I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 358 Chapter 359 Broken love is also youth

"Stop it!"

An angry shout was like thunder exploding in the classroom. Both the Nishikawa trio who were committing violence and the classmates who were watching the monkey show with great interest were stunned for a second, and then turned their heads away in unison.

"Is there a person like this in our class? He is very brave."

"Isn't it the idiot who suddenly woke up while sleeping in class? I remember his name was Black Iron or Black Stone?"

"Whether it's scrap metal or stone, now there's something good to see. That guy in Nishikawa hates being disrespected by others."

The crowd parted automatically, allowing Kurogane Kazuzo to confront the Nishikawa trio face to face.

"Who is your kid?"

Taking his shoes off Gao Xiang's head, Xi Chuan came over cursing and stared forward, his eyes looking very fierce.

Kuroyukizo lowered his face, clenched his fists tightly, and said nothing.

Nishikawa came forward step by step, almost touching Kuroyukizu.

In front of Nishikawa, who was over 1.8 meters tall, broad-shouldered and round-waisted, Kurogetsu Kaizo looked like a stunted junior high school student.

"Why didn't you say anything! Weren't you very smart just now? Why are you pretending to be such a coward now?"

Nishikawa stretched out a hand and pushed Kurogeki to stagger.

Kurogane Kaizo didn't know why he had to stand up.

Is it passion?

Either because I lost the photo of Teacher Arisaki and I felt guilty, or maybe the scene of Gao Xiang being bullied and having someone step on his feet connected with me and made me feel sad.

It's okay to have both, but now that the matter has come to this point, we can no longer back down.

"You're bullying like this, it's too much. Stop it." Kuroyukizu squeezed out a few words through his teeth.

Xi Chuan's mouth twitched and his face became even more ugly.

"Don't talk nonsense, this is not bullying, this is justice!"

"Yes, yes! I think you must be an accomplice of Gao Xiang's secret filming, so I jumped out."

The other two boys from the judo club were also barking behind them.

It was a bucket of dirty water that was poured over him, and black iron Huizo was beaten into a candid cameraman who was in the same boat as Gao Xiang.

The other students were dubious about the slander, whispering to each other, their eyes shining with the light that watching the excitement is not a big deal.

"Sure enough, you are also a candid photographer. In this case, I must show you some color."

Putting a hat on Kurotetsu Huizo casually, Nishikawa couldn't wait to do it.

Xi Chuan extended a slap and grabbed Kurotetsu Koizo by the neckline, trying to lift the little man up with his arms.


But Kurotetsu Kozo's feet seemed to be rooted in the ground, motionless.

For a moment, Xichuan couldn't lift it up.

Kurogetsu Kaizo suddenly kicked Nishikawa's right calf, and when Nishikawa bent over in pain, his knee hit his big face.


After a muffled sound, Xi Chuan rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

"Impossible! Saikawa!"

"Look what you did! You actually sneak attack! Despicable villain!"

The other two couldn't believe it at first, and then they were frightened and angry, and rushed forward aggressively with Wang Baquan.

"Oh oh oh, oh hit hit hit hit!"

Heitie Huisan took the lead, let out a battle roar, and clenched his fists to meet him.

"Bang bang bang!"

Hei Tiehui's three masters showed their supernatural power, his fists were as fast as lightning, and unimaginable force exploded, knocking the two of them to the ground in a blink of an eye.


Someone in the classroom couldn't help but gasped, and everyone else looked like they had seen a ghost.

Someone was already betting on what kind of posture Kurogane Kaizo would use to kneel down and beg for mercy. Unexpectedly, in a moment, the situation was reversed, and the trio was beaten to death and lay on the ground.

"This this……"

Not only the other students, Kuro Tetsu Kozo also looked at his fists in surprise.

The next moment, as if he remembered something, he turned his head and rushed out of the classroom.


Heitie Huisan rushed from the first grade teaching building to the playground behind the gymnasium.

"Akai, did you have sex with me just now?"

Seeing that there was no one around, Kuroyukihime couldn't help but call out.

"Young man, you made a mistake! What just exploded was your own power."

Akai's figure once again appeared in front of Kuroyukihime.

"How is it possible?! How much do I weigh? How can I still not know how much I weigh? How can I be the opponent of three big guys from the judo club!"

Kurogetsu Kaizo didn't believe it at all. If Kai could get into his body today, would he be able to take his own body away and resurrect his body tomorrow?

"As long as you have youth and passion, everything is possible!"

Akai was noncommittal, gave Kuroyukihime a thumbs up, and said with a heroic smile:

"Sure enough, I saw you right, young man! Those guys who bully the weak are not youthful at all."

Kurogetsu Kaizo had a fever on his face and was a little embarrassed, then he said angrily:

"Don't think that you can get away with just a haha..."


At this moment, Kurogane Kaizo's belly made a sound like thunder.

Kurogei Kaizan's face turned pale, and he squatted down holding his stomach.

"I'm so hungry, but I have no money."

From last night to now, Kurogeki has not eaten even a grain of rice. He is so hungry that his liver and intestines are broken and his stomach hurts.

All the money he had was spent in the supermarket yesterday. To make matters worse, all the ingredients he purchased were lost on the road.

Kuroyukihime struggled to get up, went to the drinking pool nearby, opened the faucet and gurgled tap water into his stomach.

According to the propaganda of the Waterworks Bureau, tap water in Japan is drinkable directly.

Like other countries, Japan uses salt (chlorine) to disinfect tap water and has 52 safety standards, which is stricter than the 18 standards for mineral water. In theory, tap water from the purification plant is safer and cleaner than mineral water.

However, Japanese families basically do not have the habit of drinking tap water directly, and they do not boil tap water to boil it. Instead, they choose to install filtering devices in the faucets at home, or drink bottled mineral water directly.

One of the reasons is that no matter how clean the tap water from the factory is, it will inevitably suffer secondary contamination from the pipelines during transportation. Moreover, outside of rural towns, the tap water in big cities has a strange smell, is spicy, and is extremely unpleasant to drink.

Unless they are extremely thirsty, Japanese people will not drink tap water directly.

According to Kurogetsu Kaizo's previous experience, you can pour some water in when you are hungry, which can relieve your hunger.

Tap water is called suidosu in Japanese. One slang usage of this word is to describe poverty, such as 'suidosu bibimbap', which is even shabbier than Hinomaru bento.

When he couldn't even eat suidosu bibimbap, Kurogetsu Kaizo relied on tap water to fill his stomach.

"I really want to eat the bento made by Arisaki-sensei..."

Kurogetsu Kaizo wiped the water stains from the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but recall that bright afternoon when he first entered school.

That day, Kuroyukizu was like this, hiding in a corner of the playground, drinking tap water to satisfy his hunger, and Teacher Arisaki, who happened to be passing by, noticed his predicament.

Citing a lack of appetite as an excuse, Arisaki-sensei gave his bento to Kurogane Kazuzo.

Although it was just a bento purchased from 711, Kurogane Kaizo's memory was filled with endless aftertaste.

A little tenderness unintentionally revealed between Arisaki-sensei's fingers is poison to someone like Kurogane Kaizo.

From then on, Kurogetsu Kaizo couldn't help but fall in love with someone he shouldn't like.

But when he thought about yesterday, Mr. Arisaki didn't remember him at all, Kurogetsu Kaizo's heart ached.

"Da da da."

The depressed Kurottesaki moved his ears and heard the familiar sound of high heels hitting the ground.

It’s Mr. Arisaki!

Kurogehui looked happy.

But after being beaten all over the floor in front of Teacher Arisaki last night, Kuroyuki Kazuzo didn't know how to face her now, and he didn't want Teacher Arisaki to see his current state of desolation.

Kurogei San simply got into the bushes and peered out from the gaps.

Yesterday's harassment did not bring much shadow to Teacher Arisaki. She is still the same as before, bright, beautiful and charming.

Teacher Arisaki held her mobile phone in her hand, looking around, and walked slowly to the corner of the playground.

She seemed to have deliberately found a deserted place to listen to this call.

"Noro-san, your confession yesterday troubled the teacher very much."

Teacher Arisaki's pretty face was both angry and happy, and her eyes shone with a warmth that Kurogane Kazuzo had never seen before.

"After all, I am a teacher and you are a student. It would be bad for both of us if word spread..."

Even so, Teacher Arisaki's tone made him want to refuse but still welcome.

"Okay, okay, I promise you. Let's date again after you graduate from high school."

After hanging up the phone, Teacher Arisaki's face was extremely charming. She looked around for a while and then ran away as fast as a thief.

After Teacher Arisaki's figure disappeared completely, Kurogetsu Kaizo, who was completely despairing, crawled out of the bush where he was hiding.

Then the first thing Kurogane Kaizo did was to rush to the sink and turn on the faucet to the maximum.


The tap water gushes out from the bottom up, and Kurogetsu swallows it in big gulps, making his face and hair completely wet.

"Young man..." Akai comforted.

"I, I didn't cry!"

He touched a handful of wet water from his face and threw it on the ground. Kurogetsu Kaizo's voice was choked and he said harshly:

"Noro-senpai is the head of the judo club. He is handsome and capable. He is a talented man and a good-looking woman. They are a perfect match. What does it have to do with a bad guy like me?"

"I know I know."

Akai shook his thick eyebrows and nodded in cooperation.

For boys of this age, love may indeed be more important than anything else.

"Being in love is actually a part of youth."

"Youth, what youth! What I hate most is bullshit youth!"

As if his tail had been stepped on, Kurogane Kaizo started to jump, pointed at Akai and said loudly:

"Those with thick eyebrows, no matter what your purpose is, don't follow me anymore. You can pester whoever you like. This is a boys' high school. How many young and passionate teenagers are there? How many young and passionate teenagers are there? Let's go!"

"Although I quite like you, a passionate young man with a sense of justice, but since it is your choice, I can't force you."

Akai sighed, and his body began to become void and disappeared.

Feeling a slight itchiness on the back of his right hand, Kurogetsu Kaizo raised his hand to take a look.

The red curse mark on it flickered for a few times, then dimmed until it disappeared.

Kurogetsu Kaizo suddenly felt a sense of loss.

"Mr. Akai?"

After confirming that Akai had really left, Kurogane Kaizo felt as if his bones had been ripped off. Kei sat on the ground, buried his head between his legs, and sobbed uncontrollably.


Even if it was just a ghost like Mr. Akai who he had not known for half a day, Kurogetsu Kaizo didn't want anyone to see him looking like a bereaved dog in a miserable state.

When Kuroyukihime walked back to the classroom of Class D, his eyes were black, like a zombie.

Everyone was paying attention to Kurogehui.

Surprise, fear, hatred, curiosity...

For a moment, the class was silent, so quiet that you could hear the sound of a pin dropping.

In the next second, uncontrollable whispers circulated in the classroom.

"Kurotie is actually so good at fighting. He defeated those three stupid guys from Nishikawa in a one-on-three fight! Since when did the first grade have such a number one figure?"

"His few kicks were really cool. He knocked three people to the ground with the swish swish. It seemed to be Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do."

"Why is Heitie's whole body wet? Could it be that he fell into the swimming pool?"

Kurotetsu Koizo was originally a fringe character in the class, no one even remembered his name, but now he has become famous in one fell swoop.

Although they were full of curiosity about Kuroyukihime, due to his previous tough record and Kuroganeki's current expression and aura being very unkind, no one dared to come forward and talk to him.

The first class in the afternoon.

A teacher walked in and frowned when he saw that there were many vacant seats in the classroom.

But he didn't express anything, but opened the lesson plan indifferently.

"Sure enough, the Xichuan trio skipped class in the afternoon, and they probably have no face to face people." Someone gloated and said, "Now let's see how they can still show off their power."

"That fat... fat guy Gao Xiang also ran away."

Some students glanced at Hei Tie Huisan fearfully, and changed his mind.

As a spectator of bullying, whoever is strong helps others, and whoever is weak tramples others.

The Japanese are even more merciless when they talk about people behind their backs.

"Speaking of which, Kurogane doesn't look strong either. He's not as tall as me. Could it be that the three of Nishikawa are just embroidered pillows?" Someone secretly looked at Kurogane Terumi and whispered.

The same table immediately stepped forward and said, "Then you can compete with Heitie, and if you win, you will be the first brother of our class D!"

The classmate who was not convinced and spoke before couldn't help but look at Hei Tie Huisan again, and immediately shrank his neck.

Kurotetsu Koizo's expression now looks as if he wants to swallow people alive, so he dare not touch the tiger's beard.

After two classes in the afternoon in a daze, Kurogetsu stood up numbly and prepared to walk out of the back door of the classroom.

Three or five senior students wearing white judo uniforms had already prepared to block the back door of Class D.

"Are you Kurogane-kun? Come on, come with us to the Judo Club."

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