Although Kraken had been passively beaten, his vitality was extremely strong and he only suffered minor injuries.

Although Kraken's level was lower than that of the Red Dragon Queen, he had great power in his body. In a pure power contest, even Leviathan was not as good as him.

Didn't you see that the Red Dragon Queen didn't dare to come forward and just used dragon breath to attack? The Red Dragon Queen was not stupid.

Kraken was an ancient alien species. The Creator gave him power far beyond that of ordinary people, but did not give him the wisdom he deserved.

However, although Kraken was not smart, his luck was not bad.

The reason why he dared to attack the Red Dragon Queen was naturally because he relied on something.

In addition to his own unparalleled power, he was also protected by the Naga clan.

Kraken was one of the sea monsters raised by the Naga clan.

The Naga clan was a dominant existence in the Endless Sea.

The Naga Queen was a demigod, with several strong men over level 85 under her command.

As long as people or things related to Naga appeared in the Endless Sea, other races would retreat.

Lin Yuan and his companions came to the Endless Sea for the first time, so they naturally didn't know about this situation. The Red Dragon Queen knew something, but she didn't take it seriously.

The two sides were deadlocked.

Although the Red Dragon Queen was strong, she couldn't defeat the Kraken for a while.

Chen Yuang's magic did work, but it was very slow. If you want to completely freeze the Kraken, it will take about an hour.

As for the Kraken, his IQ is only three or four years old. After being beaten, he refused to give up and didn't let the Red Dragon Queen leave.

If it wasn't in the territory of the Endless Sea, the Red Dragon Queen would have avoided it by flying higher.

But you can't fly too high in the sky above the Endless Sea. You can only fly to a position 200 meters above the sea level at most. If you fly higher, it will trigger some kind of ban, which is very dangerous.

So the Endless Sea is also called the Sea of Death.

The Kraken's body is thousands of meters long and has been lurking on the seabed. The tentacles are hundreds of meters long and constantly harass the Red Dragon Queen.

Moreover, the Kraken moves very fast. With the current speed of the Red Dragon Queen, it is impossible to get rid of him in a short time.

She couldn't burn her life fire just to get rid of him. If she did that, the Red Dragon Queen's combat power would be reduced by 30% before she even saw Leviathan.

"Is there any way to give him a hard blow? Make him give up."During the stalemate, Lin Yuan asked

"There is a way, but if I use it, I won't be able to fight for a short time."Chen Yuang continued to release ice spells, hoping to slow down the Kraken.

But a dark green substance formed on the surface of the Kraken's body. This was the ink he spit out, which could greatly enhance his defense.

Chen Yuang's ice spells had played a very small role.

Of course, this was because they didn't take it seriously. They still had to fight Leviathan in a while, and they didn't want to waste their strength on the Kraken.

This made the Kraken more arrogant.

"Damn it, I'll transform into an ice element and kill him."

Chen Yuang was a little annoyed by the Kraken's tentacles and wanted to transform to kill him.

When he was about to transform, a horn sounded in the distance.

""Woo woo woo!"

Hearing the horn, the Kraken retracted its tentacles and became obedient.

Seeing this, the Red Dragon Queen snorted coldly, turned around and prepared to leave."

You are lucky today. I will settle this account with you after I deal with Leviathan."

She was very unhappy in her heart. An ugly sea monster actually dared to play with me. It was really a foolish dream. Just as the Red Dragon Queen was about to fly, suddenly, a steel fork passed by her eyes, accompanied by an arrogant voice,

"I haven't asked you to leave yet!"

This voice came from a petite female Naga.

This Naga was called Valgara. She was not alone. She was followed by two eight-meter-tall fishmen guards.

""Dragon, you actually dared to hurt the sea beasts raised by the Naga clan. This is unforgivable. Surrender immediately and follow me back to the Haiti prison to accept punishment."

Valgara came up with a commanding tone, not taking Lin Yuan and the others seriously at all.

As long as you are in this small piece of land in the Endless Sea, even if you are a dragon, you have to obey me.

"Go back to the underwater prison with you to be punished?" The Red Dragon Queen was so angry that she laughed.

"If you want me to accept punishment, even if Elshara came, she might not dare to say this. How dare you, a mere Naga noble, speak to me like this?"

"How dare you address the Queen by her name?"

Valgara raised the sea beast scepter in her hand, pointed at the Red Dragon Queen and said angrily

"Dragon, you are provoking the Naga clan, and you will pay the price for this."The

Naga's arrogance and rudeness completely angered the Red Dragon Queen. The Red Dragon Queen took a deep breath and sprayed at Valgara.

"How dare you launch an attack!"Valgara was shocked and angry.

But the dragon's breath had already burned in front of her, and Valgara only had time to control the scepter to cast a sea barrier.

After the hot dragon's breath dissipated, Valgara was left standing there alone. As for the two murloc guards behind her, they had been burned to ashes.

Although Valgara survived, she looked quite miserable.

The shiny scales on her body were burned black, and the sea beast scepter in her hand was broken by one third.

This dragon's breath was an angry attack from the Red Dragon Queen. Valgara was only level 76, and she survived only because of the sea beast scepter in her hand.

When Valgara saw the broken sea beast scepter, her teeth were almost broken, and she shouted hysterically:

"Kraken, I order you to kill them."

Less than a second after the order was issued, a blinding light suddenly fell from the sky.

The light hit Valgara and melted her body. The sea beast's staff was broken into one third, leaving only the last part.

When the staff was about to fall to the bottom of the sea, a hand grabbed the staff.

【Kill the Naga noble Valgara, experience points increased by 6000000】

【You reach level 34 and gain 2000 skill points】

【You have obtained the Sea Beast Scepter (Broken)]

Lin Yuan used the meteorite to kill Valgara instantly and then snatched the Sea Beast Scepter away. His movements were smooth and without any delay.

"Naga is so great, but you are really asking for death by complaining."After killing the man, Lin Yuan pouted and said in disdain.

Lin Yuan's actions attracted the attention of Chen Yuang and Tu Gang.

"Did you create that starlight?" Chen Yuan's eyes were a little dull.

Lin Yuan nodded,"Well, I got the SSS-level skills after changing my job to a star magician, but I haven't used them yet."

This was said lightly, but it caused an uproar for others.

"What! SSS-level skills, did I hear it right?" Chen Yuang's eyes were almost filled with envy.

Damn, he was impressed by this kid again.

That's an SSS-level skill, not just a cabbage on the street. Only Guild Master Gude has it in the entire Blue Star.

Now there is one more, that is Lin Yuan.

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