There will definitely be players who can't stand the loneliness.

After going through the initial"survival" difficulties, they will inevitably build ships and sail on the sea, acting as the new generation of Pirate King!

In the previous life, in"Atlas", as long as there are many people, you can quickly occupy the territory and build a home, and then you can climb the technology to build a big ship to go to sea.

As a result, countless Pirate Kings were born.

Domestic players fought with foreigners all day long, and then foreigners began to use various plug-ins to take revenge.

I guess this game will not be like this now, first of all, because Fang Yun improved the construction system.

This system is much better than the original construction system, so there must be many players who indulge in it. In addition, Fang Yun also strengthened the combat effectiveness of monsters. In the early stage, survival is indeed a big problem, and the timing of the appearance of the Pirate King will be delayed a lot.

Fang Yun was quite satisfied with the overall planning. After making minor changes, he handed it over to his RPG production team. Since this time they were going to make a VR game, the original team that made"The Elder Scrolls" could do it, but the time cycle would be very long. In order to shorten the cycle, Fang Yun exchanged for a medium-sized production team.

The two teams worked together, so the production cycle would be reduced a lot.

After exchanging the team, Fang Yun remembered that since the novice period, it seemed that he hadn't looked at the task interface for a long time. Today, he was in the mood, so he opened the task interface and found three optional tasks:

【Task 1: Make an FPS (first-person shooter, not frame rate) game, and the sales volume must reach 15 million copies. Do not deliberately sell at a low price.

Success reward: 20 random plot fragments!

Failure penalty: 200,000 points deducted

【Task 2: Create a story-based game, sales must reach 8 million copies, and no deliberate low-price sales are allowed.

Success reward: 4 advanced 10-draw combos!

Failure penalty: 200,000 points deducted

【[Task 3]: Make a sports game, and the sales volume must reach 10 million copies. Do not deliberately sell at a low price.

Success reward: 4 high-level 10 consecutive draws; 4 low-level 10 consecutive draws!

Failure penalty: 200,000 points will be deducted. The penalties for the three tasks are the same. Fang Yun thinks that the best reward should be [Task 1], 20 fragments of a certain game plot. This thing is more reliable than lottery, and if you draw the fragments of a masterpiece, it means that Fang Yun will save a lot of points! However, the sales volume requirement of 15 million copies is still a lot, the most difficult, and the highest reward

【Task 3 should be the second most difficult task, but Fang Yun gave up directly.

The reason is simple: sports games are nothing more than basketball, football, tennis and other games.

If you want to make these types of sports realistic, you must seek authorization.

In the past, the reason why the NBA2K series was able to beat the NBAlive series was that NBA2K had the official authorization of the NBA, and the characters could be directly scanned by face, so the authenticity was extremely realistic, while NBAlive did not have authorization, and their characters could only be made manually by themselves...

There are already companies in this world cooperating with the NBA, and it is almost impossible for Fang Yun to get involved.

So [Task 3] was not considered directly.

【[Task 2] is simple, and story-based games can be easily completed without a big production, but the reward is too shabby!

That’s right, Fang Yun looked down on this advanced ten-draw*4! The unit price of the advanced draw is 2,000 points per time, and these 40 draws are only 80,000 points. Compared with the reward of [Task 1] fragments*20, Fang Yun felt that there was no comparison, and he was not a European, so who knows what he would get.

If he was a European emperor, he should have chosen [Task 2]. After all, it was simple and easy. When drawing the lottery, his European emperor attribute would burst out, and he could easily get good things...

Now he can only be an Asian and choose: [Task 1]!

Stability is the most important thing!

After accepting the task, Fang Yun began to consider suitable FPS games. To be honest, there are too many that meet the requirements...

The only one that may not meet the requirements is《CS:GO》Because in the previous life, when《CS:GO》When it was charged, there weren't many players, although the skins inside... ahem.《CS:GO》It started to be free, and more and more people started playing. However, this task required that the price could not be deliberately lowered.《CS:GO》can only be excluded.

But even if one is excluded, there are still too many options left!

After thinking about it for a long time, and even making a few slips of paper to start drawing, Fang Yun finally decided on his first FPS game: a first-person shooter adventure game with cartoon rendering style graphics and an overall European and American comic style:"Borderlands"!

The reason for choosing"Borderlands" is largely due to its brand-new game concept: it subverts the gameplay of first-person shooters and combines the concept of role-playing games.

The characters in the game have their own exclusive skills, and they can also improve character abilities and skill effects through upgrades.

The most special thing is that the game incorporates the element of treasure hunting (that is, brushing), and hundreds of weapons are waiting to be discovered on this planet Pandora!

A first-person shooter brushing game!

Now《FGO》It has been online for a while. Although the activities are being launched as planned, the player group has almost stabilized. One of the reasons why"The Elder Scrolls" was chosen instead of"Diablo" was that the players' hair could not bear it. But next《FGO》There will only be a swimsuit pool during the summer vacation, and this activity pool does not require special time to grind!

Fang Yun knows that once the players are idle, they will always find something to do, so Fang Yun must not let the players idle. As for their hair, I think it has been well maintained, and a brushing game at this time will not make them bald.

As for the perfect combination of brushing and FPS games, it should be the"Borderlands" series!

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