Under the continuous attack of more than a thousand fishmen holding forks, Hellion's dragon egg was finally broken.

【You killed Hellion, experience points increased by 2600000】

【Red Dragon Legion Favorability +10, currently friendly]

After the eggshell was broken, the fishmen cheered.

A fishman was very considerate and brought two things from the eggshell to Lin Yuan.

A ruby crystal and a skill book

"Is it because of this crystal that Hellion became like this?"

Lin Yuan picked up the red crystal and asked suspiciously.

【[Red Jade Holy Crystal] (Colorful)

Purpose: The crystal is full of mysterious power, its function is unknown

【Crystal Cage】(S-level) lv1

Casting time: Instantaneous

Cost: 30,000 mana

Description: Ignore magic immunity, use on a target, cause intelligence*1 magic damage to make it enter a stagnant state, lasting for 3 seconds, cooldown time 10 seconds.

This skill is good, Lin Yuan is very satisfied.

Ignore magic immunity, this skill is amazing.

Is it because of this crystal?

Lin Yuan carefully checked the red crystal in his hand. While checking, Alunes felt like eating.

"Do you want to eat this crystal?" Lin Yuan asked Alunes.

Alunes' answer was firm,"Yes, I will."

"Why do you eat everything? Aren't you afraid of getting sick?"Lin Yuan was a little worried.

He still remembered the strange look on Hellion's face. If Alunes absorbed the red crystal, would it also mutate?

So Lin Yuan didn't give the red crystal to Alunes directly.

"It's okay, I can digest it."

Alunes said that with the Void Orb, any energy can be absorbed and will not mutate.

Because the void is the biggest mutation.

Feeling Alunes's thoughts, Lin Yuan understood a little bit.

Void energy is a higher level of power. In front of the void power, all other energies can't mutate.

After knowing this, Lin Yuan felt fortunate.

Alunes was really lucky to fuse the Void Orb.

Knowing that Alunes would not mutate, Lin Yuan put the Ruby Saint Crystal on Alunes and let it absorb the power of the Ruby Saint Crystal.

During the absorption process, Lin Yuan learned about the Crystallized Cage and maxed it out directly.

After it was maxed out, Lin Yuan received a prompt,

【It is detected that the Crystal Cage and the Magic Fire Chain meet the fusion conditions. Whether to fuse them into SS skills】


These two skills are both very powerful control skills. Lin Yuan wants to see what skills can be combined.

【Soul Prison] (SS level) lvmax casting time: instantaneous consumption: 300,000 mana description: release to a target, causing intelligence*50 points of soul damage per second and imprisoning the target for 8 seconds. This skill ignores magic immunity and resistance effects, and the cooldown time is 12 seconds


After reading the skill introduction, Lin Yuan was very satisfied.

Lin Yuan understood ignoring magic immunity, but what did ignoring resistance mean?

Does it mean that no matter how much resistance the opponent has, the opponent will be imprisoned for 8 seconds?

If so, this skill is amazing.

Lin Yuan was looking at the Ruby Crystal of Alunes when he heard the voice of Mephas.

Mephas had been hit by Hellion's crystallized dragon breath and turned into crystal.

When Hellion died, the crystallization effect he had applied was lifted. Mephas chased after him and found Lin Yuan who was in a daze.

"Respected Master, did you kill Hellion?"

After Mephas found Lin Yuan, he fell to the ground with a respectful tone.

"You killed Mefas and gained the friendship of the Red Dragon Legion."

Mefas spoke with pride about the Red Dragon Legion.

But then, Mefas' head drooped.

Because the Red Dragon Legion is a thing of the past, and is currently being enslaved by evil demons.

"Human, come with me, you have helped the Red Dragon Legion, you deserve a reward."

Maifas said to Lin Yuan, preparing to fly to the Ruby Crystal Temple.

Before leaving, Maifas saw the staff in Lin Yuan's hand and exclaimed:"Mage, you plan to fuse the Ruby Crystal into your weapon!"

"Stop this dangerous action immediately."

McFaith advised:

"The Ruby Holy Crystal was an ominous thing. Hellion was unable to resist the erosion of the Ruby Holy Crystal and was corrupted and degenerated into his previous appearance."

"One of the important reasons why the Red Dragon Legion chose this holy place is to seal this Ruby Holy Crystal. Mage, you have a very bright future. Don't be tempted by the evil power of Ruby Holy Crystal!"

Mefas' words were sincere.

This was because Lin Yuan was so powerful. If it was someone else, Mefas would have slapped him.

How could he be so humble ?

"This thing is evil, but I don't feel it."

After hearing what Mephas said, Lin Yuan was a little confused.

Your Red Dragon Legion is stationed here just to seal this small piece of Ruby Holy Crystal. It's too much of a joke.

After such a short delay, Alunes has absorbed all the energy of Ruby Holy Crystal.

Ruby Holy Crystal"cracked" and broke into two pieces, falling to the ground.

"Damn it!"

When Mephas saw this, his huge eyes showed fear.

""Get out of here!"

But Mephas finished his words.

After the Ruby Holy Crystal shattered, a wisp of black mist flew out from it.

After the black mist appeared, it immediately drilled into Lin Yuan's body.

【You are being invaded by the mind of the Thousand-Eyed Demon Levisus]

Lin Yuan no longer cared about the prompts on the panel.

After this mind invaded Lin Yuan's body, it actually took control of Lin Yuan's body.

Lin Yuan's pupils turned dark, and an evil aura emanated from the inside out.

Mephas's huge body trembled under this aura.

"With a"thump", he knelt down in front of Lin Yuan.

"A tiny bug made by Titan"

""Lin Yuan" twisted his neck and said casually.

The voice was deep and hollow, not Lin Yuan's own voice.

Then this voice was obviously said by the so-called Thousand Eyes Demon Levisus.

When Mephas heard the words of"Lin Yuan", his whole body was shaking.

This was a manifestation of extreme fear.

"Boring reptile."

Levi's control of Lin Yuan's body, walking back and forth.

After a while, he nodded with satisfaction.

"This body is unexpectedly strong. It's a good seedling with the potential to reach the realm of God."

Levithas' tone was full of joy.

I didn't expect that after being sealed for countless years, the first creature I encountered after breaking the seal would have such amazing potential.

God really helps me.

Levisas stretched,"The taste of freedom is really great!"

There was a smug look on his face, but before he could be proud for a few seconds, a roar came from his body.

"Get out of my body!"

As he spoke, Lin Yuan exuded an aura that was even stronger than Levisus's.

This aura seemed to be above everything.

It looked down upon everything in the world.

It easily defeated all of Levisus's power.

"Human, I will remember you!"

This force appeared too suddenly, and Levisas's intention was shattered before he could only let out a scream.

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