Seeing that everyone was staring at him, Tu Gang paused and explained,"This incident did happen, but it's not as exaggerated as others have said."

After Tu Gang's explanation, Lin Yuan knew the real situation.

Last time, the lazy demon Belia, the greedy demon Mammon, and the angry demon Samael attacked together, wanting to destroy a fortress that would annihilate the human race in the half plane.

The reason why the attack of the three demons could be blocked at that time was because Tu Gang had a demigod-level buff rune on him, and a top-level defense array laid by a top array master who was good at defense, plus Tu Gang himself was also good at defense.

With the combination of the three, he was able to withstand the attacks of the three demons.

That battle was extremely dangerous. If all of Tu Gang's divinity had not been added to the defense and his immortal combat body had not been awakened, he would not have been able to stop the attacks of the three demons.

"Have you put all your divinity into defense?" The Red Dragon Queen was very surprised.

Upon hearing this, Tu Gang smiled and replied,"Yes, I have companions behind me. I only need to defend, and leave the rest to my companions."

Knowing that Tu Gang's divine defense had reached the full value of ten points, the Red Dragon Queen felt it was very difficult.

Even though she was three levels higher than Tu Gang, she could not kill Tu Gang in a short time.

But this is undoubtedly a good thing. When fighting with Leviathan, as long as Tu Gang stands in front, I believe Leviathan will also feel a headache. When everyone was together, Lin Yuan sent another communication to Gvari.

After two rings, Gvari answered,"Brother, I have found the whereabouts of Leviathan. He is now at the junction of the Tranquil Sea and the Land of Fire. I am going to find an opportunity to kill him. You come as soon as possible!"

"OK, brother, let's go now."

After hanging up the call, Lin Yuan looked at the Red Dragon Queen,"Alai, is the place that Brother Gwari mentioned far from us?"

"The border between the Sea of Tranquility and the Land of Fire……"The Red Dragon Queen repeated,"He must be talking about the Flame Mountains. That place is very close to the Fire Elemental Plane.""

"Fire Element Plane?" Lin Yuan asked in confusion.

"The Land of Fire is the entrance to the plane of fire element, where all the creatures living are fire elemental creatures."Chen Yuan explained to Lin Yuan.

As an elemental mage, he knew the four elemental planes very well.

The Land of Fire? Lin Yuan remembered this place. Aluneth needs elemental orbs and elemental essences to upgrade, so he must go there if he has a chance. After confirming the location, several people set off immediately.

Without the plane coordinates, several people did not dare to tear the space to teleport.

The Red Dragon Queen restored her body and let Lin Yuan and others sit on her.

This was the first time that the Red Dragon Queen carried a person on her back, and she was a little uncomfortable.

But when she thought that they were here to help her kill Leviathan, she immediately accepted it.

"Sit tight, let's go!"

The Red Dragon Queen's huge body soared into the air and headed straight for the Flame Mountains.

At the same time, the Valkyrie had already determined the location of Leviathan and was preparing to discuss when to take action.

"Leviathan has left the Tranquil Sea and entered the Fire Mountains. Gwari put down the telescope and said to Aurelia and Muro.

"Why is he here? Is Purgatory going to attack the Fire Elemental Domain?"A thoughtful look appeared in Aurelia's eyes.

Muro did not speak, and seemed a little taciturn.

Because of the invasion of Purgatory, Muro's hometown has become a battlefield of Purgatory.

His Fire Blade Clan has been destroyed by the demons, and now he is the only one left in the entire Fire Blade Clan.

Now, Muro is wiping his sword, which is in tune with his mind and is the most trusted partner of the Sword Saint.

In a while, Muro is going to use this sword to chop off Leviathan's head.

"No matter what he comes here for, I will kill him with the sword in my hand.

This is the way of the sword master, fearless.

"It is just what we want him to do if he reveals his true identity in the sea."Gwari thought this was a good opportunity.

Since you dare to use yourself as bait, you should be prepared to be eaten by me.

Gwari took out the double-barreled shotgun behind him, took out two special armor-breaking bullets and stuffed them into the barrels.

"Muro used the Wind Step to move forward, and said,"Aurelia, prepare to charge and shoot. Once my bullet hits him, shoot immediately."

Aurelia nodded, took out her bow and arrow, gathered the power of wind in her hands, and began to charge.

The longer he charged, the more powerful his shot would be.

Muro still didn't say anything, but he responded with actual actions. His body disappeared out of thin air and he rushed towards Leviathan.

At this moment, Leviathan, who had just stepped onto the land, suddenly felt a little palpitation.

At this level, he could already have a preliminary perception of danger, and Leviathan naturally knew where the palpitation came from.

"Finally, I am here. It is worth my preparation for so long. This time, I will definitely destroy all of you here."Leviathan muttered in a low voice.

Leviathan was born in the Demon Sea. His body is a sea monster with very hard scales and extremely sharp teeth. There are countless spikes under his belly. He is cold-blooded, violent and bloodthirsty. He is terrifying in Purgatory.

Among the seven demons in Purgatory, Samael is warlike and Leviathan is bloodthirsty. They are the two who start wars most frequently.

Under the demon army led by them, I don't know how many demiplanes and planets have been destroyed.

Their reputation is the worst in the star realm. I don't know how many people want to take their lives.

But for countless years, they are still alive and well.

Today, since Leviathan dared to appear here alone, he must have made full preparations.

You think I am alone, which is ridiculous.

The demon army under my command is on standby in my stomach at this moment.

As soon as the fight starts, I will let you know what the human wave tactics are.

Humph! Leviathan Tan snorted twice in disdain.

He had fought with Gwari many times and knew that the other party had special means to shatter his divine armor, so he specially bought a few void defense runes from a void lord.

This rune was specifically designed to deal with Gwari, making his armor-piercing shells useless.

Without armor-piercing shells, Gwari's threat was greatly reduced.

Of course, Leviathan's preparations did not stop there. He had already reached a deal with a fire elemental lord in the fire elemental plane, promising that if he made a move this time, he would give the other party a portion of the essence of purgatory fire.

The fire elemental lord is now in front of the barrier, waiting for Leviathan to send a signal to rush out for support, so Leviathan chose to appear in the Flame Mountains.

Of course, there is one last insurance, that is the Red Dragon Queen and her Red Dragon Legion.

As long as the Red Dragon Queen comes to support, Gwari and his Mithril brothers will definitely die.

"Let’s see whether you can die this time!"

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