"Well, I think the Ice Body Guard and Energy Shield can be combined. Both of them absorb damage."

Lin Yuan tried it and found that they can be combined.

【Should I fuse the Ice Body Guard and Energy Shield? 】


I don't have SS-level defense skills yet, so I'll just see the effect.

【[Arcane Barrier] (SS level) lvmax casting time: instantaneous cost: 200000 description: Generate an arcane barrier around your body, which can absorb the maximum mana value * 10 + intelligence * 100 points of damage, and can offset 1 targeted spell every 10 seconds. The shield has a regeneration function, and restores 10% of the shield value per second. There is a 15-second cooldown after the shield is broken

"Awesome!" (broken voice)

Lin Yuan was very excited.

This is a real defensive skill.

My current maximum mana is over 1.3 million, and my intelligence is over 60,000.

It can absorb more than 19 million damage.

And the shield has a self-repair function.

It recovers 10% of the shield value per second.

Who can beat the monsters at this stage?

The most important point is that there is no upper limit to the damage absorbed by this shield.

When my attributes are improved in the future, it will be no problem to have a shield of hundreds of millions.

"I just want to ask, who else!"

Even if Samirla is resurrected, Lin Yuan has the confidence to fight him.

With such a heaven-defying defensive skill, Lin Yuan is more confident about tomorrow's job change challenge.


The next day, Lin Yuan woke up feeling refreshed. After having breakfast, he told Li Yan about his plans and took out Alunes to teleport to the Star Realm Mage Tower.

【You have entered the Star Mage Tower.

Lin Yuan had a different feeling when he came to this place again.

Last time, Lin Yuan came in a hurry and did not feel it carefully.

The arcane energy in the Star Mage Tower is endless. If you fight here,

Lin Yuan's skill damage will at least double.

"The magical energy here is too abundant, it is perfect for mages."

The Alunes in Lin Yuan's hand trembled slightly, unusually active.

"I was right to give Alunes to you. I didn't expect you to fuse the Void Orb into it."

A soft voice came to Lin Yuan's ears.

As the voice fell, a woman in a purple robe came to Lin Yuan.

"Hello, Ms. Magna."

Seeing Magna appear in front of him, Lin Yuan said a little stiffly.

This person in front of him is a powerful demigod. Lin Yuan doesn't know what her personality is like, so he naturally can't treat her lightly.

"No need to be polite, I am just an illusion left here by Magna, my real body is currently confronting the Dark Titan.

Magna summoned a chair with her illusion and said casually

"It's only been a few days, and you've already reached level 30. Magna really didn't misjudge you."

Hearing Magna's phantom's praise, Lin Yuan felt a little torn.

He didn't know how to address her.

Phantom saw Lin Yuan's embarrassment and didn't continue talking nonsense. He pointed at Portal No. 3 and said,

"You can go in directly when you are ready." As soon as the phantom finished speaking, Lin Yuan could not wait to walk towards the No. 3 portal.

"What an impatient boy."

Phantom shook his head and chuckled.

【You have entered the Ruby Crystal Temple. Please destroy the crystal dragon Hellion.

Lin Yuan came out of the portal and came to a valley.

Below the valley was a volcano. The hot magma erupted from time to time and eventually turned into pieces of lava.

When Lin Yuan was wondering where this place was, a group of half-dragons over 10 meters tall suddenly came from a distance.

【Ruby Dragon Man (Hero) lv40

HP: 4200000

Attack Power: 320000

Armor: 100000

Magic Resistance: 150000

Dragon Power (Fake): Causes 50% extra damage to creatures below the hero level.

Crushing Blow: Swing your weapon to cause 150% attack damage and knock the enemy away, with a cooldown of 8 seconds.

There are 20 half-dragons, each of them is extremely powerful.

They walked to a place close to the magma and stopped, using a container to carry the hot lava away.

"What are these half-dragons doing?"

Lin Yuan didn't know where this place was, so he didn't act rashly and followed the group of half-dragons silently.

After walking for about ten minutes, Lin Yuan followed the group into an underground tunnel.

After walking out of the tunnel, Lin Yuan was shocked.

""Shit, this is a dragon's nest!"

Lin Yuan saw thousands of unhatched dragon eggs.

The half-dragons had placed the lava they had just collected around the dragon eggs.

"So they wanted to hatch these dragon eggs!"

When Lin Yuan saw thousands of dragon eggs, his eyes lit up.

"I wonder if I can take these dragon eggs with me!"

It would be great if I could take them with me.

Wouldn't it be like that? I would have thousands of dragons under my command.

When the World Tree breeds enough elves,

I will then form a dragon knight corps.

Just thinking about it makes me excited!

"You guys, why are you so slow? Go collect the lava immediately. If you delay Lord Hellion's plan, I will skin you alive!"

When this voice came, Lin Yuan clearly felt that the half-dragons were working twice as fast.

"I really don't know what Lord Hai Lien likes about you, you are so stupid and can't even speak."

When the owner of the voice came closer, Lin Yuan realized that the one who spoke was actually a black dragon.

【[Black Dragon Sentinel - Salian] (Epic) lv40

HP: 5400000

Attack Power: 620000

Armor: 180000

Magic Resistance: 220000

Dragon Might: Deal 80% extra damage to creatures below epic level.

Resistant Skin: Reduces magic damage by 40%, and the duration of control effects is halved.

Dragon Breath: Releases dragon breath to enemies within 80 meters in front, causing 1200000 fire damage.

Sharp Claws (Specialization): Ignores 30% of the target's defense and increases physical damage by 100%.

The body of the black dragon Salian is 30 meters tall, and it reaches 80 meters when the wings are spread out.

These half-dragons are like toys in his eyes.

Salian didn't know what was going on today, and he was a little upset.

He thought it was because he had been underground for too long, and was going to go to the surface to relax.

But when he passed by here, he actually saw these half-dragons being lazy.

A nameless anger was ignited in his heart, and he scolded these half-dragons.

The sharp claws in his hands were already raised high, intending to teach them a lesson.

But when he raised his front paws, his nose suddenly moved.

"What a smell!"

The black dragon turned to look in the direction where Lin Yuan was hiding.


When Lin Yuan saw the black dragon turning his head, he knew he was exposed. He simply stopped hiding and used the clone technique, arranged the magic fire chain and absolute zero.

The main body first threw a magic fire chain towards the black dragon.


Before he could even shout the word"attack", his body was already entangled by the magic fire chains.

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