Several people stayed upstairs to replenish supplies.

Although they lost a general this time, they still got the heads.

From the beginning to now, the four people have successfully killed 12 players!

After losing one person, they found the disadvantage of falling down many times.

With only three people left, they dared not rush to the building as casually as before.

After discussing, the four people squatted in this building and did not go out.

They stayed on the third floor and waited for the circle to shrink.

Soon, the second poison circle refreshed. Y City was still a safe area, but it changed from the center to the edge!

The circle seemed to be refreshed to the south.

The three people still did not take any action. After a big battle in Y City, there were not many players left. The fierce gunfire before had disappeared. I don’t know how many people survived in the end.

Then, they studied the map while waiting for the third circle to refresh!

Sure enough, the third circle refreshed in the south of Y City, and the center was the location of the nursing home.

This time, they had to move!

The three ran down from the third floor, and their target was directly aimed at the location of the central nursing home! But along the way they did not find the vehicles that had been seen in the promotional video, so they could only run forward. The three of them were exposed on the plains, and even met another team of players while running!

That team of players also had only three people, and then the two teams set up a bunker against each other in the wheat field south of Y City! The bunkers were the same: haystacks!

After the previous battle, everyone on the boss's side had a four-fold scope, and everyone had a rifle. The second brother's secondary weapon was still a shotgun, while the boss changed to a mini14, and the fourth brother had an SKS, which was pretty good in this kind of medium-range combat. That

's what the boss thought, and that's what he did: he stuck his head out and used a four-fold scope mini14 to shoot at the opponent's head-sticking person!

But the first few shots were all empty...

There was no way, it was the first time to shoot at a long distance, and although he had consciously raised the gun, he still couldn't grasp the degree, and he missed a single shot.


The other side also opened fire!

After only one gunshot, the boss's health dropped by nearly half!

""What the hell is this gun? It's so powerful!"

The boss quickly retreated behind the haystack and asked while applying the bandage.

"Maybe a sniper rifle? It looks pretty powerful, and they seem to be pretty accurate!"

When the fourth brother just stuck his head out, he was also hit by two bullets, but they were rifle bullets. His health dropped about the same as the eldest brother, but his SKS hit the opponent in the head! But the opponent did not fall to the ground

"My SKS hit the head but didn't kill the enemy instantly. It seems the damage is not enough. Your mini14 should be the same. It seems that in this game, only a headshot with a sniper rifle can kill the enemy instantly, right?"

"It should be like this, what should we do? Should we still fight?"

The boss asked

"Let’s fight. The third brother is dead now, so the three of us can practice our shooting skills here. They are perfect sparring partners. If they die, we can go out and start the next game. We are almost familiar with the basic operations now, so we should play well in the next game! But it would be great if we can kill them and try their sniper rifle!"

The second brother said.

So, the three of them started to fight with each other here!

The other side seemed to have the same idea. They all had smoke bombs on their waists, but no one threw the smoke and ran away. They just stayed where they were and fought with us.

Then, you shot and I shot, everyone lost blood and took medicine together, and when the blood volume was almost restored, we continued to repeat the above process...

The shooting skills of both sides have improved a lot!

Just when the eldest brother poked his head out for the Nth time.


Player Shiguang used Kar98K to knock down player 306laoda with a headshot!

"98K? I've heard of this gun before. It's an ancient bolt-action sniper rifle! I didn't expect the sniper rifle in this game would be this?!"

The second brother ran over and supported the eldest brother while saying

"It was a headshot. My HP was about 95 just now, and my level 2 helmet was directly blown away. It seems that the power of this sniper rifle is much greater than the mini14 in my hand!"

The boss sighed

"We'll find a way to rush in after a while. First, spread the smoke bombs, then rush into the smoke and throw stun grenades over there, and finally make a death charge. Anyway, the circle is about to be refreshed now, and we don't have much medicine left. There's no point in wasting it. Let's finish the next round quickly!"

The fourth brother said while taking painkillers.


After the boss filled up his gun, the three of them took out their smoke bombs and threw them forward. After a while, thick smoke rose up!

The three of them rushed into the smoke at the same time, and then threw two more smoke bombs forward. After throwing all the smoke bombs in their hands, they changed to stun grenades, estimated the distance between the two sides, and threw them forward! When the other side saw this action, of course they were unwilling to miss this opportunity. They all switched to rifles and fired blindly into the smoke!

"Boom boom boom!"

""Da da da!"

The sounds of various guns came out one after another!

However, except for the fourth brother who was unlucky and was hit by two bullets, the other two were all unharmed and successfully rushed to the vicinity of each other!

Then a close-range battle began!

""Bang, bang, bang!"

Player 306laoda knocked down player shixian with scar!

Player shiguang knocked down player 306laosi with M416 by headshot!

Player 306laoer knocked down player shiguang with S12K!

Player shiyi knocked down player 306laoda with AKM!

Player shiyi killed player 306laoda with AKM by headshot! -37left!

Player 306laoer killed player shiyi with S12K! -36left!


A long list of kill and knockdown information appeared in the upper right corner of the screen. In the end, the second brother holding the S12K was more powerful in close combat. When his health was less than 30% left, he successfully killed the last enemy! The fourth brother had already fallen to the ground three times. The second brother was busy fighting with bayonets and had no time to save people. Now after killing the enemy, the fourth brother also bled to death!

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