I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 351 Chapter 352 University of Tokyo

In Hongo Seven-chome Sanban, Bunkyo District, a black Toyota Century slowly parked at the school gate painted in vermilion.

In the Edo period, when the feudal lord married the princess of the Tokugawa shogun, he had to build the gate of the palace and paint the gate in auspicious crimson, which was called the Akamon.

The Akamon Gate of the University of Tokyo is the only surviving Goshouden gate, so the admitted students are often described as "stepping into the Akamon Gate".

After getting out of the car, Matsudaira Chiyo held Naruto Uchiha's arm affectionately, walked side by side to Akamon, talking and laughing.

In front of the public, Matsudaira Chiyo certainly couldn't continue to wear maid outfits. She was wearing a fully hand-made black one-piece dress, paired with precious jewelry and hair accessories on her head, which made her look even brighter and more charming.

And Naruto Uchiha wore a white village shirt and black suit pants, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, with a tall and straight figure, and his hair was tied into a fashionable ball head behind his head.

"Didn't you wear the watch I gave you today?"

"That Rolex diver's watch is too flamboyant."

Here it comes again.

Matsudaira Chiyo tilted her head, showing a small expression that she really couldn't help you, stretched out her hands to touch Uchiha Naruto's front, and said angrily:

"Honey, with your current status, you need to have suitable luggage for traveling. You can't even drive the car I allocated for you. What's a watch for?"

Seeing Matsudaira Chiyo arranging his collar closely, Naruto Uchiha couldn't help chuckling.

"What's wrong?"

"I remembered that when I was in Jinguji High School, senior, you said that you would introduce your maid to me. Senior didn't expect that the maid was yourself, right?"

Matsudaira Chiyo Shui Ling's eyes were full of charm, and she stood on tiptoe and whispered in Uchiha Naruto's ear:

"I am your maid at home, and I will also play the role of 'girlfriend' outside, Dana."

Then he put his lips together and kissed Naruto Uchiha's face. Matsudaira Chiyo took a few steps back, smiled sweetly, and stood by the car and waved vigorously:

"Honey, I'm looking forward to our date tomorrow!"

Watching the Toyota Century driving away from Akamon, Naruto Uchiha turned his face and saw the students and pedestrians at the school gate with subtle eyes.

A pair of handsome men and beautiful women are very eye-catching.

Then they made such intimate actions, rubbing each other's ears and temples, and giving out dog food, which made them all feel that they were supported.

However, this is also Uchiha Naruto's intention.

Across the red gate, through the Ginkgo Avenue, the elegant and quiet highest institution opened its arms to Naruto Uchiha.

Naruto Uchiha is now a freshman in the Department of History at Tokyo University.

He couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

The entrance exam of Dongda University is really fucking difficult!

Japanese universities are a combination of national unified examinations and school examinations.

In the third year of high school, Naruto Uchiha relied on the technique of shadow clone, abruptly pushed the deviation value to 75 points, and was successfully admitted to the history department of Dongda University of Arts.

If Naruto Uchiha is asked to take the third category of science that "only aliens can pass", then he can only use methods outside the examination room.

"Uchiha-kun, good morning."


After entering the lecture hall, students continued to greet Uchiha Naruto, and Uchiha Naruto was also a polite return.

There is only one class on Monday morning, and after the class is over, it is lunch break.

After class, Naruto Uchiha sorted out his notes. The short-haired boy sitting next to him, playing with his mobile phone, nudged him and said with a teasing smile:

"Hey, Ming-san, you're flirting with a senior from Ochanomizu Women's University at the school gate, and you're already on the home page of the school's forum. It's really enviable."

"It's normal for college students to have girlfriends, Jumonji. You changed girlfriends several times in high school." Uchiha Naruto said disapprovingly.

Jumonji Hayato, who spoke, was Naruto Uchiha's classmate who transferred to New High School in the first year of high school.

After enrolling in Dongda University, I was also in the Department of History, so my relationship is naturally better than that of ordinary classmates.

"Even if I'm on two boats, I can't get on the homepage of the forum. You are different, after all, there are quite a few girls in school who are eyeing 'Uchiha'." Jumonji Hayato smiled, with a pun road.

That's why I need a girlfriend.

Naruto Uchiha thought to himself.

At this moment, a girl with short black hair and fair skin and pretty facial features walked towards Naruto Uchiha gracefully.

"Suruga-san, what's the matter?" Jumoniji Hayato smiled heartily at the visitor.

Wearing a red and blue hoodie and wearing large silver earphones around his neck, Jumonji Hayato is a sunny, cheerful, handsome sportsman who can score 8 points.

However, compared with Naruto Uchiha around him, it pales in comparison.

The short-haired girl greeted Jumonji Hayato, then looked at Naruto Uchiha with expectant eyes, and said:

"Student Uchiha, this Sunday is my younger brother's birthday. His high school club is also the Kyudo club, and he has always admired Mr. Uchiha. I don't know if you have time. I want to invite you to my birthday party."

"Unfortunately, I already have an appointment."

Uchiha Naruto winked at Jumonji Hayato.

"That's right! This Sunday, Mingsang is going to go fishing with me on a yacht. I'm really sorry!"

Jumonji Hayato immediately put an arm on Uchiha Naruto's shoulder, and gestured an apology to the short-haired girl.


The girl with short hair showed regret in her eyes, and walked out of the classroom unhappily.

"Suruga-san is the daughter of the Suruga Foundation, she is also very cute, Ming-san, you can really be hard-hearted."

Jumonji Hayato whistled at the door, turned around and said with a smile:

"I thought you would change your personality after you went to college, but I didn't expect that you would still treat girls as usual. I am more and more curious about who is Miss Songping who can melt your iceberg."

Naruto Uchiha shook his head.

The relationship between him and Matsudaira Chiyo is not as romantic as Jumonji Hayato thought.

In fact, Naruto Uchiha and Chiyo Matsudaira each get what they need.

With the advent of the new era, Uchiha Senmen leapt to superhumanity. After stepping into the spotlight and serving as the head of the supernatural police department, Uchiha Naruto immediately lived a life that many people could not even imagine.

What is most important in the 21st century is talent.

Of course, some people think that beauty and intelligence are not worth mentioning in front of capital, but no matter how much capital you have, you can't buy extraordinary tickets.

The most important thing in the extraordinary new era is, of course, the extraordinary!

Leaving aside all kinds of preferential treatment and privileges, the salary paid to Uchiha Senmen alone in the first year was 200 million yen.

In the second year, it directly rose by half.

Extraordinary is undoubtedly the ladder to achieve a class leap.

As the power of Uchiha Xianmen became stronger and stronger, he took the lead to widen the gap with other extraordinary people. At the same time, as the Minister of Police, he held great power, and there were endless attempts to please and win over Uchiha Xianmen.

However, Uchiha Xianmen declined all of these. Apart from practicing and performing missions, he lived in seclusion and was not easy to enjoy extravagantly, which made his reputation even higher.

Since the Uchiha Immortal Gate is incorruptible, the pervasive caterers naturally set their minds on Uchiha Naruto.

If it is an ordinary high school student who suddenly comes into contact with the eccentric and extravagant life of the upper class, he might be dazzled and degenerate into a sensual playboy.

Naruto Uchiha pursues a higher scenery than worldly material enjoyment, so he is naturally unmoved.

This made Tokyo's upper class have a higher and higher evaluation of father and son.

He praised that like father, like son.

When Naruto Uchiha was admitted to Tokyo University by himself, he proved his potential even more.

Even if there is no minister's father, with Uchiha Naruto's outstanding appearance and academic ability, it is more than enough to be a son-in-law and an adopted son.

What's more, standing behind him is his old father, who is already known as the "No. 1 Extraordinary".

After transferring to the top aristocratic high school in Japan, there are many female students who confessed to Uchiha Naruto because of his fascination with Uchiha's face, or under the hint of the family.

But Naruto Uchiha resolutely implements the principle of not dating in high school, and refuses all of them on the grounds of study.

After entering Tokyo University, Naruto Uchiha was able to often meet various Yamato Nadeko, Bai Fumi, and Qianjin Misses both on and off campus.

"Student Uchiha, my Persian cat can do backflips, do you want to come to my house to see?"

If I really came to your house, it must not be the cat performing the backflip, but you, Miss.

"Uchiha-kun, my family has a Fortune 500 company, and there seem to be dozens of mines in foreign countries, and I am an only child. As long as Uchiha-kun is with me, the child can also be named Uchiha."

You actually want to buy me with money, don't underestimate the Uchiha clan.

All in all, Ming Uchiha was harassed tirelessly in the first month of school.

At this moment, Naruto Uchiha met Matsudaira Chiyo, the head of the Support Department, a senior at Jinguji High School.

Reunited after a long absence, Naruto Uchiha and Chiyo Matsudaira recalled the past and chatted all morning.

Matsudaira Chiyo did not deny that she befriended him at the suggestion of the family.

Naruto Uchiha just needs a shield to get rid of the nuisance of various forces.

Instead of taking advantage of other women, it's better to take advantage of the old Ms. Matsudaira.

So they hit it off and agreed to become a fake couple.

Naruto Uchiha's current relationship with Ms. Matsudaira should be more than a friend and not a lover.

Although it is said that everything that can be done between lovers has been done.

I don't think I'm a scumbag like this.


It has been more than a month since the official announcement, Ming Uchiha has shown affection with Matsudaira Chiyo, and the effect of persuading her to quit is still there, but there are also famous daughters who think that they are better than Matsudaira Chiyo in appearance and family background, and want to pry her corner.

"People of our class have this kind of trouble. You don't know whether those girls are here for you, or for your father's money and power."

Shimonji Hayato, with the face of someone who has been here, talked with eloquence:

"However, I have to admit that in terms of beauty, you and I are indistinguishable. Even without Mr. Uchiha, Naruto-san, you can do it well."

Jumonji Hayato suddenly remembered something, with a shy face, he made a circle with his right index finger and thumb:

"By the way! Mingsang, I just helped you out of the siege, what you promised me..."

Naruto Uchiha twitched the corners of his mouth and pulled out a notebook from his backpack.

Jumonji Hayato's eyes glowed, and after taking it, he turned a page and jumped up in surprise:

"It's Mr. Uchiha's autograph!"

Jumonji Hayato couldn't put it down, looking over and over again, turning around by the seat, dancing:

"Such a precious authentic work is simply a priceless treasure. It must be framed and hung in the bedroom to enjoy day and night! No, post it on Twitter to show off now, hehehe!"

Seeing Jumonji Hayato's frenzied face, wishing to stick out his tongue to lick the notebook, Naruto Uchiha couldn't help showing a disgusted expression.

"It's just a signature. Is it necessary to be so exaggerated?"

"Even if you are Mr. Uchiha's son, you can't say such things! Do you know how hard and great Mr. Uchiha is?"

When Jumonji Hayato heard it, he immediately corrected him sternly:

"Mr. Uchiha is a superstar of the new era, a hero who has never been seen before, and the savior of Japan! Uchiha Senmen is the strongest!"

Naruto Uchiha was a little funny.

Japan has idol chefs, special chefs, etc. After the advent of the extraordinary era, it has also developed extraordinary chefs with the characteristics of the new era.

Extraordinary is a real superhero, who resists the sharp blade of demons and ghosts. One can imagine its popularity, and with the help of the official, it naturally develops into a fan circle.

The popularity of Uchiha Xianmen is far ahead of the second place in previous surveys.

Jumonji Hayato is a fan of Uchiha Xianmen.

"But Mr. Uchiha, isn't he in New York now, attending an international summit on supernatural disaster prevention? Your signature..." Jumonji Hayato asked doubtfully.

This signature was written by Uchiha Naruto himself with Sharingan, copying Xianmen's handwriting.

"It came out of the house."

"I'm really grateful, now my position in the support team is unshakable!"

Shimonji Hayato did not doubt that he was there, and said happily:

"To express my gratitude, my father gave me a new Ferrari as a birthday present. I have parked it in the garage and haven't driven it yet. Come and drive it away today, Mingsang, and give it to you!"

"don't want."

"If Ming Sang doesn't dislike him, I'm willing to worship him as a foster father!"

Naruto Uchiha laughed dumbly.

What a big boy, you want to take this opportunity to become a super senior and become the grandson of the Uchiha Senmen, right?

"It's not popular to talk about the twelve generals recently. There are so many superhuman beings besides Xianmen, which one do you like the most?" Naruto Uchiha asked casually.

"What are the twelve gods, I am! It is a great insult to Mr. Uchiha to put Mr. Uchiha and rotten fish and rotten shrimps side by side!"

Shimonji Hayato immediately changed his face, dismissively said:

"Mr. Uchiha has only been abroad for half a month, and those soft-legged shrimps of the Twelve Gods have been defeated again and again, and have been beaten twice in a row by the 'Eagle Organization'."

In the words of the Japanese idol circle, Jumonji Hayato is the single pusher of Uchiha Xianmen, and he looks down on the other members of the combination of Twelve Gods.

"Especially that brother named Dongshan Yao, who obviously has the home court advantage, was severely injured by the avenging angel in the secret realm of the death forest. It is simply a shame for the extraordinary. What twelve god generals, change their name to shrimp soldiers and crab generals!"

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