I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 338 Chapter 339 Superstar of the New Era

"Master Kanbara is really funny."

The government staff was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said:

"The higher-ups want you to be the abbot of the new temple, but another shrine that worships the Lord of Mount Tai has chosen someone else as the host."

Urgently, like laws and decrees is a commonly used ending sentence in official documents of the Han Dynasty.

Onmyoji also copied the Taoist incantation "Quickly Ruling" along with it, which is often seen in various film and television works about Japanese Onmyoji. Most people have been fascinated by it, so it is natural for them to regard Jijiruling as the representative mantra of Onmyoji.

"Shrine?" Yuji Kanhara was confused.

"On the original site, in addition to building a new temple, there will also be a new shrine dedicated to Lord Taishan. Just like the previous Sensoji Temple and Asakusa Shrine."

On the east side of the former Sensoji Temple Park, there is the Asakusa Shrine, a small and unknown shrine.

Sensoji Temple and Asakusa Shrine are not incompatible rivals, but have a harmonious relationship.

This is a combination of gods and Buddhas with Japanese characteristics. Although temples and shrines belong to different religious buildings, the god of worship is theoretically the same.

Taishan Fujun was brought back to Japan by Tiantai Sect as the patron saint of Esoteric Buddhism, and Abe Jingming absorbed him into the Yin and Yang Dao system and became a localized god.

That being the case, besides the temple, it is logical to build another shrine to worship the Lord Taishan.

It has to be said that in order to kneel and lick Taishan Fujun, the Japanese high-level officials have considered very carefully, using two prongs, for fear that they will not be able to get a response from the old man.

Seeing Yuji Kanhara's heart fluttering because of his annual salary of more than 100 million yuan, the government staff breathed a sigh of relief and felt contempt in their hearts.

In his opinion, Yuuji Kanbara was somewhat petty, like the mud couldn't support the wall.

In this new era of supernatural resurgence and gods and Buddhas coming to the world, I don’t know how many powerful people are waving banknotes, and the Eight Immortals have shown their magical powers across the sea, trying to squeeze into the boat of the new era but they can’t get it.

Several opportunities were presented to Yuji Kanbara, but he gave up on them, and now he only agreed to it because of a mere Adumono.

It is simply a summer insect that cannot be described.

"It's just that the subsidy for the first year has this amount, isn't it too much?"

Touching the document in his hand, Yuji Kanhara asked with a guilty conscience.

No matter who it is, if you lie down and be a salted fish, your annual salary will increase by twenty times, and you will have no idea.

"Master Shenyuan, don't worry, the subsidy is not allocated from the government, but from the newly established civil committee to Taishan Fujun Temple."

In order to obtain the Indulgence Notes of the underworld, the various chaebols have generously donated money to build temples and shrines dedicated to the Lord of Mount Tai. The folk committees can be described as rich and powerful, and the mere nine-figure subsidy is just a drop in the bucket.

"Special talents like Master Kanbara and Transcendent are crucial to the future of Japan, and this amount of money is nothing at all."

In order to dispel Yuuji Kanhara's psychological burden, the government staff spoke again to persuade him:

"As far as I know, the basic annual salary offered by the supernatural countermeasures department to each transcendent is this amount, and there are also various mission allowances and the highest level of treatment. If it is a minister, it is easy to double it a few times .”

"I have great admiration for Lord Taishan, and I am really flattered to be able to take on such an important role as the host."

Since it was the chaebol's money instead of the taxpayer's money, the psychological pressure on Yuuji Kanhara was even less, and he finally agreed.

One year is 100 million, and you can retire after working for three to five years.

"However, have you decided on the candidate for the priest of the shrine dedicated to Lord Taishan?"

"Not yet." The government employee hesitated for a moment, and replied truthfully: "But according to what I heard, the descendants of Abe Seimei may be appointed."

Yuji Kanbara opened his eyes, with a look of surprise on his face.

Abe Seimei, the strongest onmyoji in the past and present, is there any heir left in modern times?


A low-key, luxurious black special car, square and square, is driving on the national road in a stable manner, with a car guarding it at the front and rear.

The well-informed citizens of Tokyo can tell at a glance that it must be some important figure in the political and business circles who is traveling.

"A Ming, that's almost the end of our chat. I'll meet you again in a few days."

Uchiha Senmon, sitting in the back row of the black car, put down his phone and sighed.

"Minister Uchiha, please rest assured, I have arranged for people to be near your residence in Yayoi Town."

Sitting next to the Uchiha Senmen was not the secretary of the previous deputy prime minister, but a man with short hair and squinting eyes.

"Before the official disclosure of the news, whether it is moving, or the transfer of the young master, I will take care of it."

Now the whole of Japan is caught in a supernatural frenzy. Countless netizens are eager to get all the information about the supernatural, but they can only rely on a small part of the official information and chat with all kinds of untrue news circulating on the Internet. comfort.

It is conceivable that after Uchiha Xianmen's dual identity as the minister of supernatural countermeasures and the extraordinary is exposed, he will inevitably be pushed to the forefront.

At that time, a large number of media will inevitably flock here to dig out all the information about Uchiha Xianmen.

At that time, whether it is the residence of Uchiha Xianmen or Ah Ming, it will inevitably be disturbed.

"Mr. Ichimaru, I will trouble you with these."

"You're too polite, just call me Ichimaru, Minister Uchiha."

The narrow-eyed man smiled slightly. Although he was very polite and decent, there was a hint of cunning like a fox.

"I'm your assistant, it's all my job."

Uchiha Xianmen's eyes flashed.

The Japanese government is still very willing to spend money to win him over as a minister, which is beyond imagination.

The special car and the villa in the central area of ​​Chiyoda were arranged immediately, and the annual salary offered was as high as 250 million yen. The work and study of sister-in-law Sakaki Nami-ryu and Uchiha Naruto in Tokyo were all arranged.

Uchiha Xianmen is not interested in material pleasures, but there is no need to deliberately behave high-spirited.

Leave these things to Ah Ming.

Pushing on the black-rimmed glasses, Uchiha Xianmen flipped through the list of classrooms and personnel drafted by the supernatural countermeasures department.

The structure of the supernatural countermeasures department is centered on the Fourth Search Section and the Fifth Public Security Section, and they are drawn from the Self-Defense Force or other departments. There are even quite a few foreign names on the list.

It can be called a mixed dragon and snake.

Experienced hands like Uchiha Xianmen can see at a glance that the supernatural countermeasure department is the product of mutual compromise and forcible fusion of various forces, and the internal tear is very severe.

But Uchiha Xianmen didn't care too much.

The supernatural countermeasure department is just a tool for him to take revenge and obtain the Taishan Mansion Monarch Sacrifice.

Furthermore, even if Uchiha Xianmen wanted to carry out drastic reforms, even the local faction who pushed him to the throne of minister would never agree.

Uchiha Xianmen is very clear about the source of his power, which is the power of wood escape obtained from Lord Muhuakai Yeji.

But if you hang out in the system, even if you have extraordinary power, you can't do whatever you want.

Unless, there is absolute violence above the state apparatus!

The black car drove steadily for more than ten minutes, and the headquarters building of NHK TV station could already be seen in the distance.

Several cars drove into the NHK underground parking lot in a low-key manner, then passed through the staff-only passage, took the elevator, and came to the entrance of a studio in the headquarters building.

Although the floor had been cleared in advance, as soon as the Uchiha Senmen and his party arrived, someone greeted them immediately.

"This is His Excellency Suzuki, Political Officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. These people are members of the Public Relations Department and Public Opinion Countermeasure Office under the Prime Minister's Residence..."

Assistant Ichimaru introduced the identities of these officials in an orderly manner, and at the same time brought Uchiha Senmon into the studio.

"In order for the citizens to understand the extraordinary, inspire the hearts of the people, and have full confidence in the government and the supernatural countermeasures department, publicity is the top priority. The next job is to shoot a series of promotional documentaries with Minister Uchiha as the core."

Those present were all bureaucrats from the cultural and propaganda departments at home and abroad.

As soon as the finished product is released, the publicity machine will be activated immediately, and the high-intensity rolling broadcast will be broadcast 24 hours a day to create momentum for the supernatural countermeasures department and Uchiha Xianmen.

As always, the Japanese government does not deal with personnel affairs, but it is still very willing to work hard to whitewash the peace internally and publicize externally.

Although Uchiha Xianmen feels a little uncomfortable, he also knows that this is essential.

It is also good for stabilizing people's hearts, so Uchiha Xianmen suppressed his displeasure and agreed.

Walking into the studio, Uchiha Xianmen glanced and frowned.

Props, photographers, lighting engineers, sound engineers, chores...

The number of staff in the studio exceeded Uchiha Xianmen's expectations.

Originally, he thought it was just a matter of taking a few random photos and videos. Watching this scene, it was like shooting a big-budget movie.

"Minister, everyone here has signed a confidentiality agreement, and there are people from the Metropolitan Police Department nearby to handle it. Before it is officially made public, it will never be leaked to other media."

Assistant Ichimaru looked at his words and thought that Uchiha Senmen was worried that the secret would be leaked, so he whispered immediately.

"This is director Katabuchi."

Assistant Ichimaru focused on introducing a skinny old man full of literature and art at the scene.

Even Uchiha Senmon has heard of this director. He is the leading master director in contemporary Japan, and he left a strong mark when he entered Hollywood.

"Is it necessary to mobilize so many people to make a promotional video?" Uchiha Senmen asked expressionlessly.

"The minister can't underestimate this matter. If the publicity can be done well, it will play an inestimable role in boosting the morale of the people."

Assistant Ichimaru's face was full of excitement, and he spoke plausibly.

"We will shape Minister Uchiha into a great man of the new era, a hero of the new era, and a superstar of the emperor of the new era!"

The skinny little old man has been sizing up the latter carefully since he entered the Uchiha Immortal Gate.

Uchiha Xianmen didn't pay too much attention to this, superhuman beings are rarer than giant pandas, and the gazes of other studio staff are more sharp and fiery.

"The appearance looks even better than the photos, and the aura is also excellent, which made the old man burst out with inspiration."

Director Katabuchi nodded to Uchiha Xianmen again and again, quite eager to try.

Unexpectedly, this extraordinary minister's foundation is so good, and it is not inferior to the national idol-level actors who have worked with him, which made this great director start to feel a little itchy.

"Even if the hair is a little loose, it's best to repair and repair it. With a little polishing, it can bloom like a superstar."


As soon as Assistant Ichimaru waved his hand, he was about to call the stylists on standby.


At this moment, Uchiha Xianmen's plain voice sounded, interrupting Assistant Ichimaru's words.

"No need, I don't have so much time to spend here."

In the preliminary stage of the supernatural countermeasures department, there is a lot of waste waiting to be done. There is still a lot of work to be done. It is simply irrelevant to spend precious time on filming promotional videos!

"I'm not here to make a movie, or prepare to debut, just take a few photos."

"But, Minister Uchiha, this is the superior..."

Uchiha Senmen's face turned cold, and he couldn't help but let out a breath.

Then he slowly reached out and took off the glasses, which were crushed by him immediately.

After taking off the glasses, Uchiha Senmen's eyes suddenly appeared sharp and fierce.

He looked at Assistant Ichimaru coldly.

"Am I the minister, or are you the minister? Or is someone else the minister?"

The ruthless coercion emanating from Uchiha Senmen directly made Assistant Ichimaru feel the gap in life level, sweating profusely and trembling in an instant.

Even the other staff members in the on-site studio were also affected, and immediately fell silent.

"Do as I tell you!"

"Yes... yes..." Ichimaru's assistant, like a chick pecking at rice, promised.

Only then did Uchiha Xianmen withdraw his majestic gaze.

The position of Minister of Supernatural Countermeasures is really not easy to do.

Not only did he have to face the constraints of the original enemy, the Five Section of Public Security faction and overseas forces, but even the local faction who pushed him to this position might also have the intention of making him empty.

Assistant Ichimaru was appointed by the local faction, if there was no hint from the above, how dare he obey his words.

If I behave too well and talk without edges and corners, maybe some idiots will kick their noses in the face.

Uchiha Xianmen glanced at the glass on the scene.

Her black hair, which had been neglected to take care of it, was longer than her shoulders and looked a little messy.

"Is there any hairspray?"

The others didn't dare to neglect, they rummaged around in a hurry, and handed over a bottle of hairspray.

Uchiha Xianmen put a little hairspray on his left hand, rubbed his hands together, stroked the bangs on his forehead to the back of his head, and combed it into a back hair.

The handsome face suddenly became more heroic and stern, showing a domineering side.

"Quick battle, just shoot like this!"

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