Fang Yun was ready to change his position to fight them!

After all, in this place now, anyone passing by could see this red airdrop. If Fang Yun came over at that time, his position would be very dangerous. Now that the opponent is no longer a threat, it is best to hurry up and change positions!

Driving a motorcycle, Fang Yun drove to the west, where there was a small housing area. Fang Yun was ready to have a final battle with the two players behind the tree here!

After all, the cover there was better, and the distance was much closer than here, which was suitable for launching a death charge after knocking down one person.

After a while, they came to the housing area. The doors of the houses were all open. Maybe they were searched by several players near the airhead just now.

Fang Yun didn't care. He went directly into one of the houses and hid by the window. He held the AWM in his hand and waited quietly for the smoke to dissipate.

After a while, the smoke dissipated, and the figure of a player flashed and disappeared behind a tree.

It seems that the two players were stubborn. They didn't leave even though they knew that Fang Yun had a sniper rifle and changed positions!

This kind of people is what Fang Yun is most happy to see. What he hates most is those who like to play tactics. One person holds a gun and the other one goes around behind, which makes Fang Yun's life very difficult in the past.

Now that these two people are not leaving, it will be much easier.

Moreover, he now has an AWM in his hand. He can knock down the opponent with just one shot. If the opponent throws smoke, Fang Yun can also drive directly over. He can definitely kill them before the opponent can help them up.

The fact is just as Fang Yun thought. The two players have just heard the sound of Fang Yun's car. Now they also know that Fang Yun should be in the small house area, but they don’t know which building it is. So, both of them hid behind the tree to observe, but they still didn’t find it after observing for a while.

Then, one of them couldn’t hold his temper anymore, and just like before, he poked his head out to test Fang Yun!

This is still a level 3 helmet!

This is another player! He thought that he had a level 3 helmet and would not be killed by the 98K in seconds, so he boldly came out to test.

Fang Yun chuckled and poked his head out of the window:


Player Fangyun used AWM to knock down player Rtzyyyio!

In order to save the opponent's level 3 helmet, Fang Yun shot him directly in the body!

The huge power of AWM is simply not something a mere level 2 armor can withstand!

The player with the level 3 helmet fell to the ground directly. Seeing this, Fang Yun rushed out with the AWM, ready to drive for the final charge!

Another player was going to block the smoke and pull the player back like he did just now, but seeing Fang Yun was so brave, he couldn't stand it anymore! He leaned forward and shot directly!

"Boom boom boom!"


Player Fangyun used AWM to kill player Ajokety! -42left

11 kills!

Who knew Fang Yun was well prepared? He ran away with AWM to prevent the other party from intercepting him before he got on the car, so as to facilitate counterattack.

After successfully killing these two people, Fang Yun's head count has reached 11. He ran over and replaced the other party's full-blooded level 3 helmet. Fang Yun's equipment looked really luxurious!

"Now it's stable, but the AWM doesn't have many bullets. I don't have many bullets to begin with, and that guy just wasted two of them, so I have to use them sparingly now."

After licking the bags of the two men, Fang Yun drove the jeep left by the other party and wandered around the map while saying

"……Are you not satisfied with this? Isn't your equipment the best equipment everyone dreams of?"

"The real god equipment should be a red dot silenced fast expansion AWM for the forehand and an 8x mirror silenced fast expansion AWM for the backhand."Fang Yun muttered to himself and defended.


Next, Fang Yun drove his car and started wandering in the circle.

Now the airdrop has not landed yet, so he can only drive his jeep around boredly, and honk the horn from time to time to see if there are people who are attracted by his horn, and then reward them with a few"peanuts".

There is always a reward for hard work.

Whenever Fang Yun passes by a small area of houses and woods, he will honk the horn.

Although no one will pay attention to him most of the time, there are always a few people who like to run out to see the excitement.

These people who like to watch the excitement, without exception, all died!

Fang Yun's head count increased by 5 again, and the number of kills reached 16!

Although it was only the third circle at this time, the number of players left on the field was not very large. Because of the route, well-known resource points such as the airport, upper city, and G Port were all on the route, so a large number of players chose to jump to these places, and there would be fierce fighting when they landed, and the number of people dropped sharply. It is reasonable.

At this point, there are only 29 players left on the field!

With such a large circle and 29 players, it is more difficult for Fang Yun to find people.

Since it was difficult to find people, we had to change our strategy: Fang Yun started blocking people at the edge of the circle.

The overall location of the circle was in the western part of the map, which was commonly known as the Western Wilderness. Most of the terrain here was wheat fields, and of course there were small hills and a small housing area consisting of one or two houses. Fang Yun looked at the map and finally decided on a location at the edge of the circle: in the two"chopstick"-shaped ditches on the eastern edge of the wheat field!

Although it was a bit difficult to guard this place alone, it could block most people who entered the circle from the east. The field of vision was relatively good, and if they were hit, they just had to shrink back and it was over!

The next circle refreshed, and Fang Yun had good luck. The chopsticks were very close to the safe zone, and he could block it here for a minute or two.

After a while, a customer came!

A speeding motorcycle was rushing towards where he was!

Fang Yun directly changed to M4, waited for the motorcycle to approach, and then stood up and shot!

Before the oncoming motorcycle could react, the driver fell to the ground, and the motorcycle flew out of control. The player sitting on the back seat quickly jumped off the flying motorcycle, and lost a lot of blood when he landed.

Moreover, Fang Yun's bullets had arrived!

Fang Yun would not miss this opportunity to hit the opponent when he was down, and he fired a burst of bullets while the opponent was still unstable on the ground!

18 kills!

Two heads were successfully taken!

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