Adam heard Leoric's wild laughter, his expression became serious, and a powerful force burst out from his body. He swung out a huge sword energy of more than a kilometer.

This sword energy contained infinite sacred energy and sharp energy.

It easily broke through the crack vortex and hit the skeleton domain.


After the sword energy and the skeleton domain came into contact, there was a shocking sound.

Leoric's skeleton domain was shaken by the blow, but it stabilized after a while.

"Hahahaha, I told you, your sword energy can't break through the defense of the Endless Wind, don't waste your energy."

Leoric's voice sounded again,

"Hand over the murderer who killed my son, or I will destroy your world!"

Leoric's fighting power may not be the strongest in a single fight, but if it is a group fight, there are really few who can withstand the undead plague.

Hearing Leoric's words,

Adam wanted to burst out his strength to deliver a fatal blow, but this blow would cause some damage to him.

And even if he delivered this blow, it might not cause any damage to Leoric.

It was not very cost-effective.

So, Good raised his hand to stop him.

"Leave it to me."

Good said, and stretched out his right hand towards the direction of the crack.

In less than 2 seconds, a terrifying arcane energy emanated from Good's right hand.

If a little bit of this power leaked out, it could instantly destroy Tianfeng City.

But such a terrifying energy was like an obedient baby in Good's hands.

No matter how Good drove it , it would be destroyed.

"Go for it."

Good raised his hand, and the energy flew into the crack.

When the arcane energy came into contact with the skeleton realm, there was no earth-shattering explosion, only silent annihilation. The skeleton realm was shrinking at an alarming speed.

In another 5 seconds, the skeleton realm would be completely corroded by this energy.

"The true meaning of the arcane!"

Leoric exclaimed.

"You actually comprehended the true meaning of the arcane!"

His skeleton domain is indestructible, and ordinary demigods cannot break it in a short time, but Goode actually did it so easily.

There is only one possibility, that is, Goode comprehended the true meaning of the arcane, and used the ability of the arcane to analyze everything to directly dissolve his skeleton domain.

If Leoric does not take back his skeleton domain, if it continues like this, the skeleton domain will be severely damaged or even shattered.

Leoric naturally cannot let this happen. He decisively took back the skeleton domain.

After the skeleton domain disappeared, the arcane energy did not disappear.

Like a thorn in the bone, it entangled Leoric's skeleton.

""Ah! Damn spellcaster."

The dissolving effect of the arcane was very strong, leaving scars on his golden skeleton.

After the energy was completely exhausted, Leoric's golden bones were full of black spots.

This made Leoric furious.

But he couldn't get angry.

The demigod who had comprehended the true meaning of the arcane belonged to the top of the pyramid and was not someone he could easily provoke.

But he was unwilling to retreat.

So Leoric said again:"My third son was killed by you humans. Before he died, he sent me a message asking me to avenge him."

"You must hand over the murderer, or I will report this to the God of Death, and you will face the real Scourge of the Undead."

When Leoric mentioned the murder of his offspring again, the three of Goode believed it was true.

They had never heard of Leoric's third son, but he should not be an unknown person.

It was not something that ordinary people could kill.

At least a professional with a 3rd turn or above was needed.

As long as they checked which professional had recently gone to the Undead Plane, they could basically determine who the murderer was.

But even if they found out, what could they do? They definitely couldn't hand him over.

If they handed him over, where would the dignity of mankind be, and where would the dignity of their demigods be?

"Before my son died, he told me that he was killed by a level 28 wizard. If you just hand him over, I will leave immediately."

Leoric finally told his purpose.

It turned out that he came here for Lin Yuan.

From the picture before Phidias' death,

Leoric saw the power of withering.

This is a level higher than his skeleton domain.

If this human is transformed into a lich, and he grows up, he will take the opportunity to occupy his body.

At that time, Leoric will become a skeleton lich.

This is much more powerful than any dragon lich.

Because this is a lich demigod who has combined the power of withering and the power of bones.

The strength has reached the peak, and it can even snatch the power of death from the god of death.

Leoric seems to be under the banner of revenge for his offspring, and the fundamental reason is to come for Lin Yuan.

As soon as Leoric finished speaking, the three demigods on the human side were stunned.

You just Just now I said that the one who killed Phidias was a level 28 human mage.

You must be kidding.

No matter how useless your offspring is, he is at least a legendary template.

Professionals below the 3rd turn have no chance of winning against him.

But you actually said that a level 28 mage who just turned 1 killed Phidias.

Not only killed him, but also annihilated Phidias' soul.

To put it in an analogy, it's like a 7-year-old child defeating a fully armed security guard without any injury.

It's not scientific at all.

The three demigods racked their brains, but they didn't expect that the 7-year-old child was holding a Gatling gun with unlimited bullets.

In his eyes, the fully armed security guard was just a matter of one round of bullets.

If one round was not enough, then another round.

Anyway, there were plenty of bullets.

While the other two demigods were thinking hard, Good guessed someone,

"Could it be him?"

Goode basically determined the candidate in his mind.

It was most likely Lin Yuan.

Just now, Chen Yuan reported to him that Lin Yuan had refreshed the record of the 40th floor of the Trial Tower.

It was still a hero level.

Now that he thought about it, the BOSS of the 40th floor of the Trial Tower would not be Phidias.

It's really possible.

Goode smiled bitterly in his heart.

This kid is really capable of tossing.

If it was him, he would not be able to hand him over.

Lin Yuan was a person that even Magna liked.

If he didn't die, he would become a demigod sooner or later.

After sorting out all the ins and outs, Goode firmly rejected Leoric's request.

"We can't possibly hand him over. Phidias' death was his own fault. If he hadn't left the Undead Plane, this wouldn't have happened."

Adam added,"Your offspring is not good enough to die at the hands of a level 28 wizard. If I were you, I would have crashed my head into the Skeleton Throne to avoid being laughed at."

The two men's words made Leoric very angry, but he couldn't beat Goode, and the situation was deadlocked.

After a while,

Leoric suddenly thought of a good idea.

"How about this, we both take a step back, and I won't ask you to hand over the murderer."

After a pause, Leoric said,

"It's easy to get me to leave. I will shrink the rift energy to below level 30, and my skeleton army will be stationed in it. If you can't defeat my men within two days, you must hand over the murderer."

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