However, the computer chose first in this round, and the order of selection was random, which means that the human side could not actively decide whether to choose first or last. Everything depended on the will of the system god.

Their luck was not very good in the first game. The computer chose first. Just when Xiao Zhan finished speaking, the computer chose the hero Musketeer first!

Then it was James's turn to choose two heroes. This side was the captain of the team, and he was the one who made all the choices. When he saw that the Musketeer was taken away, he could only choose the Thunderbolt and Lion (Demon Wizard). Then, they saw that the computer"pretended to think" for a while, and then chose the plane (Gyrocopter).

This time, it was equivalent to the computer directly deciding the ownership of the first and second positions in the first two hands, so James chose Sven in the first two hands against the opponent's big brother, and then the computer chose the Ice Maiden in seconds, followed by the witch doctor, and the computer chose the hidden assassin (Rikimaru).

The last hand the computer chose was the Venomous Dragon, and James chose the Little Fizz (Slark)!

The ban selection phase ended like this.

James's first position was Little Fizz, the second position was Thunderbolt, the third position was Sven, the fourth position was Lion, and the fifth position was Witch Doctor.

AI: No. 1 Corki, No. 2 Rifleman, No. 3 Venomancer, No. 4 Assassin, No. 5 Astralis.

At the beginning, AI started invading.

The difference between"Dota2" and"Dota1", in addition to some changes in the jungle, is the appearance of four new"bounty rune points".

When the start time reaches 0, the bounty rune will refresh.

The hero who eats the bounty rune will add money to everyone on his side.

There are a total of four rune points, located in the upper and lower lanes.

In addition, there is an additional"hot pot point", which is also two in a family, one in the middle of the upper and lower jungles.

Clicking on the"hot pot" will have the same effect as your own fountain: quickly recover health and mana, but of course this has a CD.

At the beginning

, James and his team did not think about invading the rune point in the opponent's jungle to grab the rune. They were prepared to be more stable, start the game steadily with two runes and then break through the line. However, when they were standing at the rune point waiting, they saw AI's Corki leading Astralis and Venomancer rushing over!

They rushed directly to the rune point on their side of the road!

"Shit, they are invading! Can we fight them? Can we fight them?"

Of course, this side saw the invasion of the other side at the first time, and then after some discussion, they decided to accept this level 1 group!

Led by the third position Sven of the second James, they walked towards the face of the opponent's Corki with two soy sauces!

When the AI saw several people coming, the Ice Girl and the Poison Dragon went down the slope and prepared to retreat, but Corki still stayed at the rune point and circled, as if he didn't want to give up this precious bounty rune.


The second James shouted and threw a hammer (Sven's first skill, Storm Fist: causes damage and stuns all enemies within the target, and is an AOE control skill), but because the other two opponents had already retreated, the second James' hammer only stunned the plane.

Then, the third James's Lion followed up with his control: Earth Spikes (a straight line piercing, the unit hit will be knocked away, and will be damaged and stunned when it lands, a linear AOE control.) After controlling it

, he started to attack, and in just a moment, the plane's health dropped by half, and then when it recovered from the stunned state, it wanted to run away without looking back, and at this time the other two computers (Ice Girl, Poison Dragon) also began to help the plane cover its retreat.

At this time, the fourth James's Witch Doctor used his skill again: Paralysis Potion (throws out a medicine barrel, bounces among the enemies, stuns the hit enemies and causes damage).

The first-level skill can With two bounces, the three AIs were stunned one after another.

Taking this opportunity, the three of them attacked again. The health of the plane soon became less than one-sixth, and with the long-range attacks of Ryan and Witch Doctor, its health continued to decrease.

So the plane ran back without looking back, and at the same time took the big potion on his body (a medicine bottle that quickly replenishes a certain amount of health within a few seconds, which will be interrupted if it receives damage.)

I don’t know if it was possible or coincidental, but when the plane took the big potion, James and the other two could no longer attack the plane! The three could only watch the plane’s health recover from a little health to more than half health, and even turned around to fight back!

Helplessly, the three could only retreat, but at this time, the Ice Girl also used her skill: Frost Nova (area damage, and will slow down enemies within the damage range)!

This time, the witch doctor, who was already running slowly, was stuck by the three opponents!

Soon, the first blood was given away, and it was taken by the plane!

""So powerful, this B with the ultimate potion!"

James II quickly threw out the hammer that had just been used up, stunning the two opponents, and said after he and James III escaped.

In order not to lose experience, James II had to take his ultimate potion, while Ryan went home to replenish his supplies and TP to the line. In this round, since the computer adopted the 311 tactic (three people in one lane and one person in each of the other two lanes), they could only respond with 311. However

, just after the first wave of soldiers, the AI's Venomancer TPed to the bottom lane, turning it into a 212 line.

James responded immediately.

Since Ryan had just used TP, this time it was Witch Doctor TPed to the bottom lane with Fizz to deal with the opponent's Stealth Assassin + Venomancer combination.

However, the line of soldiers had already been pushed over at this time, so Sven and Ryan were the first to reach level 2, and the opponent's Ice Girl and Corki appeared at this time and wanted to come forward to replenish the soldiers, but were directly killed by Ryan.

A piercing stunned two!

Then Sven followed up with a hammer, and the stun time of the two AIs was extended again.

This time, the two focused on the Ice Girl, because the Ice Girl had short legs (slow movement speed) and was more fragile.

Just after the stun ended, Ryan added his second control: Hex (turning a local unit into an animal, the victim cannot use any special abilities, the duration of the first level is 2.

5 seconds.

), and the Ice Girl turned into a frog, jumping back and forth on the ground.

During this period, the two James followed up with several basic attacks!

When the Ice Girl recovered, her health was only a little bit left!

Fortunately, the Ice Girl was about to reach their own tower at this time, and she had successfully opened the distance. The Corki was still helping to block the position. Sven could not attack her at all, but the last basic attack of Ryan of the three James was successful!

PS: Every chapter has to be reviewed, but some chapters are not readable after they are posted. It’s so annoying... The one posted at noon has just been reviewed now, which makes me mentally collapsed....

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