After the warm-up is completed, Fang Yun will definitely launch a new game and give a new definition to this game type! The Chinese

New Year is over. Fang Yun returned to Shanghai after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month."PUBG" has been online for 17 days. The sales are perfect and the number of online players is huge. It can be said that it has been on the right track. Next, we are waiting for a WCG competition to raise the popularity of eating chicken to a higher level!

After the Chinese New Year, Fang Yun should also prepare a new game. The first is the large DLC expansion pack of"Borderlands", which is the content of the previous life"Borderlands 1". Then of course, it is a brand new game. Fang Yun has already decided on the platform for the new game: VR platform! This time, Fang Yun also fully considered the"physical" reasons of the players and prepared to make an extremely refreshing mowing game!

Of course, the player this time is a mower with a sickle in hand! Not the poor little grass before!

The VR platform can bring the pleasure brought by mowing to the extreme!

Of course, the game requires a certain plot. Fang Yun has no shortage of points now, so the plot is directly exchanged!

When exchanging the plot, Fang Yun just remembered that the last task seemed to have been completed, but he hadn't drawn the reward yet...

Open the task interface:

【[Task 1]: Make an FPS game, and the sales volume must reach 15 million copies. Do not deliberately sell at a low price. (Completed, rewards have been issued)

Fang Yun vaguely remembered that the system gave a prompt that the task was completed, but he did not pay attention to it, and then he forgot about it...

Now that I think about it, it's just the right time to exchange the 20 plot fragments of the task reward!

"System, open these fragments directly!"

【Ding, automatic drawing in progress, drawing completed, congratulations to the host for obtaining 20"Inside" plot fragments!】

"It's this?"

Fang Yun was a little surprised.

《Inside was also a well-received game in its previous life, and of course IGN gave it a score of 10! (In 2016, IGN gave it a score of 10, and The Zelda: Breath of the Wild was a perfect score in 2017)

The background setting of the whole game is very simple: a boy finds himself deeply involved in a dark plan, escapes alone and is chased.

From the background, it can be seen that this is an adventure puzzle game, and the puzzles are solved while avoiding various enemies. The overall game style belongs to the apocalyptic style, which is very dark and weird!

《In just ten minutes of playing"Inside", players can intuitively feel its beautiful, deep and terrifying atmosphere, and these three feelings often appear at the same time.

On this basis, the game also adds complex conspiracies, great wonders and shocking twists, and the whole process seems to be full of climaxes.

Every frame of the game has been carefully crafted and repeatedly polished, from the particles in the smoke to the raindrops in the swamp, to the golden sunlight sprinkled on the protagonist.

All the scenery in the picture is full of artistic sense, but it will not distract people!

Fang Yun also played this game in his previous life. The overall game difficulty is not difficult, but behind every detail there is a profound and special deep meaning. This is indeed a high-scoring work!

However, now that I have drawn this fragment, I can only keep it first. Fang Yun has no plans to make this kind of game. When the opportunity is right, Fang Yun will release such a masterpiece.

"The lucky draw session was over, and then Fang Yun exchanged the plot required for the mowing masterpiece, and after handing it over to his team, the task was completed.

After a new year, Liu Xin ran to Fang Yun again.

Now, Fang Yun's experience store has become his permanent live broadcast location.

However, since he won the honor of WCG 32 last year, he was also satisfied, so he changed from a professional RTS anchor to a"Fang Yun Game" anchor.

The content of the live broadcast is different every day, but the common point is that they are all games made by Fang Yun!

Now that eating chicken is so popular, he has no reason not to live broadcast, and he is indeed one of the talented people.

Now he can be regarded as a master of eating chicken!

Fang Yun's store just resumed business on the first day, he ran over and found Fang Yun right away:

"Boss Fang, didn’t you go online to play PUBG during the Chinese New Year?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"You know that eating chicken is very popular, right?"


"Then I also added a broadcast during the Chinese New Year, but the fans didn’t seem to buy my story."

"What does not buying your account have to do with someone on our side?"

"They asked me to play a few games with you in a duo, wanting to learn some dirty tricks from you, oh no, techniques!"


"Could you please play a few games with me? Otherwise, all the fans I have worked so hard to accumulate will unsubscribe!"

""Okay, I don't have anything to do today, so let's queue up now."

Fang Yun thought about it and agreed.

Then, Fang Yun and Liu Xin went to the experience area together. Since there was no new game testing, there were people in the experience store, but it was not full. The two of them easily found a second machine and sat down.

Then Fang Yun directly logged into his account and logged into the game, while Liu Xin first opened his live broadcast room and started bragging:

"Friends, have you seen my ability and sincerity? I said before that I could get Fang Yun to play duo with me, but you didn't believe me! Look, who is this?!"


"How did you trick Fang Yun here?"

The fans had different reactions.

Fang Yun had just logged into the game and happened to catch a glimpse of these comments.

Fang Yun immediately realized that Liu Xin had boasted to the fans that he could invite him to play in a duo, and it was not a request from the fans at all!

"You're good, you just told me that your fans want to see our���, if you can't pull me over, they will unsubscribe?"

Liu Xin was choking on his boasting.

The audience in the live broadcast room also heard Fang Yun's words, and they all reacted!

"Well, you actually use your ignorant fans to achieve your bragging purpose?"

"It turns out Fang Yun agreed to play duo with you just for us fans. I'm touched, what about you?"


"Fang Yun, why don’t you start a live broadcast? I promise that I will unsubscribe immediately as soon as you start!"

"Unsubscribe, unsubscribe!"

Then, the audience began to make a noise.

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