Facing the almost begging tone of Samael's projection, Lin Yuan remained indifferent, and his casting movements became faster.

The frequency of releasing skills has reached once every 0.8 seconds.

This made Samael's projection furious.

"Damn reptile, I will put your soul into the soul lamp of purgatory and torture you day and night!"

But this is just to scare the children. Lin Yuan didn't take it seriously at all. After releasing skills dozens of times in a row, Samael's projection was finally emptied of blood.

【You killed the projection of the angry demon Samael. Samael's hatred +20】

【You gained 10,000 experience】

【You get 1 evolution point.

After killing Samael's projection, Lin Yuan leveled up 2 levels and reached level 7.

After Samael's projection fell, the palace gate reopened and Zhang Fan poked his head out.

Seeing that Lin Yuan was fine, Zhang Fan breathed a sigh of relief and ran over to pat Lin Yuan on the shoulder.

"I knew it would be you who survived."

Lin Yuan responded with a smile and began to collect spoils.

Samael's projection dropped a total of 300 gold coins, two skill books, and three pieces of equipment.

Unfortunately, the skill books were all for warriors, so Lin Yuan handed them directly to Zhang Fan.

【[Frenzy Recovery] (Level B) lv1

Description: Consume anger points to restore health points, every 10 anger points restore 1% of health points, cooldown time 30 seconds

【[Burning Rage] (B-level) lv1 passive: Increase the upper limit of rage by 10 points.

Two B-level skills, tailor-made for Zhang Fan.

The passive skill increases rage value, and the active skill restores health, greatly enhancing survivability.

The increase in rage value means that more skills can be released, which in turn increases the fault tolerance rate.

"Since it is a warrior's skill book, I will not refuse it."

Zhang Fan did not refuse. After taking the skill book, he immediately chose to study

"Why didn't the S-level skill book and job change certificate in the BOSS's hand drop?"

Seeing Zhang Fan's excited look, Lin Yuan felt a little unbalanced.

It was not until he saw the equipment dropped by the BOSS that his face looked better.

【Little Devil Staff】(Gold) lv5

Wearing requirements: 40 intelligence points

Attributes: Spell damage +150, Intelligence +20, Constitution +20

Special effects: Fire damage increased by 15%

A golden weapon of a magic profession, if it is auctioned outside, it will cost at least 2,000 gold.

Holding the staff in his hand, Lin Yuan wanted to equip it.

"Your intelligence is insufficient, so you cannot equip it."

After receiving the prompt, Lin Yuan remembered that he still had free attribute points to use, so he added all 10 free attribute points to intelligence.

Lin Yuan's intelligence reached 50 points, and his mana reached an astonishing 103,000.

After equipping the weapon, a more than one-meter-long staff appeared in Lin Yuan's hand. There was a little demon head on one end of the staff, which looked quite intimidating.

After waving the staff twice, Lin Yuan looked at the other two pieces of equipment.

【Samael's Gaze] (Platinum)

Wearing requirements: Samael's hatred

Attributes: Constitution +50, Intelligence +50, Agility +50, Strength +100.

Special effects: Demon hatred +100%, damage to demons increased by 50%.

Note: You can't escape, Samael is always watching you

【Shield of Hatred] (Gold)

Wearing requirements: 50 points of physical fitness, warrior class profession

Attributes: Armor +120, Physical Fitness +50, Strength +50, Agility +25

Special Effect: Your hatred value increases by 50%.

Two pieces of equipment, one is for warriors,

"It's a bargain for you."

Lin Yuan put the shield in front of Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan had been drooling beside it since he saw the properties of the shield. He wanted it but didn't dare to take it. When he saw Lin Yuan taking the shield, he said hypocritically:"This is not good, why don't you sell it for money?"

Lin Yuan took the shield back directly after hearing it,"Good idea, you are right, this gold-level shield should be able to exchange for a lot of money."

When Zhang Fan saw Lin Yuan taking the shield back, he immediately became anxious,"No, no, I was kidding, A Yuan, Brother Yuan, give it to me quickly."

After much persuasion, Zhang Fan promised not to pretend in the future, and Lin Yuan gave him the shield.

As for the necklace, Lin Yuan equipped it directly.

100% attracting demon hatred is not a big deal at all. Humans and demons are mortal enemies, and it doesn't matter if there is an additional effect of attracting hatred.

What's more, this necklace also comes with a 50% increase in damage to demons.

This is a magical skill for Lin Yuan.

"That's it. From now on, I will specialize in killing demons and monsters."

Lin Yuan muttered to himself and opened his attribute column.

【Name: Lin Yuan

Level: lv7 HP

: 4100

Mana: 104350

Spell Attack: 237

Strength: 110 (affects physical attack, physical defense)

Agility: 60 (affects critical hit rate, speed)

Intelligence: 87 (affects spell attack, spell defense)

Physical Strength: 82 (affects health, resistance)

Skill Points: 2920

Evolution Points: 1

Free Attribute Points: 0

【Talent]: Cooldown Reduction (G Level)

【Skill 1]: Heart of Magic (S Rank)

【Skill 2]: Blazing Barrier (S Rank)

【Skill 3: Ice Ray (A-level)

Lin Yuan's level 7 panel, his HP is even higher than many level 15 warriors. Strength attribute suddenly became the highest attribute, which made Lin Yuan's mouth twitch slightly,"Why do I, a mage, need so much strength? To chop monsters with a staff?"

But after seeing the other attributes, Lin Yuan's eyebrows were overjoyed.

Other spells at this level only have about 30 points of magic damage, but Lin Yuan has 8 times that of others.

Lin Yuan noticed that there was an extra evolution point in his attribute column,

"Killing the BOSS gave me 1 evolution point. What is the use of this thing?"

Focusing on the evolution points, I got some feedback, which made Lin Yuan ecstatic.

"There is actually such an effect!"

The function of evolution points is to upgrade talents.

For example, if Lin Yuan's current talent is A-level, then Lin Yuan can directly spend 1 evolution point to evolve the A-level talent into an S-level talent, which is extremely precious.

"Oh, if only my talent was A-level, or B-level would be fine."

Knowing the role of evolution points, Lin Yuan sighed.

But Lin Yuan still added this evolution point to his talent.

"Your talent cooldown reduction (G level) has been detected? Do you want to upgrade it to F level talent?"

Seeing that even the system has put a question mark on his talent, Lin Yuan's head was filled with black lines.

"Upgrade talent."

Lin Yuan replied unhappily.

Then the annoying G-level talent disappeared and turned into an F-level talent.

【Talent]: Cooldown Reduction (F rank)

Effect: Reduces casting time and cooldown reduction by 10%, reduces skill damage by 80%.

The name of the talent has not changed, but the effect has been improved.

"Not bad, the damage increased by 10%. Isn't this doubled?"

Lin Yuan fully exerted the spirit of Ah Q and consoled himself.

Yes, for a 90% reduction, a 80% reduction is equivalent to doubling.

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