[You killed Death Lord Phidias in 89 seconds, and your experience points increased by 2,000,000】

【The Gluttony Heart effect is triggered, increasing strength by 800 points】

【Professional Lin Yuan breaks the record of the 40th floor (heroic difficulty) of the Trial Tower, reputation +1】

【Professional Lin Yuan breaks the record of the 40th floor (heroic difficulty) of the Trial Tower, reputation +1】

When this regional announcement came out, all the professionals in the Trial Tower were not calm.

"Holy shit, did I hear it right? Wasn't this guy just on the 30th floor? How did he clear the 40th floor? This is too fast!"

"What is the profession of this Lin Yuan? There is no such person among the rookies in the past two years!"

Even Li Yan was very surprised.

"This guy is too fast, it's only been less than an hour!"

You think you are killing chickens, one by one.

That's a trial of heroic difficulty.

We are useless if we pass it so quickly.

Li Yan thought about the time he took to pass it.

The difficulty he challenged was elite level, and it took him 4 hours. He almost broke the record at that time.

But Lin Yuan was better, less than an hour, only half an hour to be exact.

You set such a short record, who can break it in the future!

Isn't this a blow to people?

Qin Ying was the one who was hit.

At this moment, he was still fighting with the monsters on the 37th floor, and it was about to end.

Hearing the area prompt, he was stunned and was almost hit by the monster's skills.

After killing the monsters on this floor, Qin Ying stood in place to recover his strength.

"How can he be so fast!"

Qin Ying was so shocked that he doubted his life.

He was level 37 and started the challenge from the 36th floor.

Lin Yuan was level 25 and started the challenge from the 21st floor.

Moreover, the difficulty of Lin Yuan's challenge was heroic.

He hadn't even finished killing the monsters on the second floor, but

Lin Yuan had already killed the BOSS on the 40th floor.

It was too unscientific!

No wonder his master said he was a freak, the description was really apt.

Lin Yuan didn't know that he was called a fast boy by others.

He was staring at the BOSS's body.

After the Death Lord was killed, his body turned into a ball of blue beads and fell to the ground.

Lin Yuan walked up and picked up the equipment and the beads dropped by the Death Lord.

【Pure Death Essence] (Brilliant)

Effect: Contains a strong power of death, but it seems to lack a soul

【Ring - Glory of the Dead (Brilliant)

Equipment requirements: All attributes 5000+

Attributes: HP +50000, All attributes +6000

Death immunity: Death skills cannot take effect on you

"Damn, my luck has come."

Lin Yuan cried with joy while holding the ring.

Is my Black Hand finally saved?

The Death Lord only dropped one piece of equipment and one material.

Although the number is small, each one is a top-quality one.

Except for intelligence,

Lin Yuan's other attributes are almost the same as the one added by this ring.

Wearing this ring,

Lin Yuan's other attributes doubled.

It's so cool.

Open the attribute bar,

【Name: Lin Yuan

Level: lv28

HP: 465000

Mana: 1121900

Spell Attack: 60890

Strength: 13250 (affects physical attack, physical defense)

Agility: 12340 (affects critical hit rate, speed)

Intelligence: 60890 (affects spell attack, spell defense)

Physical Strength: 35580 (affects health, resistance)

Skill Points: 18400

Evolution Points: 0

Free Attribute Points: 0

【Talent]: Cooldown Reduction (B Level)

【Skills: Slightly

After wearing the ring, Lin Yuan's health exceeded 460,000.

This is all due to the heart of gluttony.

Physical fitness increased by 500%.

Lin Yuan transformed into a blood bull mage.

""It's so cool!"

Seeing his current attributes, Lin Yuan exclaimed that he was abnormal.

The health of all the shield warriors of the same level could not catch up with Lin Yuan.

"What is this thing for?"

The Death Lord dropped two items in total.

Lin Yuan has already put on the equipment.

The Pure Death Essence is now being played with in Lin Yuan's hands.

"Soul is missing, could it be that the soul annihilation that comes with Death and Decay has taken effect? What a pity, if the soul is still there, the quality will be higher."

Lin Yuan sighed with a hint of regret.

He guessed wrong.

The pure death essence was able to explode thanks to Death and Decay.

It extinguished the soul fire of the Death Lord, making it impossible for him to return to the cemetery of the Undead plane to resurrect.

But this may not be a good thing.

The death of the descendants of the Undead Emperor is not a trivial matter. Maybe he will launch the Undead Scourge on Blue Star in a rage.

Just as he was about to put the pure death essence into the backpack,

Alunes sent a longing emotion.

"Do you want it?"

Lin Yuan took out Alunes and confirmed

"This is the essence of death, are you sure you can absorb it?"

Lin Yuan asked again.

Alunes's answer was,"Yes."

Due to the fusion of the Void Orb, Alunes gained a characteristic, which is the ability to absorb any energy.

"You are really not picky about food!"

Lin Yuan was a little amused and gave the pure death essence to Alunes to absorb.

Not to mention, the energy contained in this piece of pure death essence is quite powerful.

Alunes absorbed it for five minutes. What

Lin Yuan didn't know was that this essence contained the origin of the Lord of Death.

If this piece of death essence fell into the hands of a necromancer, it would definitely create a powerful death knight.

Lin Yuan actually gave such a precious treasure directly to Alunes.

It was really a waste of natural resources.

"I'm so full!"

After absorbing the essence of death, Alunes burped.

Lin Yuan was shocked when he saw it.

"So many fixes!"

【[Elemental Soul - Aluneth] (Colorful - Damaged State)

Repair Progress: 11.6%

Wearing Requirements (Bound): Intelligence 50000, Level 25

Attributes: Intelligence +20%, Vitality +20%, Agility +20%

Arcane Affinity: Reduce spell consumption by 20%.

Space-Time Beacon: Open a portal to the Astral Mage Tower. (No matter where you are, the Astral Realm is your home)

Void Corrosion: Release on a target to increase spell damage by 50%, lasting for 3 seconds.

Death Command: After release, control an undead creature no higher than your level by 5 levels for 30 seconds.

Others: To be unlocked After absorbing the essence of death, Aluneth's repair rate increased by 5%.

After the repair rate exceeded 10%,

Aluneth's attributes ushered in another wave of enhancements.

As it became stronger, Lin Yuan's attributes also skyrocketed.

The health value is close to 500,000

"It has to be you."

It's only 10% and you're so awesome. How strong must you have been in your prime.

After hearing Lin Yuan's praise, Elune

's staff flashed rapidly, as if to say,

"You know how powerful I am now. Get me some treasures that contain energy to absorb. When I become stronger, I will take you to fly and crush the Dark Titan as soon as possible."

Yes, he is still that childish. The obsession of crushing the Dark Titan has penetrated into his bones.

Putting away the staff,

Lin Yuan is now going to choose the reward.

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