"Now I am the only adult red dragon left in the entire Ruby Holy Land. The queen and the rest of her companions have been captured by the demons."

Mephas said weakly, his head hanging.

Suddenly, Mephas raised his head excitedly and pleaded with Lin Yuan:"Respected Mage, you are so powerful, can you help me rescue the queen and the other people?"

【You have received the mission: The Hope of the Red Dragon Legion, do you accept it?】

【If you accept this task, the content of Trial 4 will be changed, please be prepared!!! 】

Looking at the three big exclamation marks on the panel, Lin Yuan could clearly feel the difficulty of this task.

The last time such a dangerous prompt appeared was when he encountered the Gluttonous Demon.

If what he expected was correct, once he accepted this task,

Trial 4 would most likely be related to the Red Dragon Queen.

The Red Dragon Queen is a powerful being above level 80. Is this someone he can contact at this stage?

While hesitating, Lin Yuan asked,"Where is the Red Dragon Queen now? Can you tell me the specific situation?"

Mephas saw Lin Yuan's embarrassment, so he told him the truth as he knew.

"Since its birth, the Five-Colored Dragon Clan has been trying to prevent Levisus from escaping, but for countless years, Levisus' minions have been trying to release their master from the seal."

"Three hundred years ago, the minions of Levisus and the demons of Purgatory attacked the Blue Sea, the base of the blue dragons. Fortunately, the blue dragon king Savales was powerful and responded quickly, summoning other dragon legions to join the battle."

"The battle was earth-shattering, and the blue sea was shattered. In order to defeat the minions of the evil god and the demons of purgatory, the five-colored dragon kings gathered their strength to create the artifact Dragon Soul. In the end, they relied on the power of the Dragon Soul to repel the minions of Levisus and kill the great demon Barbatos."

"Although our dragon clan won this battle, we also suffered heavy losses, and the blue jade crystal guarded by the blue dragon army was also stolen. I didn't expect that in less than 300 years, Levisus's minions would take action again and target our red dragon army."

"One year ago, the Queen received a call for help from the Black Dragon King and hurriedly led most of her people to help. I was one of them at the time. During the journey, we were ambushed."

"Unexpectedly, this call for help was actually a trap set by Levisus' minions and the devil. The queen could have defeated these people with her strength, but the other party actually took out the Dragon Soul."

"No, it should be called the Demon Soul now. The Dragon Soul is now corrupted by the power of the devil and can actually control the Red Dragon Queen."

Mefas recalled the battle at that time and still couldn't believe it.

"In the melee, the queen was hit by the beam of light fired by the demon soul, and she killed many of our compatriots. At the critical moment, I was rescued by the queen's spouse Variks, who took me away, but we encountered an ambush on the way. In order to cover my escape, Variks chose to fight the enemy. After I escaped to a safe place, I disguised myself as a flying bird and returned to the ambush place again."

"I found that the demons had imprisoned the queen in a fortress, where there were many Red Dragon Legion companions, but the guards were not very strong, and the strongest was only level 70. So I planned to return to the Ruby Holy Land to call for help and gather the remaining forces of the Red Dragon Legion to rescue the queen. As a result, when I came back here, Hellion had already taken over this place."

"I couldn't defeat Hellion, who was strengthened by the Ruby Holy Crystal, and was captured by him. You know what happened next."After Mefas finished speaking, Lin Yuan finally understood what was going on.

It turned out that there was a traitor in the Red Dragon Legion. With the help of the inside and the outside, the Red Dragon Legion was wiped out.

After knowing the truth, Lin Yuan looked at Mefas with some sympathy.

You dragons are too easy to deceive. You didn't verify the authenticity of the news after receiving it. Aren't you afraid of being scammed?

Sure enough, no matter what race, anti-fraud awareness cannot stop.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the Red Dragon Queen is confident in the strength of herself and the Red Dragon Legion under her command.

If she hadn't encountered the Demon Soul, the Red Dragon Queen would definitely be able to defeat the opponent with her strength.

"Do you have no one else in your Red Dragon Corps besides you?"

Lin Yuan was inclined to accept the mission, but McFaith said that the highest strength of the other party was level 70, so Lin Yuan wanted to ask if there was any helper.

If the helper was reliable, Lin Yuan planned to accept it.

If he had to go alone to rescue the Red Dragon Queen, Lin Yuan could not accept it.

"The battle was quite chaotic at that time, and there should be other dragons that escaped. At that time, Hellion sealed the space of the Ruby Holy Land, and other dragons could not return here.

I was able to return here only because of the teleportation rune given by the queen."

Maifas replied uncertainly,

"I can now open the space blockade of the holy land and use blood to communicate. If there are other dragons alive, they will get the news immediately. We just need to wait for a while."

After saying this, McFass looked at Lin Yuan eagerly, hoping that Lin Yuan would accept the task.

Lin Yuan thought about it, but still did not agree immediately. He replied,"You send a message first to see how many dragons can be summoned back. The other party can control the Red Dragon Queen. We can't rush to rescue them. We need to think about it carefully."

Lin Yuan's words seemed to remind McFass,

"Respected wizard, you are right. I was too impatient. I will send a message to summon my companions."

Mefas spread his wings and flew to the platform above the temple. He came to a red stone.

He stretched out his claws and cut his neck. The blood dripped on the stone.

After the stone was completely soaked with dragon blood, Mefas used the blood of the red dragon to send the message.

All the surviving red dragons received the message from Mefas.

In a dark and damp dungeon, a huge figure over 300 meters long suddenly raised its head.

"Mephas's message!"

The dragon's blood-red eyes were filled with surprise, and it murmured,"Are there any survivors of the Red Dragon Legion?"

At the same time, somewhere, a giant dragon over 150 meters long roared to the sky and rushed towards the holy land.

"The space blockade of the Holy Land has been lifted, great!"

As for the other captured red dragons, they were all whispering,

"Did you sense it? McFaith has sent a message that he is bringing people to rescue the queen and us."

"Mephas has just reached adulthood, and he is not even as strong as me. What's the point of him coming? What's more, the queen is controlled by the demon soul. Unless he invites other dragon kings, he is no match for the queen."

""Be quiet, don't discuss this matter anymore. Mephas is our last hope. If he can break through here, we will cooperate with him to rescue the queen even if it costs us our lives."

A scarred red dragon whispered.

This red dragon has a high status in the Red Dragon Corps, and his strength is second only to the queen. As soon as he said this, all the red dragons immediately shut up.

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