Lin Yuan, who was just playing bystander, saw the monster's attributes and thought, this should be the last wave.

It's good that he doesn't have to take action.

Usually, Lin Yuan works hard to kill monsters, but today he had a rare experience of being carried away by the abyss.

It feels good to win without doing anything.

In Lin Yuan's eyes,

Sophia quickly approached the Frost Strikers.

When she was about to approach the Frost Strikers, the Frost Strikers used Frost Nova on Sophia, immune!

Sophia flashed with golden light, resisting the damage.

【[Glory of Justice] (S-level) lvmax description: Movement speed increased by 200%, immune to control skills, lasts for 10 seconds.

After opening the Glory of Justice,

Sophia came to the front of the Frost Strikers in three or two steps.

An upward strike caused a stiffening effect.

Then another set of ruthless combos.

After Sophia took action,

Shen Long came to support with the shield warrior.

The attacking Skeleton Mages this time were all ranged monsters.

They could not be hit unless they rushed over, and could only be targets on the spot.

The two sides fought fiercely for half an hour. As for

Lin Yuan, he had been slacking off.

His leisurely appearance was incompatible with the others.

Even the Skeleton Mage couldn't stand it anymore.

He attacked him a few times.



Lin Yuan's magic resistance is very high, the damage from the Skeleton Mage only caused a little over 10,000 damage to him.

It's lower than that on the shield warrior.

Pan Hui saw the scene of Lin Yuan being beaten, and

Pan Hui was a little surprised.

Isn't he a mage? How could he have such a high damage immunity. It

's higher than that of the Iron Guard.

The Skeleton Mage's attack caused more than 20,000 damage to the Iron Guard.

But it was only a little over 10,000 on Lin Yuan.

Am I dazzled?

Lin Yuan didn't see Pan Hui's shocked look, he was a little angry after being attacked twice.

Damn it, I didn't cause any trouble to you, I was just slacking off, and you still dare to attack me, you must be tired of living.

Lin Yuan fired an absolute zero at the Skeleton Mage who attacked him.


One skill killed the Skeleton Mage instantly.

After killing him, Lin Yuan felt much better.

Turning around, Lin Yuan and Pan Hui looked at each other.


Seeing Pan Hui's surprised look, Lin Yuan smiled.

Continue to slack off.

It's him!

He is the mysterious man who saved me before.

Pan Hui was shocked again.

He is so strong, why doesn't he take action.

If he takes action, he will definitely have a place on the contribution list.

It is not impossible to suppress Sophia under him.

Originally thought it was a slacker, but unexpectedly it turned out to be a hidden boss.

Pan Hui's mind was completely confused.

But she was not confused for too long.

Because the battle is still going on.

After nearly an hour of fighting, the Skeleton Mages have been completely wiped out.

After the battle, most of the professionals have no mana.

If the number of Skeleton Mages is 1,000 more, their casualties will increase a lot.

"We won!"

After defeating the Skeleton Mage, many professionals cheered.

Sophia, Shen Long and others smiled when they heard the cheers.

Because they are about to get an S-level skill.

Outside the rift, the big guys of Blue Star were also very happy.

They felt that the Skeleton Army was just so-so.

The human side only dispatched some elite professionals to defeat the Skeleton Army.

Although the offensive method is beneficial to the human side.

But that is all set by the rules.

So, be willing to accept the loss.

Adam was the happiest one.

His apprentice defeated 5 heroic undead creatures in a row, and his reputation was full, and he must have attracted a lot of fans.

These professionals come from all countries. When they come out, they will help them behind the scenes.

Wouldn't the title of the Sky Valkyrie be confirmed?

Speaking of which, where is the young man next to the demigod Good ?

Why can't I see him take action throughout the whole process. Is he scared after entering the undead plane?

He looks handsome, but it turns out to be a silver-plated gun head, which is good-looking but useless

"Leoric, we have won. Fulfill the contract and get out of Blue Star!"

Adam shouted at the rift vortex.

When Leoric heard this, he laughed harshly.

"Haha, haha, you won, how ridiculous. The fun has just begun, I want to let you know what true despair is!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the situation in the rift abyss took a sharp turn for the worse.

All the undead creatures that had been killed before reappeared in front of many professionals.

Five heroic undead creatures stood in the front, with the dead knights, skeleton demons, soul eaters, crypt spiders, and skeleton mages standing side by side behind them.

After the appearance of these undead creatures, the human side was at an absolute disadvantage.

The professionals who were still cheering were stunned for a moment.

"How come they are resurrected!"

"It’s over, the five heroic undead creatures have all been resurrected, and Sophia can’t resist them at all!"

"It's over, it's over, we're going to die, what should we do!"

They had personally experienced how difficult these undead creatures were.

It was okay when they fought in waves before.

There was not so much pressure.

But when these undead appeared in front of everyone at once, everyone felt a great sense of oppression.

And the most important point is that the buff effect that Vivian gave them was less than half an hour left.

If Vivian's buff effect disappeared, the combat effectiveness of these professionals would be reduced by at least half.

"Soul Furnace!"

Seeing something floating in the air, Adam uttered these four words.

"Leoric, you are cheating! Aren't you afraid that we will attack your throne of bones?"

The Soul Forge is a Deathly Hallows in Leoric's possession.

As long as the soul fire of the undead creature is not extinguished, the Soul Forge can consume its power to revive it.

However, each time the soul fire of the undead creature is resurrected, it will be weakened.���5 times is the limit

"Haha, you said I cheated. I have already given the Soul Furnace to the adjutant of the Skeleton Legion. This is recognized by the rules. How can you say I cheated?"

Leoric was very proud. He didn't want to waste time talking to Adam.

He ordered his undead to attack.


The undead creatures were fearless and brave.

After hearing the order, they rushed towards the humans without any hesitation.

"It's over. They're coming!"

The timid professionals panicked and didn't know what to do.

At the critical moment, Shen Long shouted,

"What are you afraid of? Even if you die, you must die in battle. Don't forget that we have family and friends behind us. If we fail, the undead will invade Blue Star, and then our family and friends will suffer."

Shen Long's tall stature and calm words gave the people around him a great sense of security.

Many professionals showed determination on their faces, intending to fight the undead to the death.

Sophia heard Shen Long's words and showed admiration.

She drew out her giant sword and stood beside Shen Long, with the awareness of death in her heart.

But this was destined to be futile.

Sophia was hit by the Frost Nova released by the Frost Striker and fell into a state of confinement.

Shen Long was also repelled by the Knight Captain's Phantom Charge.

I don't know where Shimada ran to.

There are still three heroic undead left, and no one can stop them.

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