"Your opponent is the famous Skeleton Legion of the Undead Plane, but I believe that you will be the winner in the end, because we are fighting for our homeland."

"Without further ado, everyone who participates in this battle will be rewarded with a gold equipment. The top ten will be rewarded with platinum equipment, and the top three will be rewarded with an S-level skill book."The first half of Good's words only aroused the fighting spirit of some professionals, but the second half mobilized the enthusiasm of 99% of the professionals.

As the saying goes, there must be brave men under a big reward.

These professionals have been rubbing their feet and wanting to rush into the abyss of the rift.

The time is almost up,

Good discussed with Adam and Vivian, and decided to let Vivian cast buff spells for others.

Vivian came in front of everyone, waved her hand, and cast more than a dozen buff spells.

【You are inflicted with Holy Prayer, which restores 5% of your health every 30 seconds for 6 hours】

【You are granted a Truth Shield, reducing damage taken by 20% for 6 hours】

【You were imposed……】

Lin Yuan instantly emitted dozens of reminders.

They were all very powerful buffs.

With these buffs, the combat power of these professionals increased by more than double.

"Okay, you can go in now. Remember, you only have two days to defeat the Skeleton Legion."

After Vivian cast the spell,

Good waved his hand, and all the professionals entered the rift abyss.

【You have arrived at the plane of the dead - the court of the skeleton]

Stepping into the abyss of the rift, Lin Yuan felt that the temperature around him dropped by more than ten degrees.

The biting cold wind blew, making people shiver.

Fortunately, there were many light and fire mages among the professionals, who released spells to warm the people around them.

But the effect was minimal.

Lin Yuan didn't feel anything, his shield could withstand the cold, and his movements were not affected at all

"Sophia, what should we do next? Where is the Skeleton Army?"

A strong man nearly two meters tall came to Sophia.

The strong man was called Shen Long, a native of Zhongzhou, and his profession was Iron Guard.

Iron Guard is a hidden profession of shield warriors, giving up attacking and specializing in defense.

At this moment, Shen Long was holding a tower shield more than 2 meters high and asked Sophia what to do next.

Because before coming, some people already knew Sophia's identity.

The apprentice of Adam, the Light of the Sky.

To be accepted as an apprentice by a demigod, her strength must be beyond doubt.

And Sophia is not only strong, but also beautiful.

Now if someone says that Sophia is ugly, they will definitely be drowned by the spit of tens of thousands of professionals present.

"The cold here has affected our movements. Take out the clothes in your packages and put them on."

Sophia's armor has light defense magic, which can resist the cold, but others can't. Didn't you see that many people are shivering from the cold? Just as Sophia finished speaking, a rebuttal voice came from the crowd.

"It's useless. This cold air affects the soul. People with a physical fitness below 500 points cannot resist this cold air."

As the voice fell, a girl walked out of the crowd.

The girl was holding a wooden staff in her hand. She had a round face and looked cute and playful.

She exuded a youthful and energetic aura.

Her appearance was not much worse than Sofia's.

"My name is Pan Hui, and I am a druid.

After introducing herself, Pan Hui said to the others:

"This chill is the unique frost breath of the undead world. The frost breath is a tonic for the undead, but it is very deadly to the living. People with a physical fitness below 500 points who stay here for a long time will be assimilated into the undead."

Pan Hui is right.

What he said is the basic knowledge of the undead world.

As long as you have a simple understanding of the undead plane, you will know it.

But now the professionals are more impetuous.

They are all studying how to pass the abyss.

Few can calm down and study the basic knowledge.

This is embarrassing.

Because there are really some professionals here whose physical fitness has not reached 500 in order to pursue the ultimate damage.

And there are quite a few. A rough estimate is nearly 2,000 people.

These professionals have fixed teams.

In order to pursue output, most of them add points in an unconventional way.

Now it's miserable. They have become useless people when they come here.

It's not safe to let them stay here.

If they encounter monsters, they will definitely be wiped out.

If they take them with them, they will also be a burden.

If they are not handled well, they will drag down the whole team.

Sophia was suddenly caught in a dilemma.

"How about this, leave a thousand people here to watch them, and the others will follow me to find the traces of the Skeleton Legion."

After thinking for a while, Sophia gave a solution.

But after this proposal came out, everyone else was silent.

No one wanted to stay here.

Because staying here means no contribution.

You can only get a guaranteed gold equipment.

They came here for the S-level skill book.

It is harder than climbing to the sky for ordinary professionals to get an S-level skill book.

Now that there is an opportunity in front of them, these people must seize this opportunity.

Therefore, Sophia's proposal was rejected by everyone.

No one wanted to stay here.

Seeing the reactions of others,

Sophia was quite embarrassed.

But she was embarrassed for only a few seconds, and there was a vibration sound from the ground in front.

Tap tap tap!

The uniform sound of horse hooves appeared in everyone's ears.

30 seconds later, a team of undead knights appeared in front of many professionals.

【[Undead Knight] (Elite) lv25

HP: 1500000

Attack Power: 180000

Armor: 12000

Magic Resistance: 8000

Undead Charge: Charge forward, increase movement speed by 150%, and deal 200% attack damage to the first target.

Cavalry Battle Formation: When there are more than 100 Undead Knights, the overall defense power increases by 50%.

A thousand Undead Knights appeared in front of everyone.

These Undead Knights wore rusty armor and held spears.

The leading Undead Knight was 4 meters tall and stood in front of everyone, standing out from the crowd.

【Knight Captain - Leonard] (Hero) lv25

HP: 3800000

Attack Power: 360000

Armor: 50000

Magic Resistance: 30000

Inspiration: Increases the attack power of soldiers within a 100-meter range by 15%, lasts for 20 seconds, cools down for 5 minutes.

Phantom Charge: Summons 3 phantoms, causing 180% damage to targets within 10 meters in front, with knockback effect

""Dead Knights, charge!"

Although Leonard had only 1,000 dead knights behind him, he showed no fear and took the initiative to charge.

He wanted to kill all the humans in front of him and dedicate them to the supreme King Leoric in his mind.

The moment the dead knights launched the charge,

Sophia stepped forward and commanded them in an orderly manner.

"Shield warriors are in the front row, and when the opponent charges, they will immediately activate their damage reduction skills."

"The hunter throws an explosive trap forward, and the mage prepares to use a slowing control skill."

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