Elizabeth was completely destroyed, but the production facilities of these antibodies have not stopped working, and they still pose a threat to Alex. He can only destroy these production facilities again, and confront Gentek's leader McMullan after pretending to fail.

McMullan shot himself in the face to prevent Alex from taking his memory. At this time, the identity of the mysterious man was also exposed: the captain of the Black Watch organization: Robert Hawes!

At this time, the spread of the virus could no longer be stopped, and the military began to evacuate in an orderly manner. It was planned to detonate a nuclear bomb in the city after the evacuation was completed to completely eliminate the virus.

Alex devoured a ground force sergeant: Ian Taggart, and changed into his appearance. He and Robert successfully boarded the aircraft carrier outside Hudson Harbor! On the aircraft carrier, Alex also devoured General Peter Randall, the leader of this incident!

At this point, the military leaders and Elizabeth were all destroyed. Just when Alex thought the incident was over, Robert, who came to the aircraft carrier with him, showed his true face: the king of hunters!

It turns out that since he was born, he planned to use Alex to eliminate Elizabeth and the military leader. After borrowing a knife to kill someone, he could devour Alex and become the only highest-level virus aggregate!

And when this Hunter King went crazy on the aircraft carrier, the players were surprised to find that its skills seemed to be similar to those of the protagonist Alex!

And he used a big move right away: countless blood vessel-like tentacles stretched out from his body, and directly killed the soldiers who were shooting around him!

On the entire deck, there were only Alex and him left!

However, a steady stream of soldiers were still coming, and these soldiers not only shot at the Hunter King, but also shot at Alex!

At this time, Liu Xin also received the last task: [Eliminate the Hunter King! ]

Liu Xin controlled Alex to grab the fighter jets parked on the deck and kept throwing them at the Hunter King, but the effect was not ideal. At this time, many helicopters had already taken off, and the machine guns on the helicopters kept shooting at the two of them, and Alex's health also dropped a little.

Alex jumped onto the side of a helicopter, holding the helicopter with one hand, and directly opened the door of the helicopter's driver's seat with the other hand! He pulled the pilot out, got in and knocked down the fighters in the back row, hijacking the helicopter!

Then, Alex drove the helicopter towards the Hunter King! However, the first collision failed and did not hit him. However, Liu Xin discovered that although he did not hit the Hunter King, the rotating propeller caused a lot of damage to the Hunter King!

"Damn, this is a little trick!"

Liu Xin learned it, and hijacked a helicopter again, and then used the propeller to cause damage to the Hunter King!

In this way, the Hunter King was gradually worn down. The biggest difference between it and Alex is that Alex can devour a soldier to recover blood when he is out of blood, but it can't!

Mission: [Kill the Hunter King] Completed!

Liu Xin's perspective is separated from Alex. He knows that this may be the last part of the plot!

After dealing with the Hunter King, who seems to be the big boss behind the scenes, the nuclear bomb on the aircraft carrier has begun the countdown to launch!

In an emergency, Alex can only drive the helicopter carrying the nuclear bomb away from New York, sink the nuclear bomb to the bottom of the water, and then turn around and return, but before he left far, the nuclear bomb exploded!

The huge power directly blew up the helicopter he was driving!

And Alex inside was not spared, and the pieces of his body were scattered on Manhattan Island!

Alex is dead!


As early as the last scene, Liu Xin had already left the first-person perspective, so everyone witnessed Alex being blown into pieces by the nuclear bomb.


"Brother A is dead? Killed by a nuclear bomb?"

"Fang Yun actually created such a tragic plot? Is this still a mowing game? The protagonist is gone!"

""Wow, Alex is dead, my youth is over!"

The audience couldn't accept such an ending for a while. They had been crushed all the way before, and although they suffered some setbacks and failures, they gradually learned about Alex's life experience and his miserable childhood. Moreover, the players thought that mutation might be a good thing for Alex. However, such a good person in the eyes of the players died at the end of the plot, just like many war blockbusters.

This made it difficult for the players to accept, but the picture at this time was frozen on the coast of Manhattan, on Alex's minced meat. They had to accept it.

"Just when the audience was about to despair, a crow appeared in the picture and flew towards Alex's piece of meat with its wings flapping!"

It looked like it was going to eat the meat!

"Shit? There's really no body left? Not even a piece of meat left?"

The audience was very angry and felt that Fang Yun had really gone too far this time!

However, a reversal occurred!

The crow landed on the edge of the minced meat, and just as it lowered its head to devour it, a large number of blood vessel-like tentacles suddenly stretched out from the minced meat and surrounded it!

Then, a humanoid creature surrounded by blood vessels appeared in front of the audience!

The tentacles slowly faded away, and an intact Alex was resurrected!

Alex:"I'm looking for the truth, and when I finally found it, I don't like this truth. I really hope to forget those damn things. Alex Mercer, this city is suffering from the mistakes he made at Pennsylvania Station, but no matter who he is, he is a part of me."

Then, Alex in the picture walked along the coast, and his words rang out again:

"When I close my eyes, I can see the memories of the thousands of people who have died, screaming because I took their lives. The feeling of that moment will never go away."

"What have I become? I can no longer be called a"human", but at the same time I have also surpassed"human"’"

As the words came to an end, Alex's figure gradually faded away from the audience.

The game ended here.

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