After hearing the news, the players had different reactions. Foreign players were eager to try, especially European and American players, who were very curious about the new game, while domestic players were a little annoyed, as they already knew exactly what kind of person Fang Yun was.

But from what Fang Yun said,"You can play with your hands", it seems that the game is simple, but the question is, which PC game can't be played with hands?

《Games like Warcraft and StarCraft can also be played by anyone with hands, but aren’t there still only a few high-scoring players in the ladder?

"This is definitely Fang Yun's trap. You must be extra careful when you play later!"

This is the unanimous thought in the hearts of domestic professional players.

Soon, the machine was ready for debugging, and all the professional players were seated. There were a total of 14 world champions (5 Dota players, 1 each for Warcraft and StarCraft, and 7 for Chicken 1+2+4).

Then, these people all looked at the icon"GETTING OVER IT with Bennett Foddy" on the desktop!

Open the game, the screen went black, and the name of the game was displayed again, and there were also multiple translated versions:

Official English name: As above

Official Chinese name: Same

Folk Chinese name:"Digging for Promotion"

Youth Chinese name:"Jar Man Master"

Warm Chinese name:"Go Home Often to Visit"

Classical Chinese name:"Sima Jar Smashed"

Inspirational Chinese name:"Playing with Hammers Without Legs"

Literary Chinese name:"Back to the Starting Point Again"》

"Digging for promotion? What's the point of so many names?"

Lu Hai read out the name softly. Their headsets were all connected to the big screen on the field. The audience could freely choose their favorite players' OBs, just like watching the game before. At the same time, the audience would hear every word they said, just like the live broadcast.

So, when Lu Hai read out the name, the audience was confused:

"PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds? Isn't this just chicken? What is Fang Yun doing?"

"A game of grandstanding?"

"I don't know. Let's wait and see."

"It’s not PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, it’s Digging for Ascension! Dig if you want to dig! Ascend if you want to ascend!"

"So it's a digging game?"


The audience was talking about it. After all, the name sounded exactly like PUBG. If no one had seen the Chinese name, they would have thought that Fang Yun had made a shoddy game to get away with it.

But now, it was different.

The two words"digging the ground" had aroused everyone's curiosity.

The domestic audience at the scene were all watching the domestic champions.

The reason for not watching the foreign players was simple: the language barrier...

The most watched domestic player was Lu Hai.

At this time, Lu Hai had already clicked on the game and officially started the"trial play": click on the new game, after the loading was completed, Lu Hai found that this was a horizontal version of the game, the overall picture was dim, the ground was rocky, there was a tree on the left side of the picture, and under the tree was a large black vat, and a hammer was leaning against the vat.

"What is this? How do I operate it? Where are the people?"

Lu Hai looked at the screen and pressed a few keys on the keyboard but nothing happened. The audience was also confused. At this time, the black vat shook twice! Then, a person came out!

The whole lower body of this person was in the vat, with only the upper body exposed. He picked up the hammer with both hands and then stopped moving.

"? ? What is this? Sima Guang smashing the jar?"

Lu Hai tried to operate it and found that he could control this"jar man", but he could only control his hammer. In other words, the actions of this jar man depended entirely on using the hammer with both hands!

Lu Hai tried it, swung the hammer in a circle, and then leaned it on the ground, and the jar man began to"move"."

"He looks quite retarded. Could he be disabled? He has no legs."

Lu Hai said as he controlled the can man to move forward.

"Oh my god, is that it?"

Lu Hai manipulated the hammer in the can man's hand, turned it a few times on the spot like playing with a golden hoop, and sighed. At this time, he came to a tree: the tree only had a trunk, but there were two forks on the left side. Lu Hai understood at once that he had to find a way to"jump" onto the tree to pass this section.

Then, he began to operate: he swung the sledgehammer to the ground, and the can man bounced up and landed on the first fork!

"Oh my god, I feel like a warrior, but what I have in my hand is... a hammer! This is a hammer, right? Hammer... ah!"

Before he could finish his words, Lu Hai failed to jump onto the second fork and fell down instead.……

"I want to go up now, right? Come on!"

Lu Hai started the second operation again.

"Feeling very retarded……"

Lu Hai said as he tried, manipulating the can man to put the hammer on the first fork, trying to turn it around, but he didn't succeed.

"No, I don't think I can get up there straight away. I need to use my smart brain! I'm going to bounce myself up there!"

Lu Hai said, controlling the character to a place a little distance away from the tree and began to practice.

Just as he was trying, the narrator began to speak, speaking a long string of English, which roughly meant to mock and say that if you can't do it, just give up and don't waste precious time. This is the beginning of the simplest result. It means that you can't get through. (The original work introduces the origin of the game. The original prototype of the game was proposed by a Czech designer in 2002, etc. Fang Yun modified these words)

"What the hell are you talking about? I won’t do my homework, okay? Hey!"

Just after he finished speaking, he fell down again.

"FXXK! Is there something wrong with this game?! It's so noisy!"

The constant beeping of the narration caused a subtle change in Lu Hai's originally calm mentality. He operated frantically, but the character remained where he was.……

"Is this really a healing game? Is this a depressing game? I think I need to see a psychiatrist after today.……"

"I feel bad now, hey, this is really metaphysics, okay?! There is no technique at all!"

Lu Hai finally couldn't stand it anymore and started to complain, and he quietly cut out to check the time: the game had just started for less than five minutes, and he had to play for two hours today...

PS: Watch the game for a while, fpx go!

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