After determining the direction, McFarlane flapped his wings quickly, getting faster and faster.

"How did you determine where Savina was?"

During the flight, Lin Yuan asked curiously.

McFaith was silent for a while and replied,

"Savina was originally a humorous, lively and lovely dragon. I was one of her many suitors. Once when we were alone together, I confessed to her, but was rejected. She said that she always treated me as a younger brother."

"Although she treated me as her younger brother, I always liked her secretly. I would give her any good things. I got a demon flower before. The function of this flower is to permanently give itself a fragrant effect."

"When Savina got the Demon Flower, she smiled so happily and used it on the spot. I am the first dragon to smell Savina's fragrance, and I will never forget this smell until I die!"

Maybe it was because Lin Yuan saved him.

Mefas said everything he had hidden in his heart.

To Lin Yuan, this was really a sad story.

A story about a dog who licked his boots and died a bad death.

Lin Yuan could guess what happened later without thinking.

Savina, the socialite, followed Hellion, the young red dragon with the greatest potential.

Mefas, the spare tire, was in prison.

Not to mention, Mefas, the red dragon, really has the potential to be the protagonist.

If he doesn't die, he might become the king of the red dragon clan in a few hundred years.

While Lin Yuan was daydreaming, Mefas's body made a big turn in the air and then fell to the ground.

"Savina, here I come!"

At this moment, Mefas spoke in a low voice with a complex look in his eyes, staring at a giant dragon in front of him that was over 60 meters long.

"Savina, why did you do this? The queen treats you like her own children, why did you betray her?"

Maifas still can't figure out one thing.

Why did the iron-clad Red Dragon Legion rebel? Where did Hellion get the evil weapon that can control the queen?

"Oh, the crybaby Mefas is here. You were able to escape from the cage. It seems that the prison built by the black dragon is not so foolproof."

After hearing Mefas' words, Savina spread her wings, turned her huge body slowly, and said lazily

"Betrayal, no, you are wrong, we want to lead the Red Dragon Legion to the peak"

"Think about it carefully. Over the past few decades, how many of our compatriots have died, and the Queen didn't even ask. What's hateful is that when my father was attacked by the undead, the Queen was right in front of him but turned a blind eye, saying that if she took action, it would violate the dragon contract."

Savina was furious when she mentioned this.

"It was so stupid. She watched her people being killed for a contract that had already expired. Is she worthy of being the queen of the red dragon?"

After Savina finished speaking, she became extremely violent, and the red crystal on her body emitted a bewitching red light.

She became extremely evil.

【Savina] (Epic) lv50

HP: 10000000

Attack Power: 1200000

Armor: 350000

Magic Resistance: 280000

Crystal Body (Expertise): Damage received is reduced by 50%.

Crystal Laser: Fires a beam of light, causing 1500000 magic damage. After hitting the target, it produces a freezing effect that lasts for 5 seconds and has a cooldown of 10 seconds.

Charming Crystal: Sprays mist from the mouth, causing 1000000 magic damage to enemies within a range of 100 meters, charming the target for 8 seconds, and has a cooldown of 15 seconds.

Growl: Makes a piercing roar that produces a fear effect on targets below the epic level, which lasts for 6 seconds and has a cooldown of 18 seconds.

Seeing Savina's skills, Lin Yuan exclaimed,"Wow."

They are all control skills.

At the same level, even if a whole team comes, they may not be able to beat Savina.

Because there are too many control skills.

And the cooldown time is very low.

The human wave tactic is useless for Savina.

But unfortunately, Savina met Lin Yuan

"Why waste time talking to her? Just get her!"

Lin Yuan saw that McFass was hesitant to take action, so he decided to take action first.


As soon as Lin Yuan spoke, Savina noticed that there was such a person as Lin Yuan.

"I was wondering how you got out of trouble so suddenly, it turns out you had help"

"You finally managed to escape, but you dared to come to me instead of running away with your tail between your legs. You are such an idiot!"

Savina's eyes flashed red, and she released her charm towards Lin Yuan and Mefas.

At the same time, Lin Yuan also threw the magic fire chain towards Savina.

Both of them were hit by the skill at the same time and fell into a controlled state.

But it was only a moment,

Lin Yuan used the fragment of the charm heart to remove the charm effect.

Then he released the mirror spell.

It was still a familiar taste, and it was still a familiar formula.

The magic fire chain plus the thunder of annihilation.

After 20 seconds, Savina's body fell to the ground.

【Kill Savina, experience points increased by 1800000】

【You reach level 31, and your skill points increase by 2000.]

As soon as Savina died, Lin Yuan came to her body and picked up a skill book.

【Crystallized Ray] (S-level) lvmax casting time: instantaneous cost: 120,000 mana description: releases a laser, causing intelligence*10 magic damage to the target, causing the target to fall into a crystallized state, reducing armor and magic resistance by 20%, and lasting for 10 seconds

"This skill is interesting. It reduces magic resistance."

【It has been detected that Arcane Radiance and Crystalline Rays can be fused. Do you want to fuse them?】

"Can these two skills be combined?"

Lin Yuan thought about it for a moment and immediately understood.

Arcane Brilliance and Crystal Ray both weaken defense, no wonder they can be combined.

After confirming the fusion,

Lin Yuan had a new skill.

【Corrosion Laser] (SS level) lvmax casting time: instantaneous consumption: 250,000 mana description: fire a laser at the target, causing intelligence*100 magic damage. The target hit by the corrosion laser will have its armor and magic resistance reduced by 5% per second for 10 seconds, with a cooldown of 6 seconds

"This skill is good!"

Through the battles of the past two days, Lin Yuan discovered his shortcomings.

That is the lack of magic penetration attribute.

As Lin Yuan's level gets higher and higher, the opponents he encounters are getting stronger and stronger.

The armor and magic resistance are scary high.

Even the group attack skills can't kill monsters instantly.

Lin Yuan was worried about this matter.

As a result, a skill to reduce magic resistance was fused.

This skill is good. In the past, when I met a high magic resistance, I had to use Arcane Brilliance to reduce magic resistance.

Now I don't need to.

Only two corrosive lasers are needed. No matter how high the opponent's armor and magic resistance are, they will become bare after 20 seconds.

It saves time and effort, and is convenient and fast.

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