The players were talking about it, but this time Fang Yun did not say anything like he did before. Instead, after playing the trailer, he took the microphone and walked to the stage to introduce the new game that was about to be launched.

"Hello everyone, I am designer Fang Yun"

"I believe everyone has seen the promotional video just now. I also noticed that many people are discussing what type of game this is. Here I can tell you directly that this is a strategy turn-based game for PC!"

"In the trailer, you can see that the protagonist has experienced many eras, which is one of the highlights of this game. Strategy games are not limited to a certain era or a certain world, but players need to build an empire and stand the test of time. Players can create and lead their own civilization from the Stone Age step by step to the current information age and become the leader of the world!"

"Of course, it won't be easy, so as you try to build the world's greatest civilization, you must start wars, practice diplomacy, promote culture, and confront many of history's leaders."

"There are many ways to win in this game. In previous strategy games, the way to win is often to conquer all other forces. In other words, you win when all the territory belongs to you alone. This includes the"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" I designed before. However, this game is different."

"There are six ways to win in this game, namely: conquest victory, scientific victory, cultural victory, religious victory, score victory, and diplomatic victory. Conquest victory needs no further explanation, I believe everyone knows it. Scientific victory means that as long as you develop the world's most advanced technology, you can also win. Of course, if you defeat a civilization that is more technologically advanced than you, you can also win. The other ones have the same meaning."

"The same goes for cultural victory: defeat all civilizations whose culture is ahead of yours and you win. Religious victory: defeat all civilizations whose religion is not yours and you win. Score victory: defeat all civilizations whose scores are higher than yours and you win. Diplomatic victory: defeat all civilizations whose diplomacy does not listen to you and you win."


"??? So anything can be turned into victory?!"

"Phew, hahahaha, that makes a lot of sense!"

"Doesn't that mean there are 12 ways to win? Each big way to win has two branches: development or conquest?"

"Why is Fang Yun making fun of himself again? I remember he did the same thing last year, making fun of his own Ark."


Fang Yun's explanation caused a burst of laughter among the players, but if you think about it carefully, it seems to be true. If a civilization is superior to you in some aspect and you cannot win, you can choose to speed up the research and development of related things, or you can choose the simple, crude and direct option of war.

Fang Yun continued to introduce the features of this game:

"This game has up to 42 civilizations for you to choose from. Each civilization has different characteristics. Some focus on economy, some focus on culture, some focus on military, some focus on industry, etc. Moreover, each civilization has its own unique leader, and the leaders' tendencies are also different. These things need to be discovered by everyone in the game."

"As for the eras experienced, each player will start from the Ancient Age, then the Classical Age, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and the Industrial Age, and finally the Modern Age, the Atomic Age, the Information Age and finally the Future Age."

"We can find relevant things in the game about some of the wonders and great buildings built by humans in these eras. I believe that you will not be disappointed!"

"The above is the relevant information about"Civilization". The game is expected to be launched at the end of September. I hope everyone can give us your support then!"


After Fang Yun introduced the game, the players also knew that this was actually a strategy game, and it seemed that this worldview... could be said to run through human history! With such a long timeline in one work, the experience must be great!

"In addition, another game that is open for trial is announced today. It is a strategy game for mobile/tablet platforms:"Clash of Clans". It is officially open for trial today. You can play this latest game in the tablet experience area. I hope you will like it."

"In addition, there are a few more pictures for you to take a look at."

As he spoke, Fang Yun pressed the remote control in his hand, and the screen on the big screen, which had originally stayed on the last scene of the"Civilization" trailer, suddenly switched to a medieval main city!

"Why does this appearance look familiar?"

"I thought I was the only one who felt familiar, but you guys felt familiar too?!"

Only the first picture gave all the players a sense of familiarity, and when they switched to the second picture, they understood! The second picture was still the main city, but from a different perspective. In this picture, a flag was hung above the main city: the background color of the flag was blue, with a shield with a golden edge in the middle, and a small solid golden shield at the core!

"Stormwind City!"

"This is Stormwind! This is World of Warcraft!"

When the players saw this flag, they recognized the identity of this main city!

The next few pictures were"photos" of Stormwind from various angles. When the last picture was finished, today's"preview" session ended, leaving a group of confused and slightly excited audiences, and Fang Yun went off the stage directly.

"Could this be a game trailer? A Warcraft game is coming out?"

"I think it's probably not. To be honest, this trailer looks quite perfunctory. I don't know what kind of planes Fang Yun is going to make."


The picture of Stormwind City sparked discussion among the audience, but now the experience of"Clash of Clans" has begun. Players at the front of the line have of course obtained the qualification to experience it first. At this time, players in the"DOTA2" area are still struggling with the AI, but so far, no team has been able to get this first victory from the AI.

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