After hearing what Li Yan said, Good pondered for a while.

Even if he met Samirla at this level, he might not have a chance of winning.

If Lin Yuan didn't have other trump cards, he should be in danger.

But he couldn't help others and destroy his own prestige. He groaned for a while and said,"Lin Yuan is not a simple kid. I can't see through him."

Hearing this, the expressions of others were different.

But now everyone is most concerned about the battle in the rift abyss.

He didn't ask any more questions.

In the rift abyss, after Samirla appeared, the huge and hideous head was filled with anger and dissatisfaction.

He was dissatisfied with Leoric for depriving him of his power.

He actually needed to take action himself against ant-like humans.

Samirla was in a very bad mood.

"Humans, surrender and suffer less."

Samirla wanted to complete the task as soon as possible, and was a little impatient when talking to Lin Yuan.

Samirla responded with a middle finger.


Samirla flew into a rage when he heard this. He flapped his huge wings rapidly and uttered a loud noise.���Howl,

""Go to hell, reptiles!"

Samirla spit out dragon breath in the direction of other professionals.

Lin Yuan wanted to capture it alive, and kill all the other reptiles.

He wanted to vent his anger through killing.

With the blessing of the frost breath, the dragon breath spit out by Samirla was icy cold, and many professionals were unable to move before they got close.

Lin Yuan put on an energy shield, flashed in front of the dragon breath, and blocked the attack.


Lin Yuan guessed correctly that this dragon breath had a magical effect.

The energy shield offset this dragon breath.

But dragon breath is Samirla's regular attack method.

Seeing that the next dragon breath was about to be spit out of his mouth.

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand , shooting out a magic fire chain, interrupting Samirla's attack.

Afterwards, Lin Yuan released the mirror technique, and arranged the skills of Lightning Storm and Magic Fire Chain.

He was ready to control Samirla tightly.

The control was under control, but the most important problem facing Lin Yuan appeared, that is, the damage was seriously insufficient.

Samirla's health value is as high as 40 million, and it recovers 10% of the maximum health value per second, which is 4 million.

Lin Yuan does not have any skill that can cause so much damage.

Even Death and Decay can't do it.

Death and Decay reduces 2% of health points per second. Even if four mirror images are arranged, it can't catch up with Samirla's blood recovery speed.

"It's over now!"

"What should we do?"

Some professionals collapsed after seeing Samirla.

They didn't know what to do.

Some sober professionals boldly came near Lin Yuan and used skills on Samirla.

But the damage caused was very limited, and at most it could only cause a few thousand points of damage.

Pan Hui was one of the people who attacked Samirla.

When he saw that his attack did not have much effect, he immediately shouted loudly:

"All ranged players, come and attack Samirla. We will definitely defeat him with our concerted efforts."

Pan Hui's words resonated with many professionals, but only a few.

After Pan Hui shouted a few words and found that only a few hundred people responded to her, she stopped wasting words.

Instead, she released the Starfire spell over and over again at Samirla.

This moved many professionals.

Hundreds of people joined the attack one after another.

"It's useless. Samirla is a legendary template, and he recovers 10% of his health per second. We can't defeat him at all."

While everyone was working hard, a man spoke.

This man was Shimada.

His Shikigami had a skill that allowed him to escape from here.

Shimada had been hiding since the resurrection of the undead army.

If things can't be done, just escape from this place.

But who knew that a pervert like Lin Yuan would show up halfway and kill the resurrected undead army in seconds.

Shimada, who was overjoyed, immediately ran to Sophia to show his courtesy, but he didn't feel happy for long.

Samirla appeared.

Shimada fell into despair again.

Such a powerful creature is simply not something we humans can resist.

His fear was noticed by Sophia, and

Sophia looked at him with contempt.

This made Shimada angry and embarrassed, so he said this to Pan Hui and others

"Don't waste your energy. Your pitiful damage will only anger the other party. If I guess correctly, Samirla's target is him."

Shimada pointed at Lin Yuan.

"Samirla is here just to capture him."

"At this point, you might as well go with him. As long as he takes you away, I believe Samirla will let us go. For the safety of other people's lives, you should sacrifice your own life. How can your life compare with the lives of tens of thousands of us."

Shimada finally revealed his purpose.

He wanted to morally blackmail Lin Yuan.

Use the lives of more than 30,000 other professionals to force Lin Yuan to submit.

Why did he say that?

Because since Lin Yuan appeared,

Sophia looked at Lin Yuan with longing, and was obviously impressed by Lin Yuan's super strength.

This is something Shimada would never allow.

Sophia can only be his!

Therefore, when most of them were actively resisting, Shimada's inner jealousy broke out.

Stand up, stand on the moral high ground and ask Lin Yuan to take the initiative to go with Samirla.

Not to mention,

Shimada's brainless remarks actually won the support of many professionals.

"Shimada is right. Are the lives of more than 30,000 of us not as valuable as yours?"

"Yes, even though you are strong now, we may not be worse than you in the future."

Some professionals who follow the trend stood up and pointed at Lin Yuan.

Before Lin Yuan could get angry,

Sophia and Shen Long quit first.

"Bullshit! A dog can't spit out ivory. If it weren't for Lin Yuan, we would have died long ago. Lin Yuan saved your lives, and you are the benefactors who have treated you so well."

Shen Long placed a two-meter-high tower shield on the ground and said sternly:

"I'm putting this on hold. Anyone who dares to say anything bad about Lin Yuan again will be an enemy of all the professionals in Zhongzhou, and we will never let him go."

Sophia followed closely behind, raising the greatsword in her hand.

"I, Sophia, hereby declare that if anyone continues to slander Lin Yuan, I will show no mercy."

The two of them supported Lin Yuan and instantly suppressed other people with bad intentions.

When Shimada heard Sophia's words, his face was very ugly, but the other party's words were very clear. If Shimada didn't know what was going on, he would definitely suffer.

【Detected that Lightning Storm and Thunder Strike can be merged, whether to merge】

"Fusion for me!"

Lin Yuan already has enough group attack skills. Now Lin Yuan is betting that this fusion will give him a single attack skill.

【The fusion is successful, and you obtain SS-level Thunder of Annihilation.

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