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However, the participating companies were a bit embarrassed. They won the Best Game Award last year with"Dark Wind" successfully creating the"Dark Style", but they are essentially just a small and medium-sized company. This year, they did not have any works that could be worthy of"Exhibition Hall No. 1", so they mainly used"Dark Wind" for exhibition, and this year's new games became supporting roles.

I have to say that this is a very embarrassing thing.

As for other participating companies, they are all relatively famous, and they also have works that can be shown.

After walking around, they found that there was nothing interesting, and Fang Yun's design had already been told to them. They only needed to wait for two days for them to finish placing it according to Fang Yun's ideas, and Fang Yun would come to inspect and modify it. After discussing with a few people, they left: first find a hotel, then rent two cars to browse the foreign scenery, eat some foreign food, this kind of life is called life!

(Driver's licenses are universal in this world! Fang Yun and his friends came to the largest city on the west coast of the United States, the entertainment capital, so there is no need to say more.)

However, after arriving at the hotel, they were a little tired. After all, they had been on the plane for so long and the jet lag had not yet been reversed, so they gave up the beautiful scenery and food and fell asleep.

The next day, the six rented two cars and began to browse the beautiful scenery of the entertainment capital. The first stop was Hollywood.

Although they knew that they could not do anything there, they could still take some photos. After all, it would be unreasonable to come to Los Angeles without going to Hollywood.

Moreover, several famous attractions in Hollywood: Sunset Boulevard; Universal Studios; Walk of Fame; Hollywood Theater, etc. are all worth visiting!

Not long after, the group arrived at the world-famous Hollywood. After buying tickets and entering, they looked around like Granny Liu entering the Grand View Garden...

However, the behavior of the tourists around them was actually similar to theirs, so Fang Yun and his friends did not seem to be that abrupt.

Not long after, they visited the Hollywood Theater, which is where the stars left their handprints and footprints!

At this time, many tourists were taking photos of these handprints and footprints. Some even put their hands on the handprints of the stars to compare them.

Qu Xiaoyi and others also came forward to take photos and compare their handprints to see what the difference was between them and those of the big stars. Just as Fang Yun was looking at these handprints and the names of the stars below, the door of the theater opened.

An old man who looked to be in his sixties or seventies but very energetic came out accompanied by several people, causing a commotion!


Guan Tao, who often pays attention to movies, recognized the old man's identity immediately!

"Damn, this is too similar.……"

Fang Yun looked at the old man's appearance: there was almost no difference from the famous director in his previous life... Originally, he knew that there was such a person in this world, also from Hollywood, but he didn't expect that they looked almost the same!

For a moment, Fang Yun couldn't help but be stunned.

The old man walked out of the door, interacted with some tourists who gathered around to ask for autographs, and raised his head just in time to see Fang Yun who was standing next to the handprint in a daze.

Then, Spielberg walked towards Fang Yun.

He opened his mouth in pure English:"Excuse me. Are you Mr. Fang Yun"


Fang Yun came back to his senses and found Spielberg standing in front of him. Then he remembered that it seemed to be him who asked him a question.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Fang Yun?" (I won't use English anymore, just know it when you watch it. Fang Yun's English is pretty good, so there is no communication problem.)

Spielberg saw Fang Yun come to his senses and asked again

"I am Fang Yun, Mr. Spielberg, hello."

Fang Yun understood this time and quickly replied

"Do you have time now? I want to talk to you."

The old director got straight to the point.

"I have time, but I don't know where we are going.……"

"Come with me, I'll take you somewhere"

"I have several assistants.……"

"Just come together. I will treat you to lunch at noon."


"This is really a swift and decisive move!" Fang Yun followed Spielberg and thought silently.

The tourists gathered in front of the theater saw that the famous director actually took the initiative to find a young man from Country Z, and they couldn't help but become curious about Fang Yun's identity.

Finally, someone with sharp eyes recognized Fang Yun's identity!

"He is Fang Yun, a game designer who is very popular recently!"

After hearing this, everyone understood that a game designer is equivalent to a director in the film industry. The two have a lot in common, and Fang Yun's game plot design is perfect. Many people have been thinking about what it would be like if Fang Yun's plot was made into a movie. Now, the famous Spielberg has taken the initiative to find Fang Yun, which inevitably makes people imagine...

Some people have already taken out their mobile phones, ready to publish this explosive news on the Internet!


Fang Yun and the others knew nothing about this, and even if they knew, they wouldn't say anything. Fang Yun had probably figured it out now. It was nothing more than the director wanting to work with him. As for which one to work with, that depended on Spielberg's opinion.

The group followed Spielberg to a rather quiet coffee shop, asked for a private room and went in.

After everyone ordered their drinks, the old director got straight to the point:


Fang Yun, the plot of the game you designed is really great.

Although I haven't played the game much, I know the plot very well!

I have even become your"book fan" and am waiting for you to update the history of Azeroth.

My purpose is very simple.

Many people on the Internet are thinking about what it would be like if your work was made into a movie.

I also have such an idea, so I originally wanted to find an opportunity to contact you.

I happened to meet you in Hollywood today, so I pulled you over to chat.


"Which one?"

"The best is of course Azeroth. I am fascinated by the Azeroth continent you described. Of course, if you still have a lot of stories to think about,"StarCraft" and"Skyrim (The Elder Scrolls)" are also OK."


It was not unexpected for Fang Yun. If it were Fang Yun himself, he would definitely choose Azeroth first. There is no doubt about this. The problem is that Fang Yun does not want to announce Azeroth too early. However, with the huge history of Azeroth, it seems not bad to announce part of it.

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