From the moment he fell, Lu Hai's mentality collapsed. He became like other players, and he was very careful in every move, and he kept saying,"Yeah, that's it, be steady, yeah, yeah, be steady, go...oh!!!!!!"

With someone taking the lead, these professional players began to indulge themselves one by one. After more than ten minutes of experience, their mentality was on the verge of collapse. They finally climbed to a certain place, but because of a small mistake, they had to go home and start over. No one could stand it after repeating this several times.

Finally, after ten minutes, Lu Hai came to the famous attraction: the Homecoming Stone!

It is the highest big stone on the mountain. The reason why it is called the Homecoming Stone is that if you want to continue to jump to the right, you must stand on this stone first. However, if the sledgehammer is not swung well, the whole person will flip over the stone... and the landing point is where the dream begins!

Lu Hai felt something was wrong when he saw the stone. If he turned over, he would definitely suffer a lot. So he tried to avoid touching the stone at the beginning. However, after trying many times, Lu Hai found that he could only move forward by standing on the stone. Then, Lu Hai began to frantically test the edge of home.

Then, he failed...

After trying too hard once, Lu Hai returned to the place where his dream began!

"Ahhhhhhh! Can’t this game be saved? Can’t it be saved?!!!!"

The moment Lu Hai saw his can man fall, his voice was already a little tearful, but the can man eventually returned to the starting point.

"Back to the starting point, standing in front of the mirror……"

This line of lyrics suddenly popped up in Lu Hai's mind, which was a perfect match for his current situation.

And just as Lu Hai fell, a background music sounded. Although Lu Hai didn't quite understand all the content, he roughly understood it:"It's disappointing to start over. Thank you for accompanying me on this journey. If you feel frustrated, I understand. I just hope you can leave the game. I will always save your progress."

"shutup! Can you turn off this voice?! I'm in such a miserable state and you're still mocking me?! Damn Fang Yun, don't think I can't understand you just because you put an English voiceover!!!"

Lu Hai couldn't stand being mocked, his mentality exploded even more, and he gave up the idea of slowing down, and started to fight with this game right here.


The audience was all very happy. Originally, each of them had their favorite contestant to watch, but now, they were no longer satisfied with just watching one person's gaffe. Instead, they switched back and forth between the operation screens of the various contestants, saying from time to time:

"Oh, another crazy one!"

"What the hell? This progress is so fast, it's amazing... Hahahaha! Welcome home!"

"Did this guy break the table? Listen to the bang bang bang sound!"

"I feel like this game isn’t suitable for playing in person, the best thing to do is watch others play it!"

"Eh? Where is this contestant? Why doesn't he appear in the camera? Oh, it turns out he fell under the table!"

"Take it away, next one!"

"Fang Yun is going to drive these world champions crazy! Another one has gone crazy!"


Just like that, the two-hour experience ended with the contestants banging tables, yelling, begging for mercy, and the audience laughing so hard that their faces twitched.

In the end, 9 out of the 14 contestants were still at the starting point when the time stopped, which was where the dream began. 4 contestants stopped on the Homecoming Stone, and only one contestant broke through this level and stopped at a higher place.

People who don't know might think that these contestants are not good at playing,"If you stay in the same place after playing for two hours, what else can you be?"

In fact, this is not the case. These 14 contestants have reached very high places before, but... in the end, they still couldn't bear the temptation to go home, and they jumped down one after another and returned to the starting point.

When the experience time was over, some contestants heaved a sigh of relief and dropped the mouse in their hands in disgust, as if they were holding not a mouse but a grenade that was about to explode; some contestants laughed wantonly, but if you listened carefully, you would find that there was a hint of crying in his laughter; and some contestants had dull eyes, as if they were already unconscious.

Although the experience time was over, he still held the mouse blankly and swung the sledgehammer mechanically until other contestants came over and patted his shoulders sympathetically.

Then, the two grown men hugged each other and cried in public.

At this time, Fang Yun also walked onto the stage again, took the microphone handed over by the host, and began to summarize:

"The experience of the new game came to an end here. The final winner was player X from country M, so this extra bonus was his!"

When the award was presented, the audience saw that player X's eyes were dull and his attention was not on it at all. Fang Yun was a little curious, so he asked him what he was thinking about. Was the game too fun?

Then player X replied:"I'm thinking about the meaning of life now. I think my parents should miss me. I want to go home now! Woo woo woo woo woo!"

As he said this, player X burst into tears

"Hahahaha, he's still crazy!"

Fang Yun patted his shoulder sympathetically and said,"It's okay, you can go home soon."

"Mmm! Woohoo! Woohoo!"


"It seems that everyone likes this game very much. Let me talk about the original intention of designing this game, that is, the meaning of this game."

"First, it will train people's patience and teach you how to control your increasingly irritable temper.

Second, it will destroy you mentally, physically, and even make you collapse.

If you have your favorite anchors, please recommend this game to them.

Believe me, you will gain tremendous happiness!

Finally, it will let you experience new types of frustration that you didn't know you could bear, and if you really reach the top, believe me, there are incredible rewards waiting for you at the top.


"By the way,"Dig for Ascension" was officially launched on [] three minutes ago. Players who like it can buy it directly. The price is very cheap, only 48 yuan. You won’t suffer any loss or be cheated!"

"This year's WCG has come to a successful conclusion. See you next year, everyone!"

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