I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 137 Chapter 139 Resident Evil

Whether it was the police officer of Section 5 at the scene, or the high-level Metropolitan Police Department watching the situation through the screen, they all cursed at the same time, wishing to strangle Professor Zenei to death.


Grace didn't care about her ladylike demeanor, and blurted out an American curse.

The head of the Medical University is really a waste who does not accomplish much but makes trouble. Grace really wanted to pull out a pistol and shoot him dead when he came out to make trouble at a critical moment.

Grace glanced over, and a policeman in a black suit immediately pinned Professor Zene to the ground.

A day later, Professor Zenei's cheek kissed the cold plastic floor of the hospital again.

"Woo, woo."

Before Professor Zenei could cry out in pain, the black suit blocked his mouth with the barrel of a gun.

"I'm dead, I'm dead."

The police officers in Section 5 looked at Doctor Satomi with a crazy expression, and secretly thought it was bad. It would be fine if the ghost disappeared in place. They were afraid that Doctor Satomi would directly turn into an evil spirit and attack them.

Type B cannot be eliminated by physical means, and the firearms they carry are useless at all.

The Affiliated Hospital of Medical University has 899 beds and 2,200 employees. With the indiscriminate attacks of the evil spirits, the hospital will become a slaughterhouse full of corpses.

But unexpectedly, after Doctor Satomi laughed wildly, although his face was still terribly pale, his eyes shone with rational light.

"Professor Kurokawa, are you okay?" Grace asked cautiously.

She and the other police officers of Section 5 were ready to retreat immediately if the situation was not good.

"I remembered that when I was driving to Narita Airport, there was a car accident and I was dead."


Mrs. Kurokawa's eyes were hazy with tears, and the tears fell like beads with broken strings.

"It's okay, Sachiko, don't cry. This is probably life and death."

Doctor Satomi patted Mrs. Kurokawa on the back, and said softly:

"I'm just sorry Sachiko for making you feel sorry for me."

Mrs. Kurokawa's tender body clings to the doctor inside, weeping uncontrollably.

Grace watched the touching scene of the meeting of the husband and wife separated by yin and yang, just like watching "Human and Ghost Love". Although she didn't want to break the warmth, the urging from her superiors in the earphones made her ears ache.

"Professor Kurokawa, I am very sorry to disturb your meeting with your wife. We are from the Metropolitan Police Department."

The negotiator who received the signal took courage, smiled non-threateningly, bowed respectfully, and said:

"We are all very concerned about the situation of Professor Kurokawa. Could you answer a few questions for us, if possible?"

How did Professor Kurokawa return to the world after his death?

And where did Professor Kurokawa get his extraordinary power to cure terminal illnesses?

Do Santuchuan and Jifu exist?

These are questions that many big names are paying close attention to.

If the secret of the afterlife world can be revealed from the mouth of Professor Kurokawa's ghost, maybe they can also revive their souls after death and return to the world.

Professor Kurokawa's ghost is completely different from those evil spirits who have no emotion and cannot communicate. It is not unacceptable for them to become like this after death.

Ghosts can possess other people and continue to enjoy the glory and wealth. It is even equivalent to changing to a younger and stronger body. For some people who are dying and dying, it is even better.

"Kangdang—" the traction machine made a slight sound, and the four elevators in the elevator room were all moving up and down.

But now no one pays attention to the elevator room, and everyone's attention is focused on Dr. Satomi.

"They're coming after me!"

The doctor's complexion changed, and his gaze looked down obliquely, as if piercing the floor.

Grace was a little confused, and the communicator on her body rang suddenly. She raised her eyebrows and connected the phone.

"Investigator! Mortuary, mortuary—"

A terrified voice came out of the communicator.

"What happened in the morgue, are those corpses having a party again?" Grace asked.

"Elevator! All the corpses in the morgue rushed out, and even got on the elevator!"

The voice in the communicator screamed hoarsely, as if it was about to break its throat.

The sound spread throughout the aisle, and everyone involuntarily turned their attention to the elevator door.

"Kang Dang", "Kang Dang", "Kang Dang", all three elevators stopped at the thirteenth floor at the same time, except for the elevator that stopped on the second floor.

The elevator door was opened, and everyone had expressions of extreme horror on their faces, as if they had encountered the deepest nightmare.

The three elevators were full of standing corpses.

The corpses were either skinny, or with broken arms and limbs. Each of them had different dead postures, and their dead appearances were horrific. They stared straight at everyone with a pair of gray eyes that couldn't die.

No, their eyes were fixed on Dr. Satoshi without blinking.

No need to blink either.

The corpses slowly came out of the elevator.

Although most of Professor Kurokawa's relatives and friends are engaged in medical practice and saw many corpses, dozens of corpses came out of the elevator. Someone screamed.


"Almighty God, is this Resident Evil?"

The tide of corpses slowly rushed to the crowd, and a drop of cold sweat fell from Grace's forehead. In the next second, she gritted her teeth and took out a pistol, and ordered:

"Shoot! Shoot allowed!"

Now I don't care about how much riot the gunshots will cause in the hospital.

Everyone in black suits also took out their pistols and started shooting one after another!

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The dense bullets immediately smashed the corpses in the front row into sieves.

Bullets hit the corpses one after another, but they couldn't stop the tide of corpses from advancing.

Some corpses were pushed to the ground by the impact of the bullets, then stood up again, and those who couldn't stand up simply crawled on the ground.


Grace took aim at the head of a corpse and shot it in the head. The corpse fell to the ground and stood up staggeringly.

There was a hole the size of a hundred-yen coin in its eye frame, and messy things like brains and dirty blood flowed out. The other cloudy eye stared straight ahead, making Grace shudder.

"It's not the same as the zombie in Resident Evil! Even though it's headshot, it can still stand up."

The guns for Lesson 5 are naturally not the southern M60 and M637 police pistols that can't kill people from three meters away. The caliber of semi-automatic pistols is not small.

If a shot hits a living person, even if he does not die from excessive blood loss, the severe pain can still make him lose his ability to move.

But it is ineffective for corpses without blood and tears. Even if the magazine is emptied, a corpse full of holes can stand up, unless the spine is broken.

"Retreat, protect Professor Kurokawa, everyone retreat!"

"It's bad, there are zombies in the back!" A police officer yelled in panic.

Grace emptied the magazine, looked back while reloading, and corpses appeared one after another at the corner behind her.

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