I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 326 Chapter 327 Lord of Mount Tai, the ghouls are all sealed! (build)

The towering Rashomon stands like a black tombstone in Tokyo.

The huge and ferocious head of the evil ghost on the gate of hell can be clearly seen even through the barrier of the four scarlet sun formations.

The cameramen on the helicopter, and the two million viewers in Tianhai Xiangtuo's live broadcast room, witnessed this unbelievable scene for the first time, and there was an uproar.

"This gate looks so evil, it makes me feel cold all over!"

"The grimace with blue face and fangs, grinding teeth and sucking blood, it looks like a living thing..."

Next, Susanoo's Kamui shuriken struck the Rashomon with lightning speed, and the gate, which was more than ten meters thick, protruded backwards and fell apart.

But the destruction of the gate violated the taboo law, and the passage between hell and the world has been opened since then.

Peeping through the door that is gradually opening, one can see that behind Rashomon is a huge, dark and deep world full of death.

On the rotten and lifeless land, there are countless evil spirits and ghosts wandering, crying and howling, dark and desperate.

Curses, pain, fear, resentment, and other dead air full of negative emotions poured out of Rashomon almost in substance. Even through the screen, people shuddered from the bottom of their hearts, feeling that their souls would be sucked into it.

"Ahhh! Brain, soul is trembling!"

"Behind this door, is there a connection to hell?"

"You mean the gate of hell?"

"Rashomon! I know, this door must be Rashomon!"

Rashomon, formerly known as Rashomon, is said to be the gate of Rasei, Kyoto. In the Heian period, it was abandoned and disrepaired due to wars. The unnamed dead bodies in the city were often discarded outside the gate of Rashomon. Over time, it was regarded as the dividing line between life and death.

In Japanese folklore, Rashomon is depicted with tragic pictures of hell, which is the gate between the world and hell.

The popularity of Tianhaixiang's live broadcast room soared to three million!

The breath of death is vast and boundless, pouring down from the opened door of Rashomon, as if it is ready to pollute and assimilate Tokyo, a bustling metropolis, into the lifeless and spooky world behind the door.

At this moment, a big black sun rose from Rashomon!

The big day surveys the sky and traverses the sky.

Unlike the stars that radiate endless light and heat, the black sun will not be blinded even if you look directly at it with the naked eye. Instead, it is like a black hole. Not only the sight, but also the soul must leave the body, and sink into it and never wake up.

With the appearance of the great black sun, although the world behind Rashomon is still black and white, the disorderly and chaotic breath of death has begun to become orderly, and countless groups of weeping and howling ghosts are also silent, not daring to make a sound.

It is as if the sun is the foundation of countless lives in the earth's ecological circle, and the eternally peaceful black sun is the center of the afterlife world, dividing yin and yang, and governing the underworld.

"This breath of death and despair, a world filled with countless dead souls, and an everlasting black sun, is it really the underworld behind the door?"

A group of bureaucrats whom Jiraiya had met before were now transferred to a refuge outside Tokyo. They were fortunate enough to witness the scene of hell, and they immediately thought of the grotesque afterlife.

Moreover, at a glance in the video, a humanoid deity can be faintly seen in the black sun.

Everyone unanimously had a kind of understanding in their hearts, this one is definitely the master of the afterlife world, the king of hell!

It's Jiraiya-sama's practice, open the gates of hell, and invite the gods and Buddhas of the Jedi Tiantong!

"Quick, get the helicopter closer!"

"Photographers, what are you doing? The camera hit me hard!"

Under the strict order of their superiors, several helicopters hovering south of the Four Scarlet Sun Array adjusted their angles and circled around.

A photographer leaned out of the cabin with a device in hand, condescending, and wanted to take a clearer picture.

"I got it! I got it! It's not a god, it's not a Buddha, it's an emperor!"

The photographer's body trembled, and his pupils shrank to the limit.

In his cognition, sitting on the throne of Luanjia in the black sun, there is a majestic deity, wearing a white bone crown, wearing a black gown robe, with twelve chapters of decorations such as the sun, moon, stars, mountains, and Zongyi.

It's just that the head and face of the gods are shrouded in darkness, hazy, and they can't be seen clearly.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity than meeting the emperor. If he can take a picture of the face of this god, he will definitely become famous in one fell swoop.

Even the Pulitzer Prize for Photojournalism is required of him to receive it!

"I saw it, I saw it!"

The cameraman trembled with excitement and yelled.

"What did you see? The emperor? Why can't I see anything in the live broadcast? There is nothing in the black sun!"

"We haven't seen anything here! Where's the driver?"

The photographer turned a deaf ear to the questioning sent by his superiors, and now he only has one thought in his mind, which is to go one step further and spy on the true face of the gods.


Just as the cameraman's gaze moved upwards a little, before he could see clearly, a thunderbolt exploded in his mind.

He felt as if he had been struck by lightning, as if a heavy hammer had slammed on his head, blood gushed from his mouth, nose and eyes, his consciousness collapsed, and he fell into the boundless darkness.

In addition to him, the helicopter pilot and deputy were also shocked when they watched the big black sun, and passed out on the spot.

The helicopter immediately lost control and crashed down, and it seemed that it was about to crash.


When everyone's lives were hanging by a thread, a Buddha's call sounded.

A golden lotus emerged from the void, and a golden bergamot appeared, supporting the helicopter and placing it on the ground stably, saving their lives.

"Holy Monk on Earth..."

A crew member stepped down from the helicopter, and he, who was devastated for the rest of his life after the catastrophe, said tremblingly.

He didn't know what happened, and couldn't figure out why the captain fainted on the spot just by looking out.

Opening the enchantment to the south of the Four Scarlet Sun Formation is Master Lu Lu who has never stepped into the mortal world in the first ten days of the month.

"Amitabha, this person has different names and incarnations in different eras, and is revered as the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in our Buddhist family."

Di Lukou recited the Buddha's name, his lowered eyes were full of compassion.

"Weighing truth and falsehood, shocking power and impartiality; judging by yin and yang, looking at the details. Judging good and evil, the life and death of the prime minister, how dare ordinary people look at him with their eyes..."

Do not look directly at God! ——

In the formation of four red suns, A Fei wearing a mask looked at the big black sun, and spit out another name word by word:

"King Yan Mo!"

He retreated unbelievably, until there was no way to retreat, Susano's back pressed against the barrier, and after being burned by the raging fire, he turned his head in shock and anger.

"How is this possible, Ziraiya, how can you let a god of this level descend to the lower realm!? It is impossible for him to pass through the current gap!"

"Immortals have their own tricks."

Zilai also smiled, his face full of complacency.

"So that's the case, the so-called Jedi Tiantong is just a cover!"

Ah Fei raised his head and looked at the light walls in the east, west, north and south directions, and it was like waking up from a dream.

"Damn it! Mingxiu plans to hide Chencang secretly. Your real plan is to trap me in the four red sun formations. There is no way to escape. Let Yan Mo deal with me. It's really despicable."

"The so-called soldiers are not tired of deceit. Your time-space kaleidoscope pupil technique is too troublesome. If you were not in the Four Scarlet Sun Formation, you would have escaped by now."

Ji Lai also sniffled, his eyes full of cunning and scheming.


In Ah Fei's right eye exposed outside the mask, the flames of hatred and anger almost condensed into substance.

As his anger raged, the Susano outside him also became more and more solid, and the everything-destroying Susano punched heavily on the light wall of the Four Scarlet Sun Formation.


The barrier in front of Jiraiya kept trembling and deforming, but he seemed calm and relaxed as if a breeze was blowing on his face.

"You should save your troubles and think about how you want to deal with King Yan Mo. This is not an ancient god that can be compared with the native gods of the island country. In the years farther than the age of gods, he was revered by the world as the "Lord of Mount Tai."

Jiraiya's voice was full of gloating.

"You stole his stone bowl in front of the Buddha before, and you made such a big noise in this world. Just now, you wanted to kill his 'dog'. The old and new grievances are settled together. This immortal has some sympathy for you."

"Jiraiya! I'm going to kill you!"

A Fei gritted his teeth and roared.

Just at this moment, the big black sun soaring into the sky patrolled the sky, approaching Susano.


The little white beast, which was almost killed by Kamui's shuriken before, suddenly wagged its tail towards the big black sun as if it saw its master.

With a bit of an invitation for credit.

"Wow, woof woof!"

The dog fights against the human power, and the little beast barks at Susano, showing off its might.

"damn thing."

A Fei's eyes flicked over the little white beast on the ground, and then he focused all his attention on the big black sun that was approaching him, his body was completely tense, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

He had always been able to fight with Jiraiya before, even if he was trapped in the formation of four red suns, he was not so flustered.

The big black sun patrols the sky, just like stars orbiting in the sky, with a brilliant atmosphere, vast soup, full of unstoppable majesty.

"It's just an old antique thousands of years ago, so don't interfere with my plan again!"

Ah Fei was so overwhelmed by the terrifying majesty of the black sun, he actually took the lead in attacking!

The right eye suddenly spattered blood, and the black kaleidoscope was soaked in blood.

"Ah! Go to hell!"

With a roar, the nearly 100-meter-high Susanoo burst out an unprecedented terrifying aura, sweeping and spreading in all directions like a stormy sea.

Even if it was blocked by the four red sun formations, this destructive aura still made everyone jump in fear and sweat.

"Kamui Shuriken!"

On Susanoo's four arms, a huge black circle appeared at the same time.

With a flick of the arm, the space vibrated violently, and the four Kamui shurikens struck towards the big black sun from different angles.

But the big black sun didn't dodge or dodge, letting the mighty shuriken bombard it.

Every shuriken of divine power, which is enough to level several streets, fell on the black sun, but it was like a mud cow falling into the sea, unable to make any waves.

"How can this be?!"

Everyone who saw this scene, whether at the scene or through the live broadcast, was dumbfounded.

Like Susano, the god of destruction, everyone saw the scene of turning the entire Asakusa into ruins, and was deeply impressed by its peak destructive power.

And now the Kamui shuriken that Susano released is a killer weapon, and it can't do anything against the black day!

Someone's heart is burning.

If it is really the Son of Heaven, it is by no means impossible for the supreme god of hell to take action to erase A Fei's serious trouble from reality.


In the astonished sight of everyone, a big hand that was so pale that it had no color of blood tore apart the black sun and protruded from it.

Big white hands with distinct joints and slender fingers, even well-maintained finger prints are hard to match.

It's just that the tone is cold, colder than cold jade, as if carved from bones.

On the evil big white hand, holding a string of purple and black rosary beads.

The round orbs emitted a faint black light, and one could tell that each one was priceless, but the evil aura filled the surrounding space with an evil and terrifying atmosphere.


With the sound of ancient and deep spells, as if from the deepest part of hell, the treacherous and evil black seals gradually spread on the big hand.

The black rosary hanging down, like a living thing, clings and wraps around his arm.

Sealing technique · Ghouls sealed!

The big white hand blurred into something almost like a spirit body, and finally suddenly reached forward and grabbed it.

It came in an instant, without even a little time to react, and appeared on Susanoo's chest.

Susanoo, who is indestructible and can't do anything about the indiscriminate bombardment of missiles, has an absolute defense, but it can't even exert a blocking effect, and it is pierced by the big white hand!

More precisely, penetration.

The big white hand penetrated the Susanoo, and grabbed A Fei who was in the abdominal cavity.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

Ah Fei let out a heart-piercing cry, trying his best to resist the squeeze from the depths of his soul.


Perhaps because of the previous battles, Ah Fei's white mask was accidentally damaged, first showing a few cracks, and began to fall off, revealing the left face that he had never seen from the beginning to the end.

"How can I fall here and lose to this unreasonable world! No, no, no!"

With a sad expression, Ah Fei clasped his hands together, still making seals, trying to struggle to his death.

"This hopeless world has no value in existence! I want to get Nine Tails and all the tailed beasts, and create..."

The big white hand pulled back, forcefully pulling Ah Fei's soul out of his body.

With a thud, the body in the red cloud robe with a black background fell heavily to the ground lifelessly.

It's over, it's over...

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