"Oh no!"

Chen Yuang was horrified and immediately went into the portal. When he reappeared, he had arrived at Blue Star.

""Why are you so slow? Where's Lin Yuan?" Tu Gang said. He and the others had been waiting for a while.

But Chen Yuan and Lin Yuan hadn't come yet. Seeing Chen Yuan coming, Tu Gang stretched his neck to look behind him.

""Where's Lin Yuan? Why did you leave him behind? What if something unexpected happens?"

Tu Gang was a little unhappy. Lin Yuan was a key protected person. How could you leave him behind alone ?

"An unexpected event has occurred." Chen Yuang smiled bitterly and told about the previous encounter with the dimensional storm.

"What did you say! Brother Lin Yuan encountered a dimensional storm and was teleported to somewhere?"Gevri shouted loudly, his eyes full of concern.

When others heard the news, they all showed their worries.

"The space around the Blue Star is very stable, and theoretically there will be no dimensional storm."Chen Yuang was naturally very anxious, but there was one thing he couldn't figure out.

"The dimensional storm did not appear earlier or later, but appeared when Lin Yuan entered. Could it be man-made?"When others heard Chen Yuang's guess, they were a little skeptical at first, but after thinking about it carefully, they felt something was wrong.

"If it was man-made, the opponent must be at least a demigod. Being able to do this without anyone noticing must be extremely powerful even among demigods."

"The opponent is so powerful, why would he do such a sneaky thing? If he just attacks directly, all of us combined will definitely not be able to resist him."

Aurelia felt that the possibility of an accident was more likely.

"The space of Blue Star is relatively stable, but the Fire Mountains are not. It is close to the plane of fire element, and the space fluctuates frequently. In addition, we just had a fierce battle with Leviathan, and the space fluctuations are even stronger. It is normal to trigger a dimensional storm."

After Aurelia's reminder, the others suddenly understood.

It seems that the possibility of accidents is still greater.

Gwari thought about it and took out the communication rune,"Don't guess blindly, let me see if the communication rune can contact him."

But after activating the communication rune, there was no response from the other side for a long time.

It's not that Lin Yuan doesn't want to answer, but there is no way to answer it now.

【You have encountered a dimensional storm, you are immune to this damage】

【You have entered the Forgotten Valley (Purgatory Plane)】

【Because you carry the Heart of Gluttony, you will not be harmed by the Wind of Purgatory.

Just now, when Lin Yuan stepped into the portal, he was wrapped in a space turbulence.

Fortunately, Lin has the skill of Dimensional Walking, which can make him immune to the damage of the Dimensional Storm.

Otherwise, the resurrection emblem in Lin Yuan's backpack would have been triggered long ago.

"Is this the Purgatory plane?"Lin Yuan was a little confused.

How did he get here?

Could it be that the dimensional storm came from Purgatory?

He was so unlucky.

"I'll see if Star Transmission can be used."Lin Yuan muttered to himself.

He took out Alunes and found that the skill was temporarily unusable.

【You are affected by the dimensional storm and cannot use space teleportation skills for half an hour. You have to wait another half an hour.

While waiting, Lin Yuan decided to explore this place called Forgotten Valley.

However, Lin Yuan was very careful and used a real illusion.

He sent a clone to explore.

His original body found a corner and performed a transformation spell to turn into a stone.

The clone walked for less than five minutes and found a pool of water about 100 meters long and 80 meters wide in front of him.

The pool was filled with an unknown red liquid, emitting a disgusting fishy smell.

"Where is this place? Why is there no one here?"

Just as the phantom approached the pool 50 meters away, a water arrow shot out from the pool.

This water arrow exuded a scarlet color, and it was extremely poisonous at first glance. If an ordinary person was touched, he would immediately turn into blood.

But Lin Yuan controlled the clone to cast an arcane barrier, immune to this damage

""Who is it?"

Seeing that the water arrow had no effect, a suspicious voice came from the pool.

"With a"puff", the creature in the pool slowly floated up, revealing its hideous head with barbs.

The moment it saw Lin Yuan's clone, the figure in the pool was shocked:

"It's you!"


Lin Yuan cursed when he saw the creature in the pool.

What did I see? Isn't this the Leviathan whose real body was just blown up? Is it possible that the Demon God and I are so destined?

【Jealous Demon - Leviathan] (Legend) lv88 (58)

Status: Severely injured (recovering)

Description: After the demon's true form was shattered, Leviathan hid in his secret base to recover from his injuries, but it seems that his luck is a bit bad.

""Shit, I'm the one with the worst luck, I'm just walking into a tiger's mouth!" Lin Yuan said indignantly.

Although Lin Yuan was shocked, a voice in his heart reminded him.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you are about to complete the second achievement of killing the gods.

The gluttonous heart in Lin Yuan's backpack sensed something and became extremely excited, and took the initiative to bless Lin Yuan with a state

【[Gluttony and Hunger]: Deal 50% more damage to legendary creatures.

Damn it, this is forcing me to take action!

""Human, why are you here!" Leviathan did not rush to act, but said in a deep voice.

When he appeared just now, he sensed it and found that Lin Yuan was the only one here, and he was relieved immediately. What kind of waves can a 34-level little wizard make in front of him?

Even if his demon god's real body was blown up, he had just used the Purgatory Treasure to condense a point of divine armor.

With this 1 point of divine armor, the opponent is only level 34 and can't break his defense at all.

But why did this human find this place?

The Forgotten Valley is his most secret base, located in the depths of the Forbidden Magic Sea. Demons below level 80 don't even think about setting foot here. Is there someone helping him?

Did other demon gods take action!

Leviathan flashed this thought, and was shocked, wanting to leave here immediately.

But then he changed his mind. After thinking about it, he stopped the action again.

This shouldn't happen. If other demons knew that I was injured, they would never let a weak human appear here. They would have taken action long ago.

These demons appear to be very friendly on the surface, but in fact, they all hope that the other party will die and then snatch the power of Purgatory from the other party.

It's just that everyone's strength is about the same, and no one can do anything to anyone in a one-on-one conversation.

Since he was not sent by other demons, Leviathan naturally wanted to know how Lin Yuan got here.

If his hiding place is really exposed, he must leave here immediately.

Lin Yuan naturally didn't know that Leviathan had thought of so many things in a short period of time. He was planning how to deal with Leviathan.

Hearing Leviathan asking how he came here, he replied without thinking:"Of course I came here to kill you!"

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