?"

Seeing that the Magic Spring can still be advanced, Lin Yuan chose to agree.

Compared with the smooth advancement of the skill just now, Lin Yuan felt a little painful this time.

He felt that there were countless ants biting him in his body, and he couldn't help but let out a muffled groan in his throat,"Uh!"

Lin Yuan's strangeness surprised everyone around him.

Since Principal Li asked the question just now, Lin Yuan has been thinking with his head down.

You said you would think, so why did you make such a strange sound.

When everyone was wondering, Lin Yuan took the initiative to speak,"I have awakened G-level talent and A-level skills." Lin Yuan wiped the sweat from his head and showed his talents and skills.

【[Skill]: Magical Body (A-level) LV1

Effect 1: Increase MP by 10,000 points.

Effect 2: Increase mana recovery speed by 200%.

Effect 3: Reduce spell damage received by 10%.

Lin Yuan first displayed the A-level skill Magical Body.

As soon as this skill appeared, there was a sound of people sucking in cold air around him.

Even Principal Li looked at this skill in shock, and sighed in his heart,"This boy is extraordinary!"

Many people felt that with this A-level skill, Lin Yuan would definitely become a powerful mage.

But when Lin Yuan showed his talent, the scene was a little weird.

【Talent: Cooldown Reduction (G-level)

Effect: Reduce skill release time and cooldown time by 5%, reduce skill damage by 90%.

When the talent appeared in front of everyone, everyone was silent.

The level of talent from low to high is F, E, D, C, B, A, S.

Some evildoers will even awaken SS-level talents.

Everyone was silent for a while, and suddenly there was a sneer,"Hahahaha, what's the use of awakening the mage profession and A-level skills? The skill damage is reduced by 90%, and it can't hit monsters at all. I think it's a waste." The one who spoke was Chen Bin. He awakened the archer profession. The talent awakened was the C-level archer focus, which can increase the attack speed. The skill is the C-level double shot, which can quickly shoot two arrows to attack the enemy.

Originally, Chen Bin was a little proud when he saw that his talent and skills were both C-level, but who knew that Lin Yuan's awakened skill was actually A-level.

The moment he saw the A-level skill Magic Body, Chen Bin thought that he might have to keep his tail between his legs in the future.

But who knew that Lin Yuan's awakened talent was actually G-level.

This is one level lower than the F-level among the known talents.

G-level talents have never appeared in human history, but they appeared on Lin Yuan.

Reducing the skill release and cooldown time by 5% is better than nothing, but reducing the skill damage by 90% is very fatal.

And the effect of this talent cannot be simply offset by equipment.

In short, Lin Yuan's talent is really garbage among garbage. When everyone heard Chen Bin's words, they did not refute, but acquiesced.

Everyone thought that Lin Yuan was probably going to be useless.

Because after awakening, students will step into the Abyss Trial.

The Abyss Trial is no different from other trials, and you have to face the monsters of the Abyss directly. I believe that no students will team up with a mage who reduces 90% of the damage, even if he has an A-level passive skill.

If this A-level passive skill is to increase damage, Lin Yuan can still save it, but it is a most useless increase in mana in the novice period. There are only a few skills that everyone can learn in the novice period. Unless you are a priest who adds blood, there is no difference between 100 mana and 10,000 mana.

Therefore, everyone looked at Lin Yuan with a little pity.

"It's a pity. Although the mage profession is awakened, the talent is poor. I'm afraid there is no future for it."

"Yes, it would be better to fail in awakening. I am afraid that I will not be able to come back alive if I enter the abyss tomorrow."

Two students who failed to awaken commented shamelessly.

The words of the students around him reached Lin Yuan's ears, but his expression did not change at all.

Lin Yuan looked up at the principal,"Principal, does the C-level skill you just mentioned still count?"

Just now, Principal Li said that as long as he awakened the mage profession, he would be rewarded with a C-level skill.

Because Lin Yuan knew that as long as he showed his talent, the extra reward would be gone.

Now Lin Yuan just wanted to confirm whether the C-level skill promised by Principal Li just now was still valid.

He just used 620 skill points to upgrade his skills. When he got the C-level skill, he could at least upgrade to the full level of B-level. As long as he took steady steps, he might not be unable to solo the abyss tomorrow.

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