I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 403 Chapter 404 Shadow Warrior

At dusk, Drum Mountain sinks, and the setting sun burns golden with red glow.

This is the time when tired birds return to the forest, but birds are flying and restless above the peak of Nanshan Mountain, giving a bird's eye view of the uninvited guests at the foot of the mountain.

Because Nue was elusive in the sky, the Kyoto Ground Self-Defense Force urgently set up machine gun positions on all sides in the forest at the foot of the mountain, with the muzzles of anti-aircraft machine guns pointed at the sky.

Outside the Hachimangu Shrine on the mountain, several temporary bunkers and defense lines have been built. Heavily armed self-defense team members are standing ready, and the air is filled with a chilling atmosphere.

"My position is impregnable. Even if there are ten or eight monsters called Nue, they can't even cross the thunder pond."

The general from Okubo garrison waved his arm and said with great enthusiasm.

Although time was short, under the urging of the boss of Kyoto Prefecture, the position was arranged in a decent manner.

Yuki Mineko put down the telescope in front of her, with a noncommittal look on her pretty face.

Although she is an extraordinary person, she only knows a little about military matters, so professional matters should still be left to professionals.

The only question is, will the mastermind behind it attack again?

If an attack is really launched, when will it be?

Only a thousand days to be a thief, not a thousand days to guard against thieves.

After all, the attack only happened last night. Kyoto Prefecture was in turmoil, and the vigilance was raised to the extreme. As time goes by, it will inevitably gradually relax.

Moreover, such precious extraordinary combat power as the Twelve Divine Generals cannot always be bound to the Hachiman Palace.

If nothing happens for a period of time, Yuuki Mineko will most likely be transferred out of Kyoto Prefecture again.

I really want to go back to my seniors as soon as possible.

Yuki Mineko pursed her lips, feeling a little upset.

"Miss Yuuki, are you worried about Yasaka Shrine?"

One side of Yuki Mineko's eyes fell on a thin middle-aged man.

Tosu Hero.

Twelve divine generals sent from Tokyo for reinforcements.

According to the new rules established by the Cabinet and the Uchiha Minister, the Twelve God Generals now operate in pairs.

Yuuki Mineko and Tosu Hero are a temporary combination.

Hachimangu Shrine, as the end of the Oni Gate seal, is more important than Yasaka Shrine at the node of the Heiankyo Feng Shui array.

Ishikimizu Hachimangu Shrine is located on a hill outside the city. The Self-Defense Forces can mobilize heavy troops and heavy weapons for defense.

In comparison, Yasaka Shrine in downtown Kyoto is not so convenient.

Therefore, most of the protective forces are concentrated here.

"No, I think the mastermind behind it will definitely choose Hachimangu Shrine if he wants to launch another attack."

"Oh, why did you say that?" Hero Tosu asked curiously.

Yuki Mineko raised the corner of her mouth and wrote lightly: "A woman's intuition."

"Yes, that's right..."

The Tosu hero touched his nose, somewhat dumbfounded.

At this moment, a sharp and piercing siren echoed over the Hachiman Palace position, and the expressions of the two Twelve God Generals changed drastically.

"Did the attack happen before it got dark?"

"It's dusk now, which is the favorite time for demons and monsters to encounter demons. Let's go!"

The two people rushed to the command center set up in the side hall quickly and resolutely. Inside, they saw staff officers and ordinary self-defense team members running back and forth in a hurry.

"Report, the lookout discovered a large number of Nue in the northeastern sky!"

"Hmph, it really came along the line of hell."

Jiangbu snorted coldly and asked with confidence:

"How many are there?"

"The number is unknown, but according to visual inspection, it may be over a hundred!"

"What, over a hundred?!"

Shobu was so shocked that he almost fell off his seat.

Damn it, obviously there were only five or six Nues that came out to cause damage last night, but today there are over a hundred. That's not how the super double is added, right?

How can you play this!

"Notify the machine gun position, open fire and hit hard!" Jiang Bu roared angrily.

Although when setting up the position, the enemy has been expected to be wide, but if there are so many, the defense line will be torn to pieces if they are not careful.

Then Jiang Bu faced the two divine generals and said in a low voice:

"Please ask the two god generals to be ready to attack at any time."

He glanced furtively at the Tosu hero.

It’s okay if Minister Uchiha doesn’t come, but why doesn’t Tokyo want to send Chief Kanbara of Sensoji Temple to Kyoto?

The monster Tosu ranks at the top among the twelve divine generals, but it is not as powerful as the first and third ranked ones.

Jiang Bufu cursed a few times, feeling a little dissatisfied but did not dare to speak out.

Mineko Yuuki and Hero Tosu looked at each other and nodded solemnly.

Another communications soldier broke in and reported anxiously:

"Report! Ping Jiangmen has also appeared. It is riding on the back of a Nue and is bombarding the position."

Everyone's expression changed with horror.

Just like the purple light arrow shot by one of the gods, it failed to exorcise Ping Jiangmen? ——

“Da da da da da!!!”


There was a large black cloud hanging over the forest in the northeast, and a foal-sized bird made a strange cry and appeared in the clouds.

The anti-aircraft machine guns deployed in the position opened fire immediately, and tongues of flame formed by steel bullets shot up into the sky, intertwining into a network of death.

Dozens of anti-aircraft machine guns fired together, which was truly spectacular. The fierce anti-aircraft firepower should not be underestimated.

The firepower of the anti-aircraft machine gun can even blow up a fighter jet. Even if Nue is a monster, he will not be spared.

From time to time, birds were shot down by bullets in the sky.

But the strange thing is that before the bird's body landed on the ground, it turned into a cloud of gray mist and disappeared.

At the same time, the surface-to-air rocket vehicles deployed outside Hachimangu Shrine also immediately launched missiles one after another in the northeast direction.

Although the radar guidance of surface-to-air missiles cannot be locked at low altitude, there are extraordinary existences like the Nie birds that are flexible and small (compared to air military units), but there are too many of them. If a missile hits them, something will be gained.

Along with the falling powder, rounds of orange-red fire exploded in the sky.

"Bang bang bang!"

It was as if the fireworks of the Gion Festival were not finished yet, but were made up for at this moment.

"Okay, that's it! Hit me hard!"

The generals in the command center and other observers as far away as Tokyo were delighted.

Even if human beings' modern technological weapons cannot deal with shadow-level warriors or gods, they can still easily achieve great results against miscellaneous fish monsters.

"Damn it!"

Suddenly there was a roar in the sky that shook all directions, exploding in the ears of the self-defense team members like muffled thunder.

"You bunch of flat-haired monsters, follow my orders and go!"

More than a dozen swans flew in the air like sparks of fire, galloping towards the outside. They no longer gathered together like before and rushed forward.

The position machine gun quickly turned its muzzle and poured out barrages wildly, killing the escaping nio.

Even though some Nue birds were shot and exploded, more Nue birds drew huge arcs and flew to both sides or behind the machine gun position, and then plummeted downwards like meteors.



Things have changed, and the Japanese now also have a taste of kamikaze attacks.

The machine gun position on the top of Nanshan Mountain was immediately blown up by Nue's self-explosion, knocking people off their feet.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the remaining seven or eight nio birds made strange calls and flew toward Hachimangu Shrine on the mountain with great momentum.

Riding on the leader's back was the headless Ping Jiangmen!

"You can actually self-destruct?!"

"It's so hateful, it's just a little bit close! I can kill all the Nue monsters."

"Cunning Taira Shomon!"

Some people were horrified to see it.

Flying monsters like Nue cannot be measured by air defense warning radar.

Just imagine, if they launched an attack not at Hachimangu Shrine, which was well prepared, but at an unprepared military base or political center, the consequences would be simply disastrous!

The clouds follow the dragon, the wind follows the tiger!

Although Nue is not a complete tiger monster, it still has a quarter of a tiger shape. When they hover over Hachimangu Shrine, the wind roars and rocks fly.

"Hahahaha! Hateful God Hachiman, I will raze you to the ground today. The next one will be the Imperial Palace!"

Taira Shomon held up the huge naginata, and unbridled laughter came from his belly.

It was about to strike down.

At this moment, a large shadow flew from below like a ghost.


Ping Jiangmen was startled, and when he clamped his legs, Nue dodged aside.

Facing Pingjiangmon in the sky was a four-winged monster that flapped its wings like a bat or a crow.

The most tingling thing is that this monster is made up of countless black tentacles, but it wears an upright Kamen Rider mask on its head.


The chin of the Kamen Rider mask came off, and the electric snake danced wildly, hitting Taira Shomon directly in the flash of lightning.

The paralyzed Ping Jiangmen was shot down together with Nue.

"Ahhhhhhhh! Damn it, damn it!"

After Taira Shomon fell to the ground, he waved his big naginata at the sky angrily, but the black flying monster that shot it down circled in a circle, plunged downwards, and disappeared.

"Fire! Fire!"

The self-defense members who deployed in front of Hachimangu Shrine hid behind their bunkers without saying a word and started shooting wildly.

In the hail of bullets, Ping Jiangmen's body, full of pressure, stood as still as a rock.

When the bullet hit Ping Jiangmen's body, it could only burst out a series of sparks.

"Hahaha, are you tickling me?"

Even though the head is missing, Taira Shomon still has the same indestructible body as before.

The ominous black energy that enveloped Hei Shomon suddenly erupted. After pulling out several swords with the naginata in his hand, he slashed outward several times.


The light of several half-moon-shaped black swords directly turned several bunkers and bunkers laid by the Self-Defense Force into ruins.

"This is the fate that annoying ants deserve!"

Hei closed the door and retracted his naginata, turning his headless body to face the main hall of Hachimangu Shrine.

The door that was directly broken by Ping Jiangmen yesterday had not had time to be repaired.

"Phew! Drink!"

Ping Jiangmen's aura rose again and again, and the black energy emanating from his body almost condensed into a semi-substantial flame, burning blazingly on his body.

Holding the naginata in both hands, Ping opened and closed the door and slashed horizontally with a powerful and heavy blow.

The dark fire on the body spread to the blade of the naginata, and a black blade of more than ten meters long was slashed out, preparing to cut Hachimangu Shrine in half!

"Melting Granite!"

Just hearing a scream, a thick wall rose up in the open space in front of Hachiman Palace, with flames attached to it.


The molten granite was cut off and disintegrated, but the Hachiman Palace behind it remained intact.

"Who?! How dare you stand in the way of my revenge!"

Ping Jiangmen roared from his stomach.

"The legendary four evil spirits in Japan are nothing more than that."

The figure of Yuuki Mineko jumped up from behind the ruins of molten granite and landed ten meters in front of Heishangmon.

Faced with the murderous aura emanating from Taira Shomon, Yuki Mineko's pretty face did not change, and there was even a trace of disapproval in her eyes.

Compared with the spiritual pressure exerted deliberately by seniors during special training, it is incomparable.

According to the classification of extraordinary levels established by the Supernatural Police Department, Hei Shomon is not an S-class (quasi-shadow) extraordinary being. At most, he is an A-class peak extraordinary being like himself.

Ping Jiangmen, I can handle it alone!

If I get rid of Ping Jiangmen, my seniors will definitely look at me with admiration.

Yuuki Mineko was eager to try, and a fire started to appear in her eyes when she looked at Taira Shomon.

"What did you say, woman?!"

Taira Shomon was furious, and he swung his big naginata and slashed his head and face, trying to cut Yuuki Mineko in two.

"Molten Escape Volcanic Bomb!"

Yuki Mineko dodged back like a rabbit, put his palms together, and spit out a volcanic bomb as big as a tabletop from his mouth.

Ping Jiangmen did not dodge or evade, but directly slashed on the volcanic bomb.


The volcanic bomb exploded immediately, and the lava inside burst out and rolled out, covering Pingjiang's whole body, and thick smoke rose into the sky.


Yuki Mineko felt happy.

The Melting Escape inheritance she received from Konohana Kaiyeji's life, in terms of destructive power, has few rivals at the same level.

The poisonous fire of Molten Escape can also burn the enemy like maggots on the tarsal bones, until even the bones and slag are completely burned into them.

"Bah bang bang."

But a scene that made Yuki Mineko unbelievable appeared. Taira Shomon swung his body nonchalantly, throwing the flaming lava burning on his body on the ground like mud.

Taira Shomon's movements were not hindered at all, he waved his naginata and slashed at the owl's head.

Yuuki Mineko frowned, and immediately spit out another volcanic bomb, causing the generals to fight in peace.

After a few rounds, Yuuki Mineko was secretly surprised.

Ping Jiangmen's body of copper skin and iron is completely invulnerable. Even the extremely destructive melting attack cannot cause effective damage.

Likewise, Pingjianmen's attack is difficult to achieve.

For a while, the two actually formed a stalemate.

"Damn it, am I reduced to such a level that I can't even kill a female prostitute with a knife?"

Ping stuck one end of the doorknob's naginata heavily into the ground, put his palms together and began to form seals:

"Let me show you the secret technique of the Shadow Warrior that I inherited from my mother!"

Before he finished speaking, several headless figures that were exactly the same as the original body split out from Ping Jiangmen's body.

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