As part of the power of Purgatory, the Heart of Gluttony has existed for billions of years. Only those who possess the Heart of Gluttony can become the Gluttonous Demon God.

Except for the Arrogant Demon God, other demon gods have been replaced countless times.

If Lin Yuan wants, as long as he is ruthless and slaughters a few cities, he can have powerful power in a short period of time.

But Lin Yuan will not do this.

If he does this, what is the difference between him and the slave of the Heart of Gluttony.

From then on, he can never get rid of the control of the Heart of Gluttony.

Keep your heart and refuse temptation.

In other words, Lin Yuan obtained the Heart of Gluttony.

If some people with bad intentions get it,

I don’t know what kind of bloody storm will be set off.

After the professional is killed, a dimensional bag will drop, and three items will be opened in it.

It’s like opening a blind box.

Some people are lucky and can open precious items, while others are unlucky and can only open some garbage.

There was a time when professionals killed each other in order to explode equipment.

Later, someone posted a post on the professional forum and gave a solution.

It is to carry a lot of garbage items with you.

It is not worth it to enter the business of robbing goods like this. After killing other professionals with great effort, you only get a few pieces of garbage, which are not even enough to buy medicine.

Over time, it has become the norm for professionals to carry some garbage with them.

"Let me see what you have."

Lin Yuan had never opened a dimensional bag that exploded after a professional died.

After opening it, three items appeared in front of Lin Yuan.

【Lucky Rabbit's Foot] (Miscellaneous)

Description: Take me with you, maybe your luck won't be too bad!

Lin Yuan threw the Lucky Rabbit's Foot away.

I don't want it.

This assassin must be so unlucky because he took you with him.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but the Lucky Rabbit's Foot fell on Cai Ji's body.

【Lightning Storm] (S-level) lv1

Casting time: 3 seconds

Cost: 15,000 mana

Description: Summons a bolt of lightning, causing intelligence*1 point of magic damage to all enemies within 30 meters, with a 1-second paralysis effect, and a cooldown of 5 seconds

"Oh, I'm really lucky."

Seeing the skill book,

Lin Yuan smiled.

Without saying anything,

Lin Yuan learned it directly and maxed it out.

【Lightning Storm] (S-level) lvmax casting time: 2 seconds

Consumption: 50,000 mana

Description: Summons a bolt of lightning, causing intelligence*10 points of magic damage to all enemies within a 80-meter radius, with a 3-second paralysis effect, causing the target to enter an electrocuted state for 15 seconds, with a cooldown of 5 seconds.

Electrocuted: Increases damage taken from lightning by 100%.

One more means of attack, which is really good.

It's just that this skill requires a 2-second casting time.

Looking at his talent,

Lin Yuan was a little dissatisfied.

When can I get evolution points again?

Speaking of evolution points,

Lin Yuan's heart moved.

Can I participate in the Trial Tower challenge?

I remember that I need to complete 1st transfer after challenging the 20th floor.

Now that I have changed my job, can I go again?

With my own strength.

It's still a lot of killing in there.

At that time, I'll get some evolution points to strengthen this garbage talent.


Take off.

That's it, kill these scums of the Scourge and go to brush the tower.

Lin Yuan looked at the third item again,

"What is this, it's a bit weird?"

【Purgatory Smoke (One-time consumable)

Description: After lighting, a smoke screen will appear, which may attract the demon army.

Lin Yuan put the Purgatory Smoke in his backpack.

Although it is not used now, it may be used in the future.

2 minutes later, the dark sky disappeared, and

Lin Yuan reappeared in front of everyone.

"Why are you alone? Where is Cai Ji?" asked a middle-aged man with wrinkles on his face.

""Look, it's there."

Lin Yuan pointed at the body on the ground and replied.

The middle-aged man turned around and was shocked.

"What, you actually killed Cai Ji!"

Not only did you kill him, you even opened all the dimensional bags.

The middle-aged man clearly remembered that the lucky rabbit's foot was Cai Ji's most precious thing.

He would play with it in his hand when he had nothing to do.

He always told others that the lucky rabbit's foot could bring him luck.

Now it's good.

After death, he can be buried with the lucky rabbit's foot.

Fang Yiming was fighting with Zong Bai and found that Guo Tu had put away the dark sky curtain.

He thought Cai Ji had captured Lin Yuan, but when he turned around, he found Lin Yuan standing there.

He was immediately furious and shouted:

"Guo Tu, what are you doing? Hurry up and work with Cai Ji to capture this guy. If you can't catch him alive, kill him."

Guo Tu was the one who released the Dark Sky.

Hearing this, he replied in a sharp voice:

"Cai Ji was killed by him!"


Fang Yiming couldn't believe it.

Cai Ji was a level 60 shadow dancer, how could he die at the hands of a level 25 mage?

You must be kidding.

But Fang Yiming turned his head and found Cai Ji's body and the lucky rabbit's foot on his body.

He immediately felt absurd.

He wanted to curse.

""You stupid Cai Ji, how rubbish do you have to die at the hands of a level 25 mage."

Guo Tu was also very angry.

He had reminded Cai Ji when he opened the dark sky curtain that he should not be careless. But he still failed. It was better that Cai Ji died, and that was the end of it. He left behind a mess that he needed to clean up.

"Boy, just surrender obediently, so you can suffer less. Otherwise, I will let you have a taste of pain."

Lin Yuan was speechless after hearing this.

"Don't you people from the Natural Disaster Cult bring your brains with you when you go out? You just act cool when you have nothing to do. If you have the guts, come on, and see if I can do anything to you."

When Guo Tu heard this, his eyebrows raised, and he took out a black box the size of a volleyball.

After opening it, more than a dozen ghosts emerged from it.

【Weeping Ghost] lv55

HP: 500000

Attack Power: 120000

Magic Immunity: Immune to Magic Attacks

【[Evil Ghost] lv55

HP: 500000

Attack Power: 240000

Illusory Body: Immune to physical attacks.

Guo Tu's profession is a summoner, who can control some ghosts to fight.

"My Bloodthirsty Ghost is immune to magic, let's see what else you can do."

Guo Tu controlled the Bloodthirsty Ghost to attack Lin Yuan.

He himself released a buff spell from behind.

【Soul Devourer (B-level) lvmax description: consumes 2000 mana points, summons deal an additional 50% magic damage when attacking

【[Fanatical] (A-level) lvmax description: Consume 5000 mana points, increase the attack speed of summoned creatures by 200%, lasting 10 seconds.

After Guo Tu used the skill,

8 weeping blood ghosts emitted red and blue light, which was quite creepy.

Before the weeping blood ghosts approached,

Lin Yuan released the mirror spell and arranged the earth spear for the mirror spell.

In an instant,

20 earth spears surrounded Lin Yuan.

"Get them for me!"

Lin Yuan waved his hand, and twenty earth spears shot out like arrows, stabbing towards the weeping ghosts.



130,000 damage was dealt by Lin Yuan's main body.

60,000 damage was caused by the mirror image.

In one round of attack, two weeping blood ghosts were killed.

After 4 seconds, all the weeping blood ghosts were crushed.

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