Back to the game: A corpse was placed on the bed in the middle of the morgue, and two people in black protective suits were surrounding the corpse, as if they were studying something.

After a while, one of them (gentek scientist) spoke:"I know this guy, he is a blacklight staff."

The other one replied:"Yes, he is a former blacklight staff now!"

Scientist 1:"His name is...Mercer Alex J. has a relative, Mercer Deena·A"

"Is that his wife?"

"have no idea"

"Do you think this has anything to do with the experimental subjects on the 51st floor?"

"I don't know, and more than that, I don't want to know"

"Give me knife number eight."

After saying that, the scientist took the knife handed over by another person, apparently preparing to dissect the"corpse"."!

"Let's start from the torso!" said the scientist holding the knife, and was about to stab the knife!

Just then, the"corpse" suddenly opened its eyes!

It sat up from the morgue! The two scientists were startled.

"Get the fuck out of here!"

""Hurry up and call the extermination team!"

The two scientists panicked and prepared to run away.

At this time, Alex had already adapted to the feeling of"taking control of his body again", and then he looked around and found that it was a strange place. At this time, the alarm outside had already sounded loudly!

Then, he limped outside and soon came to the outside of the building. At this time, a helicopter flew in the sky. Alex quickly hid behind a truck. The helicopter landed quickly and a team of soldiers came down from it!

At this time, the two scientists just now also came over and met this team of soldiers, and their hands were still gesturing, as if they were communicating with the commander of this team of soldiers.

Alex couldn't hear the content of the communication, but he heard the commander's words:

"I have been ordered to kill you and burn your bodies!"

Then, the commander tried to signal his soldiers, and the two scientists were shot dead directly!

Alex was stunned and couldn't help but uttered a swear word:"Fuck."

After that, he wanted to run away, but was discovered by the soldiers!

Black Watch Commander:"All personnel, main targets, main targets!"

The soldiers forced Alex into a corner!

Alex:"Wait! Don't!"

Commander:"Kill him!"

Then the rifles in the hands of the soldiers began to spew out flames, and countless bullets poured on Alex. Alex screamed and knelt on the ground.

However, he did not die like the scientist just now!

Alex, who was hit by countless bullets, only felt some pain, but there was no injury on his body!

He slowly stood up and yelled:"Ah! What's wrong with me?"

Then, Alex saw the high platform next to him, ignored the soldiers who were blocking him, and jumped directly. He jumped high into the air, directly to a place where others could not reach!

Alex jumped over the protective net and came to a small alley, and Liu Xin's perspective gradually returned to its place!

At this time, the first task was given: [Escape from the Gentek Factory]

It was a very simple task.

You just need to run to the end of the alley and then jump over the protective fence to complete it.

Liu Xin jumped out with a light jump and came to the street.

It was night time and the street was brightly lit, which was completely different from the dilapidated city in the previous chapter!

There were pedestrians on the road, but what was a bit inconsistent was that another helicopter flew in the sky, and a new task appeared [Destroy the helicopter].

Liu Xin looked at the helicopter parked in the air and about to land and was a little embarrassed.

He didn't know where to start.

At this time, someone reminded him in the barrage:

"Do you want to try to lift the car? And then throw it over?"

Liu Xin saw this comment and thought he could give it a try. He ran to a parked taxi, bent his knees slightly, and lifted the taxi up with his arms!

Then he threw it hard!

The taxi was thrown by Liu Xin to the helicopter in the air!


The helicopter exploded in the air, and the mission was completed. Then, the next mission appeared: [Run along the wall to the top of the building】

"??? Are you asking me to run vertically upwards like in CG?"

Liu Xin looked at the tall building in front of him, which was almost impossible to see the top, and was a little confused. You know, this is a VR game, and Liu Xin is now Alex's first-person perspective. It is undoubtedly a bit scary for an ordinary person to suddenly run vertically upwards along the wall!

After all, if these actions look extremely handsome to others, many people may retreat when they really experience them themselves.

Liu Xin is the same, but after hesitating for a while, Liu Xin decided to give it a try. He took two steps to run up, jumped hard, and stepped directly on the wall with both feet. Then he started running upwards like running normally. As he ran, Liu Xin found that the gravity seemed to be much smaller? He would not fall down...

As he ran, Liu Xin found that he fell in love with this feeling! He felt like Spider-Man, but others were climbing up, while he was running up!

From time to time, he could jump up with both feet!


Liu Xin's mind was now full of this word, and the previous fear had long been forgotten!

Soon, he completed the task!

When Liu Xin came to the roof, he saw several helicopters flying in the air. Without waiting for the task prompt to appear, he understood that the next task must be to destroy the helicopters, so he started looking for things that could be"thrown" directly on the roof.

But after searching for a long time, he didn't find any heavy objects on the roof. The entire roof was empty, with only a few exhaust fans and the like, but these things were wrapped and were quite large!

Liu Xin tried it, and punched the exhaust fans hard with his fists! The exhaust fans fell down!

Raise your hands, aim at the helicopter, and throw it hard!


A helicopter exploded!

The experiment was successful! Then it was much easier. He repeated the previous action and smashed another helicopter to explode.

Then the task was completed. Liu Xin waited for the next task to appear, but the prompt never came.……

"What about the tasks? Is there a bug?"

Liu Xin was a little confused.

PS: That's about it for today. I don't know if I can finish the latest chapter before 7 o'clock. If I can finish it, I will continue to post it. I hope that someone can continue to read it after the maintenance. Thank you for your support!

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