I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 131 Chapter 133 Replacing the hospital bed (4k)

"Professor Kurokawa's ghost can cure cancer is generally true. But now we have to keep it secret for the time being, and it is not appropriate to make it public. Professor Zenai, do you think this is okay?"

The dean who presided over the meeting first set the tone for the whole matter. Professor Zenei was silent for a moment, then nodded in agreement with the dean.

The Minister of Medicine is the head of the Faculty of Medicine of the Japan Medical University and is a post of the university.

A university can have more than one affiliated hospital, so in theory the dean of the affiliated hospital is responsible to the minister of medicine, and the minister of medicine is responsible to the president of the university.

The position of the minister of medicine is higher than that of the director of the affiliated hospital, but the jurisdiction and duties of the two overlap and distinguish, and they are not considered direct leaders. In fact, the power of the two in the affiliated hospital of the Medical University is equal.

Although Professor Zenai is not very willing to admit this incredible supernatural event, deep down in his heart he is disgusted with Professor Kurokawa, a deadly enemy, who can overwhelm him after death, and can cure terminal cancer that even he can't cure.

But the facts speak louder than words, and this time there are witnesses and evidence.

After the ghost doctor incident happened last night, the head nurse reported it overnight. The head nurse's testimony was more convincing than that of Dr. Satomi and several nurses. The attention of the affiliated hospital.

Before the official working time, I called to lift the staff of the diagnostic department out of the bed. A group of doctors and nurses stood guard in front of the bed in Room 1302. As soon as the old lady woke up, they were arranged for the first time. Checked out by special appointment.

Then the film was taken, it can be clearly seen that the malignant tumor in the liver of the old lady shrank into a small piece, from the late stage of liver cancer to the early stage of liver cancer, and even the original cirrhosis of the liver was cured easily.

If it was said that Miss Ebina's cancer had been greatly relieved before, and it could be explained by a misdiagnosis, but this time the old lady's condition has to be misdiagnosed to prevaricate, that is self-deception.

For such a low-level mistake, it is impossible for the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University, which is recognized by the country as a designated hospital for cancer treatment, to make it twice in a row.

Not to mention that the old lady was transferred to another hospital after her condition deteriorated. There was also a test report from the previous hospital. The liver cancer at that time was more serious than it is now. The possibility of two major hospitals making such a low-level mistake at the same time is extremely slim.

Seeing that the two people at the top of the power pyramid of the entire hospital have this attitude, other hospital seniors also agree.

Although doctors are highly educated, they are not people who follow the old rules and do not know how to adapt. On the contrary, the speed of scientific research results in the medical field is astonishing. Doctors must keep learning to keep up with the progress even after work, otherwise they will be rejected Get out of the line.

In the face of iron-like things, if you continue to ignore them in order to maintain your fragile worldview, you will be deceiving yourself.

"A terminal illness like advanced cancer can still be cured. After watching this film, one more course of treatment may be enough to cure it."

"Cure, it's too extravagant to talk about it, but now the cancers of the two patients are in the early stage, as long as the operation is performed, the five-year survival rate is very high."

The experts in the hospital looked at the film in their hands, with incredible expressions on their faces, and they were amazed.

After the treatment of early cancer patients, even after using the latest detection technology to prove that all parameters are normal, doctors dare not say a cure, because cancer cells mutate from normal cells every day, so the professional saying is the five-year survival rate.

The five-year survival rate does not have any profound mechanism, it is just statistical data. It is generally believed that the patient has not relapsed within five years, even if he is cured, but it is not a 100% thing.

"Dean, do you want to inform Professor Kurokawa's family about this matter?" A director said with a strange expression.

After all, Professor Kurokawa was the Minister of Medical University before his death, and he left a lot of prestige in the hospital.

"No, this matter must be kept secret! Although the ghost doctor has come to the hospital for two consecutive days, no one can guarantee that he will come in the future. If the ghost doctor does not show up again after that, and this incident becomes a big deal It will not end well, and it will have a negative impact on the reputation of our hospital." Professor Zenei vetoed it without even thinking about it.

"We should make preparations first. If Professor Kurokawa comes back today..."

A doctor opened his mouth, and only halfway through speaking, he saw that Professor Zenei looked worried, so he quickly changed his words:

"If the ghost doctor appears, which ward will he appear on the thirteenth floor?"

Professor Kurokawa appeared in Room 1301 on the first day, and in Room 1302 on the second day. These two wards are the closest to the elevator room, and both are double wards.

"In Room 1301, apart from Ms. Ebina, who is in the late stage of gastric cancer, there is also a patient with uterine cancer, but it is not life-threatening. So Professor Kurokawa skipped it?" Someone flipped through the medical records and asked.

"The other patient in room 1302 is a child with bone cancer. The operation is scheduled for tomorrow. Even if the limb is amputated, the condition is not optimistic, and life may not be saved. In other words, is it possible that Professor Kurokawa will appear here this time? "

"Let's talk about this kind of thing at that time. It's not certain whether Professor Kurokawa will come tonight."

The meeting discussed and discussed, and finally a few ideas were settled.

The most important thing is confidentiality work. All nurses and doctors who know the inside story must cooperate with the decision of the dean and Professor Zenei, and must keep their mouths shut.

The second is to install new surveillance cameras on the thirteenth floor. Considering the weird power outage when Professor Kurokawa appeared before, the power distribution room should also be prepared to thoroughly check the circuit system of the entire floor, and the new monitoring equipment should also use the kind that can store electricity.

The next step is to strengthen security. In addition, big figures like the dean and Professor Ze Nei also decided to sit on the scene in person to see whether it is a human or a ghost.

After the meeting ended, Dr. Satomi and the intern nurse walked out of the meeting room together.

As witnesses who had experienced Professor Kurokawa's return twice in a row, the two were also asked to attend. Of course, they had no right to speak. They were answering questions from the senior management of the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University before and after the meeting.

"Why do the dean and Professor Zenai look very unhappy? Obviously, Professor Kurokawa saved two lives, which is also a good thing for the hospital." The intern nurse pouted and complained to the doctor:

"Could it be because Professor Kurokawa can cure cancer and is afraid of being robbed of his job?"

Doctor Satomi shook his head with a wry smile.

How could it be that they were afraid that the affiliated hospital of the Medical University would not have any business?

According to data from the National Cancer Center of Japan, a person’s probability of developing cancer increases significantly from the age of 40, and the cumulative cancer rate is 21% if he lives to the age of 71. Live to the age of 85, the cumulative cancer rate is 36%.

Cancer comes from gene mutation, that is, errors in DNA transcription, and people are constantly transcribing genes throughout their life, which means that the longer you live, the higher the incidence of cancer.

Japan's average life expectancy is notoriously long, and it has naturally accumulated millions of cancer patients.

According to statistics, the cancer rate of Japanese men is 65%, and that of women is 51%. That is to say, one in two people has cancer, and one in three people will die of cancer.

Professor Kurokawa appeared twice, but he only treated two people. Even if he came three hundred and sixty-five days a year, the number of people who could be saved was only a drop in the bucket.

As the dean and minister of the affiliated hospital of the Medical University, although he is a doctor, he holds great power and has a decisive influence on the hospital's personnel arrangements and business strategies. Naturally, it is inevitable to be infected with bureaucracy, and hate all changes, whether it is good or bad, it is best that the world is peaceful and nothing happens.

The ghost doctor came to perform the operation and spread the word, which is really unpredictable for the hospital!

So the dean and Professor Ze Nei wished that this kind of weird supernatural event had never happened.

Doctor Satomi had a minor operation in the afternoon, and it was already evening after the operation was completed.

Doctor Satomi must be on night shift tonight, so he will be on the 13th floor to see if Professor Kurokawa will show up.

But it's still early, Dr. Satomi wants to see how Miss Ebina and the old lady in the next bed are doing.

And tonight, there is a high probability that Professor Kurokawa will appear in the No. 2 hospital bed in Room 1302.

The couple from last night also witnessed Professor Kurokawa's appearance with their own eyes. They were terrified and even wanted to transfer to another hospital. They agreed not to change the bed until Dr. Satomi tried his best to comfort them.

Dr. Satomi wanted to remind them a few hints, so as not to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

For a child, amputation is really pathetic.

However, when Dr. Sato took the elevator to the 13th floor, he found that rooms 1301 and 1302 were empty, and only a strange man lived in room 1302.

Doctor Satomi found out that it was the nurse on duty. This was the arrangement of Professor Zenuchi. It turned out that the patients in the two wards were transferred to other wards.

He didn't care too much, rushed to the office of the Minister of Medical University, and asked why he had to change the bed at this time.

Professor Zenei didn't answer directly, but told him that the situation was complicated and that he had to consider various aspects, so he selected the most suitable patient and moved him into Room 1302.

Then he was sent away.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Dr. Satomi asked acquaintances through other channels, only to find out that the man was the president of a large company and was admitted to the hospital because of esophageal cancer.

The richer a person is, the more he cherishes his life. The president has not enjoyed enough glory and wealth, so of course he refuses to accept his fate.

The rich and powerful president came to the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University to seek treatment, and donated 30 million yen to the hospital as soon as he was admitted to the hospital, and promised to donate 100 million yen to the hospital after his condition improved.

Such a generous VIP naturally attracted the attention of the hospital's top management. The best doctors were summoned, with Professor Ze Nei as the core of the medical team, and they did their best to diagnose and treat.

However, the treatment results were not satisfactory. The president's condition continued to deteriorate, and the cancer cells spread to other places. Even the affiliated hospital of the Medical University was unable to recover.

So this time, Professor Neuchi assigned the president to room 1302, and also emptied the two wards closest to the elevator, so that Professor Kurokawa could treat the president! ?

For this reason, the child suffering from bone cancer in Room 1302 was changed to another bed, and this lifeline was taken away from the child.

How could Professor Zenei be so greedy to do such a thing? It's too cold-blooded!

At the meeting, Professor Zenuchi also showed a face that he did not want the ghost of Professor Kurokawa to make trouble, but turned around and arranged important patients in Room 1302, using Professor Kurokawa as a tool for him to compete for fame and fortune.

Doctor Satomi would never agree to such a thing.

It was midnight, and the people on night shift that day were no longer nurses and doctors, but a group of high-level hospital officials, and even the director of the hospital and Professor Ze Nei came to the scene in person.

In addition, seven or eight of the hospital's security guards were summoned, and the entire duty room and corridors seemed a bit crowded.

Moreover, the hospital specially arranged for nurses to go to other wards on the 13th floor to remind patients to go to sleep early and not to look around and run out of the ward.

At this time, most of the ignorant patients and their family members on the 13th floor are already asleep, but for a large group of doctors and security guards on site, everyone is staring at the elevator door anxiously.

With a "tick", the wall clock on the wall overlapped with the minutes and pointed straight up. After a soft beep, the light in the entire duty room and the corridor still dimmed.

"Is it really a ghost? After so many preparations, it still tripped." Someone whispered.

But at this time, no one cared anymore, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the operating elevator that was already moving.

Obviously the operating elevator on the first floor was locked, and a few security guards were arranged to watch over it, but the operating elevator still opened up strangely.

"Where is the patient?"

With the opening of the elevator door, Professor Kurokawa came out wearing a white coat exuding a cold aura, and said in a cold voice with an expressionless face.

He actually came back! ?

Professor Zenai's eyes widened involuntarily. Of course he recognized this enviable genius doctor. After Professor Kurokawa's death, it was his turn to be the Minister of Medical University.

"It's really Professor Kurokawa!"

"This is impossible?!"

Now gathered on the 13th floor are all senior doctors who have worked in the affiliated hospital of the Medical University for many years. Who doesn't know Professor Kurokawa who was still the head of the Medical University a year ago.

Although he was mentally prepared, he was still pale with fright when he saw Professor Kurokawa's ghost really coming.

Professor Kurokawa approached step by step, and already some doctors couldn't bear the pressure and backed away in fright.

"Where is the patient?"

Professor Kurokawa asked again, but the doctors in the hospital were all trembling with fright, looking at each other and not even daring to speak.

Although no one answered, Professor Kurokawa's body began to walk towards Room 1302, as if foreseeing a patient with an incurable disease inside.

But in the eyes of Professor Zenei, there was a look of pride in the success of the plot.

"The patient is in room 1309!"

Satomi saw the doctor rushing out, categorically speaking.

Professor Kurokawa's hand was already on the handle of Room 1302. He stopped, turned his head sideways, and looked at Dr. Satomi with strange white eyes.

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