I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 369 Chapter 370 The soul leaves and the body remains.

After the uninvited guests dispersed, the noisy mourning hall returned to its proper emptiness and tranquility.


The Uchiha Immortal's heart was as calm as water. Compared to being held in high esteem by the stars before, this still made him feel more at ease.

Uchiha Senmen, who likes silence but dislikes movement, has always been polite and polite to all kinds of banquets and invitations.

With its current status and power, this country can only make the head of the Supernatural Police Department and the most extraordinary Uchiha Sect, a small group of people above the clouds, and these local snakes in Shizuoka Prefecture not yet This face made him take a second look.

"I'll leave it to you to revitalize the village, Nami-ryu."

While the master was preparing for the vigil, Uchiha Senmon took Sakaki Namiru aside and warned:

“Not only in terms of economics, but also in terms of the history and culture of the village, I also want to dig deeper.”

This time, the Uchiha sect rushed back to attend the funeral of their uncle. Seeing the old village chief again, he couldn't help but feel sad about the right and wrong of creatures and felt that something could be done.

Moreover, he could not stay in the village for long, and he did not have much confidence in whether he could find out the secrets of the Uchiha clan hidden behind history and the clan's Nanga Shrine.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of supporting village construction, we visited the elderly in the village and explored the old sites and monuments around the village. We might be able to find some clues.

Kill two birds with one stone.

"history and culture?"

Sakaki Nami was confused.

Miru Sakaki had no objection to her brother-in-law's desire to invest back to the village, but she had some difficulty understanding her brother-in-law's desire to explore the village's history and culture.

Sakaki Namiru was born and raised here. When he was a child, he ran wildly with wild boys all over the mountains and fields. He knew very well that the village had no historical heritage at all.

Does your brother-in-law want to develop tourism in the village?

However, small mountain villages like this that have a history of two to three hundred years can be found all over Shizuoka Prefecture. The entire village's superficial historical and cultural heritage combined cannot compare to the extraordinary reputation of my brother-in-law.

It would be better to just put out the name ‘The Hometown of Minister Uchiha’. Such a golden sign will ensure an endless stream of tourists.

However, my brother-in-law's idea must have deep meaning, and all I need to do is support it without thinking.

"Then let Amei wander around the village in the past few days. Isn't he a top student in the history department of Tokyo University? Maybe he can dig out the relics of the Heian period in the village." Sakaki Namiru joked casually .

"I really didn't expect A Ming to be admitted to Dongda University on his own."

The Uchiha Senmon smiled and shook his head.

Also a student at Tokyo University, Uchiha Senmen knows very well how difficult it is to get admitted to Tokyo University.

However, as long as you cross the red gate, you will really be like a carp leaping over the dragon gate and achieve a class leap.

It is common in other countries to have two top universities, but the University of Tokyo's status among Japanese universities is well deserved.

Japan's important ministries, such as the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, have the highest bureaucratic position of deputy minister, which is basically monopolized by Tokyo University graduates (ministers are not bureaucrats and can only be held by politicians).

Whether it is the national civil service or the management of large banks and consortiums, there is a widespread perception of the Eastern University system.

As long as you are a graduate of Dongda University, you don’t need to deliberately seek out supporters like other young people. The elders of Dongda University who are in high positions will naturally regard the graduates as their own and help and support them; for the graduates of Dongda University who have climbed to high positions, In other words, the juniors will naturally stand by his side and become his right-hand man.

In the perception of Japanese society, the Tokyo University label is a certification of elite and highly intelligent talents.

Until now, the official media has continued to emphasize that Uchiha is a graduate of Tokyo University.

Born in a small mountain village, the lonely Uchiha Sect was extremely eager to change the fate of himself and the people he cared about, so he worked hard and was admitted to Tokyo University.

But in the wealthy life of fine clothes and fine food, A Ming was still able to uphold his original intention, study patiently, and finally crossed the red gate.

This subcategories me.

This makes Uchiha Senmen proud, but also a little guilty.

After all, he has nothing but financial support.

A Ming's ability to grow up healthily and become an excellent person must be the blessing of Meiqin's spirit in heaven.

"By the way, brother-in-law, does the village's investment need to be allocated from the foundation?"

"No, after all, my original intention of establishing the foundation was to assist people affected by extraordinary events, and the subsidies to the village are my private affairs. Using the foundation's money will inevitably lead to false accusations."

The Uchiha Sect vetoed it without even thinking:

"This trip to the United States, I have an extra amount of foreign exchange on hand, totaling about 20 million U.S. dollars. I will use this money."

During the trip to the United States, there were many people who gave Minister Uchiha heavy gifts, but the Uchiha sect declined. Soon some smart people used different tricks to send money to Minister Uchiha.

This money is the lecture fee for Uchiha Senmon in major universities and companies in the United States.

According to the national conditions of the United States, it is reasonable and legal.

Even the Federal Tax Service, which is eager to extract oil from rocks, issued a certificate saying that there is no need to pay taxes.

In the United States, Uchiha Senmen met many foreign dignitaries.

Although their skins, languages, and beliefs are different, there is no difference between foreign big shots and Japanese dignitaries. Their whole bodies exude a rotten atmosphere, and their turbid eyes cannot hide their greed for extraordinary power, which then extends to Uchiha. On the body of Xianmen.

They are all a bunch of chickens and dogs, not worth a penny.

The only person who impressed Uchiha Senmon was the CEO of the space exploration technology company SpaceX.

In the 21st century, it is no longer surprising for private aerospace companies to launch small satellites and commercial rockets.

But this is the only private company that can send astronauts into space and successfully land a lunar launcher on the lunar surface.

The Uchiha Clan who are still worried about the changes in the Scarlet Moon should also take a high look.

The CEO of SpaceX even vowed that his company is already preparing for a manned moon landing project and will launch its first rocket as soon as the end of 2025.

The Uchiha Sect was doubtful about this.

What the capitalists say is even less credible than the U.S. government. God knows what nonsense they can say in order to push up stock prices.

However, SpaceX's development momentum and aerospace capabilities in recent years are obvious to all, and they are also in the hearts of Uchiha Senmen.

What if it really comes true?

After finalizing the matter, the topic between the two once again fell on Uchiha Naru.

"Brother-in-law, what do you think of Miss Songping that A Ming brought back this time?"

In fact, Sakaki Namiru's impression of Matsudaira Chiyo is not bad, it can even be said to be quite good.

In addition to the extra points for the first impression of being a lady, the ease with which Chiyo Matsudaira faced the dignitaries of Shizuoka Prefecture before the all-night ceremony also made Sakaki Namiru secretly nod.

Miss Songping is much more mature than A Ming in dealing with others.

The men of the Uchiha family are all like this, cold on the outside and hot on the inside. They always have a cold face towards strangers, polite but arrogant.

To put it nicely, it means being calm and unfazed by favors and humiliations. To put it unpleasantly, it means that you are arrogant and have eyes above your head.

My brother-in-law was like this when he was young. It wasn't until he joined the Metropolitan Police that he became a little more diplomatic.

A Ming found a beauty from all over the world who is eloquent and good at dancing, which can be regarded as complementary.

But even so, don't let your guard down.

"I heard that Miss Songping and A Ming are high school classmates, and the one who is near the water or the building wins the moon first."

Sakaki Namiru suggested: "Although we have this relationship, we can't rest assured. Who knows whether they will take advantage of my brother-in-law's reputation? I think we still need to send someone to investigate."

"Uh...that's not necessary."

The Uchiha Sect looked a little strange, with memories in his eyes and sighs at the incredible fate.

"The subordinates of the police department have reported the information about the Matsudaira family to me a long time ago. I never thought there would be such a coincidence. This is probably fate."

"Brother-in-law, what are you talking about?" Sakaki Namiru was a little confused.

"Miss Matsudaira's mother is an old friend of mine. She was a senior who took great... care of me when I was at Tokyo University. Now I can't call her senior. I should call her Mrs. Matsudaira."

Beep beep beep!

Sakaki Namiru's sister-in-law's alarm suddenly went off.

Something's wrong, something's wrong.

However, I have never heard my sister say the surname Matsudaira.

Suddenly, Sakaki Nami had a flash of inspiration and blurted out:

"Is Miss Matsudaira's mother's surname Jinguji?"

"Yes, Mrs. Matsudaira had this last name before she got married. Did Miss Matsudaira even tell you this? It seems that you get along very well." Uchiha Senmen was unaware of Sakaki Namiru's little thoughts and said directly.

Sure enough!

Sakaki Namiru's eyes suddenly became sharp, and she quickly dug out the tags from Fengchen's memory.

Her sister once complained to her in private that when she was with her brother-in-law in Tokyo, she encountered a strong enemy.

She is not only the eldest daughter of a wealthy family, but also a talented girl from Dongda University. She launches a fierce offensive against her brother-in-law, hoping to get her brother-in-law to marry into her family.

That eldest lady’s last name is Jinguji!

I definitely remembered it correctly!

Sakaki Namiru's eyes unconsciously revealed vigilance and hostility.

"That despicable and insidious woman allowed her daughter to get close to A Ming. Could it be that Xiang Zhuang danced his sword with Pei Gong in mind and was plotting against his brother-in-law?"

Old love rekindled? A kiss?

Sakaki Namiru felt that she was overthinking it again.

After all, this was twenty years later, and the eldest lady of Jinguji Temple had already married and had a daughter, so she would not be shameless and shameless to do such a thing.

Letting your children date the children of someone you liked before is, to a certain extent, settling past regrets. Isn't this a loser's behavior that often appears in party cartoons?

You should be more generous and not be suspicious.

As soon as she thought of this, Sakaki Namiru pretended to calm down.

"Mrs. Matsudaira's husband passed away last year. It is not easy for an orphaned and widowed mother to support the family's business."

Uchiha Sect said calmly: "Let the relationship between Miss Matsudaira and Ming take its course."


That free-spirited woman must also be here for her brother-in-law.

Sakaki Namiru bit her teeth almost to pieces.

A foreign blonde woman left, and a widow came!

My love life is really ill-fated.

Don’t do that kind of thing!

My brother-in-law has found another woman, and after my sister's death, he will be single for a while...at least for ten years!


After returning, we must separate A Ming and that woman's daughter, cut off the bad relationship, and not give her any opportunities.

Sakaki Nami's face sank, and she thought fiercely.

"Even Aming has a girlfriend, and Namiru, you are a big boss. It's time to think about yourself."

Uchiha Xianmen smiled and said: "Whether it is the work of the foundation or investing in the village, there is no need to rush."

It was like a bucket of cold water was poured on her body, and Sakaki Namiru's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

"It's not good for girls to stay up late. You should go back too."

Uchiha Senmon called to Assistant Ichimaru and several others in black suits and ordered:

"Send her back. It's dark, so be careful along the way."

"Miss Sakaki, please."

Assistant Ichimaru, who narrowed his eyes, came over and said politely.

If her sister was here, her brother-in-law would definitely let her stay, and the couple would keep vigil for Uncle Uchiha together.

Sakaki Namiru's heart was filled with mixed feelings and sourness.

There was also the unintentional remark made by the brother-in-law before. He did not regard himself as a woman at all, but regarded her as a wild girl following behind.

Like a zombie, Sakaki Namiru followed several members of the Supernatural Police Department and walked out.


Suddenly there was a flash of lightning in the night sky, the wind and clouds suddenly changed, and big raindrops fell down.

Xia Yu always comes so quickly, catching everyone off guard and instinctively running from the yard towards the mourning hall where they can take shelter from the rain.

"It's raining so heavily. It's a good thing we moved quickly, otherwise we would have been soaked in water."

"If the hundreds of guests from before are still there, this old house will definitely not be able to accommodate them."

"I hope it won't affect the farewell ceremony tomorrow."

Looking at the thunderstorm with astonishing force, there was no possibility of ending for a while, and the Uchiha Senmen did not ask Sakaki Nami to flow back.

Uchiha Senmon, Sakaki Namiru, together with several black suits from the Supernatural Police Department, as well as the uncle's adopted daughter's family, sat in the mourning hall to keep vigil for their uncle.


The sudden rain hit the eaves and door leaves, making a sound.

It was stormy and gloomy outside, and the candlelight flickered in the mourning hall. There was a muffled thunder, and a beam of lightning illuminated the smiling face of the portrait on the coffin in the mourning hall.

He seemed to be smiling but not smiling, as if he was looking into the eyes of a living person.

Sakaki Namiru glanced at it and quickly lowered his head. Feeling a little embarrassed, he secretly leaned closer to Uchiha Senmon.


There was another sudden, deafening thunder, and the sky seemed to explode, making the whole old house tremble.

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

Everyone in the mourning hall was trembling with fear, and some timid people were so frightened that they closed their eyes and covered their ears.

Through the fleeting lightning, Uchiha Senmen saw a black figure standing silently outside the window, peering in with a terrifying sight.

The figure had a curved back and a stooped figure, and belonged to an old man.

The Uchiha Immortal's pupils shrank, and the next second, several black magatama faintly appeared.


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