The other three all agreed. After all, this was their first time parachuting. They didn't even know the specific mechanism of the game. Besides, there were so many people in the city that they would die easily if they were alone.

Soon, the four of them landed on the west side of Y City, near the puzzle building on the south side of the road. As soon as they landed, looking at such a big building, the four decided to adopt the strategy of four people sticking together. After all, in their opinion, this kind of building seemed to have a lot of things inside. It seemed that four people would only need to search one or two buildings...


After more than two minutes, the four people came out in a dusty state: the eldest had the best equipment: a level 2 helmet, level 2 armor, level 2 bag, an S1897 on his back, a scar in his hand, and a holographic sight.

The second one was a little worse: a watermelon skin level 2 armor, level 1 bag, an S12K on his back, an M16 in his hand, and no sights.

The third one said again: a watermelon skin level 2 armor, no bag... two S686s on his body...

As for the fourth one... he had no helmet, no armor, no bag... and a P1911 in his hand.……

"Here���The structure is simple, but there are too few of them.……"

"I picked up a lot of stun grenades, I don't know if they are useful……"

"Let's continue searching. Now we only have two people with long-range combat capability. Hurry up!"

The four of them ran to the next door house while complaining. Another two minutes passed. The third and fourth brothers had their bags and armor, but the guns in their hands looked a bit awkward... The third brother gave the S686 in his hand to the fourth brother and replaced it with an S12K. The fourth brother took the S686 and the S1897 he picked up.……

"Damn, I can’t stand it anymore, let’s go fight some people!"

The fourth brother couldn’t stand it anymore and looked at the map. The first circle was refreshed at this time, but the city Y where they were was in the safe zone. Although they didn’t have good equipment, the city Y was already full of smoke and fierce gunfire was heard everywhere. How could a player like him who claimed to be a"high-level player" resist such temptation?

"Let's go, fight, and then find a chance to search and get better equipment after the fight!"

The boss decided.

So, the four of them ran towards the center of Y City. Judging from the direction of the gunshots just now, this should be one of the most intense places!

The four of them were also very cunning. They did not run on the highway of Y City in a swaggering manner, but passed behind the first row of houses on the south side of the highway, and soon they arrived at the location! (The restaurant area)

Looking closely, it turned out that two teams were shooting across the road! But everyone was behind the bunker, and then they would stick their heads out from time to time to shoot randomly. After fighting for a long time, the bullets were changed several times, but no one died...

Then, the four of the boss quietly touched the back of the team in the south, and the second, third, and fourth brothers all took out the guns with the thickest barrels in their hands! As for the boss, of course he chose to use scar!

""Bang, bang, bang!"

The sound of the spray gun rang out!

Player 306laoer used S12K to knock down player cainiaoyihao!

Player 306laosan used S12K to knock down player cainiaosihao!

Player 306laoda used SCAR to knock down player cainiaosanhao with a headshot!

The eldest, the second, and the third all knocked down their respective targets. The three people who were knocked down did not die directly, but were kneeling on the ground and kept crawling!

As for the fourth, he missed. He shot slowly, and when he shot, the remaining player had been frightened and hid.

"Damn? Can't be killed?"

Seeing the three of them still crawling, the four of them were stunned. Then, the second one fired two more shots at a player who was crawling on the ground!

"Bang bang!"

Player 306laoer used S12K to kill player cainiaosihao! -79left!

"So I have to finish the shooting? Then what is the state of this fallen player? Can he be rescued by the living teammates?"

The boss looked at the kill information that popped up in the upper right corner of the screen and said uncertainly, while shooting and finishing off the heads of the other two fallen players.

"There should be one person left here. Let's get rid of him quickly, and then kill the people on the other side, and then go to the east. I heard gunshots over there and it seems that the fighting is quite intense!" said the second brother

"Wait, look at these three bodies, now they have become a box?"

The third brother called out to the second brother who was about to kill them all, and ran to the place where the three players had just died.

"Don't worry, let's deal with the remaining person first, and then we can look at these boxes!"

The eldest brother shouted to the anxious third brother. There were people hiding at this time, and it was tantamount to seeking death to act so swaggeringly. Although these people's shooting skills did not look very good, they could be killed with a headshot.

The player who escaped in time just now was hiding in a room on the second floor. In order to prevent crowding, the four people rushed in as a team, and the first person to enter the door would not stop, but rush in directly to make room for the teammates behind to enter the door!

The first to charge was the second brother holding the S12K. As soon as he entered, he was shot twice, and his health dropped by nearly half!

However, the gunshot also exposed the location of the last player: behind the door!

"Bang bang!"

Player 306laoer used S12K to kill player cainiaoerhao! -76left!

The second boss and the second boss who entered the door fired randomly and directly killed the last player of the team.

This time he did not fall to the ground, but died directly. The four bosses also completely understood that they fell to the ground before because their teammates survived, so if their teammates were rescued in time, they should be able to continue fighting. The last rookie No. 2 who died also turned into a square box!

The boss walked over and opened it: all kinds of equipment, accessories, medicines, etc. were placed inside!

���Shit, these are all the stuff he had before, and they will all pop out after he dies! You guys come and exchange them quickly, we don’t need to search the house anymore, we can just kill people and loot them!"

The boss didn’t take the equipment inside, because there were only an AK and a pistol in it, and he already had a rifle in his hand, so it would be better to give these things to his brothers first.

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